SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "PF3WS05BN-P20-04"

Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 13 (1/2), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)

Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 13 (1/2), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 13 (1/2)

Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)

Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)

Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)

Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 08 (ø8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)

Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)

Model: LVH40 (Body Class 4, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Port Size: 04 (1/2), Pilot Port Thread: Rc, Material: A (Body: SUS, Actuator Section: PP, Diaphragm: PTFE)

Model: LVH40 (Body Class 4, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Port Size: 04 (1/2), Pilot Port Thread: Rc, Material: B (Body: PPS, Actuator Section: PP, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)

Model: LVH40 (Body Class 4, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Port Size: 04 (1/2), Pilot Port Thread: Rc, Material: C (Body: PFA, Actuator Section: PP, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)

Size: 4 (3/8), Cleaning Grade: 0 (A grade: Ultrasonic Cleaning+Precision Cleaning), Pressure Setting: 1 (0.05 to 0.7MPa), Relief Function: 1 (Relief), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 04 (Rc 1/2), Direction of Gauge Port: R (Right)

Size: 4 (3/8), Cleaning Grade: 0 (A grade: Ultrasonic Cleaning+Precision Cleaning), Pressure Setting: 0 (0.02 to 0.2MPa), Relief Function: 0 (Non-relieving), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 04 (Rc 1/2), Direction of Gauge Port: R (Right)

Size: 4 (3/8), Cleaning Grade: 0 (A grade: Ultrasonic Cleaning+Precision Cleaning), Pressure Setting: 1 (0.05 to 0.7MPa), Relief Function: 0 (Non-relieving), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 04 (Rc 1/2), Direction of Gauge Port: R (Right)

Size: 4 (3/8), Cleaning Grade: 1 (B Grade: Ultrasonic Cleaning), Pressure Setting: 1 (0.05 to 0.7MPa), Relief Function: 1 (Relief), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 04 (Rc 1/2), Direction of Gauge Port: R (Right)

Size: 4 (3/8), Cleaning Grade: 1 (B Grade: Ultrasonic Cleaning), Pressure Setting: 0 (0.02 to 0.2MPa), Relief Function: 0 (Non-relieving), Thread: Rc(PT), Port Size: 04 (Rc 1/2), Direction of Gauge Port: R (Right)