(mm)Connection threadsModel Elbow typeUniversal type Meter-outMeter-inMeter-outMeter-in6R 1/4-02-06AS2211FG-02-06-02-06-02-06
(mm)Connection threadsModel Elbow typeUniversal type Meter-outMeter-inMeter-outMeter-in6R 1/4-02-06AS2211FG-02-06-02-06-02-06
AI Inlel pressure 0.7MPa /71 kgf/cm21 , outlel pressure 0.2MPa 1 2.0kgflcm21. flow rale 20 / min (ANR) AR2001-02 AR2001-02 0.25 -r-=:: lf~1 ~ "'" ~ :'.. ::;; 0.2 ~r. " 5 OJ> ~ o . 3k-1-j.-:=.
ASN AQ ASV AK How to Order VCHC F S 1 0 03 06 3 2 AS ASR ASQ Hexagon lock nut Round lock nut J Nil Lock nut option Speed controller Option None Electroless nickel plated Nil N Body size 1 2 3 4 M5 standard 01, 02 standard 03 standard 04 standard Tube size Note) With seal 04 06 08 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 Made to Order Refer to page 612 for details.
E 03 05 07 09 't't 5132" 1l4', 5/16' 3t8" 1/2" 6mm 8mm H , T , U , X , N 1 3 06 08 t0 1 2 1 6 32 i10-32 UNF Thread 3 5 I l t N P r H ' L . W , r .
VR1210-01 Model VR1220-02 1.0 MPa 0.05 MPa Max. operating pressure Min. operating pressure Min. pressure differential 0.05 MPa 5 to 60C (No freezing) SA Ambient and fluid temperature Effective area Port size Weight 7 mm2 15 mm2 VA 1 8 1 4 24 g 45 g SA How to Order VA 01 0 VR12 1 VM 01 Port size VR 1 8 1 4 02 JIS Symbol VH Nil Thread type VHS Rc NPT N G F standard 1 Body size 1 8 Construction
BG-VZ402 BG-VZ403 VQ VKF BG-VZ405 VQZ How to Order Manifold Base VZ 1 06 30 VV3Z4 VS VFN A port size on base side Series VZ400 Manifold Model Symbol VV3Z4-S50 VV3Z4-50 Symbol Stations Symbol Porting specifications 2(A) Passage Specifications Without 2(A) port (Body ported type 20, 30) Nil Applicable base 02 2 stations 3(R) 1(P) 01 02 Rc 1/8 1 Common Common Top, Side Type 20, 30 and 50
AS2201F-02, AS2211F-02 AS2301F-02, AS2311F-02 AS3201F, AS3211F AS3301F, AS3311F AS4201F, AS4211F AS4301F, AS4311F Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Flow rate (l/min (ANR)) Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle
03 C10 02 03 C12 Enter only when using for a 2 position single or double.
(mm) 04 06 08 10 12 Type 4 6 8 10 12 Port size Elbow Universal 2 3 01 02 03 04 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 Control type Meter-out Meter-in 0 1 With residual pressure release valve With One-touch fitting 15-9-36 2 Speed Controller with Residual Pressure Release Valve with One-touch Fitting, Elbow Type/Universal Type Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics AS2201FE-02, AS2211FE-02 AS2301FE-02, AS2311FE
KQ2P 06 Model and Dimensions Symbol Applicable size d A L D Weight (g) Note 06 6 18 35 8 1 White 08 8 20.5 39 10 2 White 07 1/4 18 35 8.5 1 Orange 09 5/16 20.5 39 10 2 Orange -40No. ZK2-OM00201 8. Maintenance 8.1.
/G59F/G5NTL Double clevis CA1-D04 CA1-D05 CA1-D06 CA1-D08 CA1-D10 BA-04 BA-05 BA-06 BA-08 BA-10 When ordering foot brackets, 2pcs. should be ordered for each cylinder.
Auto Feed Lube Port size Description Applicable model Symbol Nil 02 03 04 06 10 12 14 20 4 1 With bracket ALF400 to 600 B 8 3 Body size 2 1 F.R.L. 40 50 60 80 90 2 1 4 3 4 3 1 AV 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Line pressure (MPa) AU 2 Thread type AF Nil N F Rc NPT G AR Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area
/G5W/K59W D-G5BA/G59F/G5NTL CA1-D04 CA1-D05 CA1-D06 CA1-D08 CA1-D10 BA-08 BA-10 BA-04 BA-05 BA-06 When ordering foot brackets, 2pcs. should be ordered for each cylinder.
Auto Feed Lube Port size Description Applicable model Symbol Nil 02 03 04 06 10 12 14 20 4 1 With bracket ALF400 to 600 B 8 3 Body size 2 1 F.R.L. 40 50 60 80 90 2 1 4 3 4 3 1 AV 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Line pressure (MPa) AU 2 Thread type AF Nil N F Rc NPT G AR Note 1) Tank pressure is removed when line pressure is stopped.
Inch size Metric size 01 02 23 2 3.2 4 6 8 10 12 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 03 05 07 09 11 13 Control type 04 06 08 10 12 0 1 Meter-out Meter-in Use 1/8" tube.
AS2201F-02, AS2211F-02 AS2301F-02, AS2311F-02 AS3201F, AS3211F AS3301F, AS3311F AS4201F, AS4211F AS4301F, AS4311F Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations 485
Valve model Port size VCL2 VCW20-12-01 1/8, 1/4 34 40 25 30 12.8 12.8 5 4.5 6 13 VCW30-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 19 19 6 5.5 7 19 VCL3 VCW30-12-04 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 23 23 6 5.5 7 19 VCW30-12-04 VCL4 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-06 3/4 56 65 44 53 28.2 28.2 6 5.5 7 26 Bracket material: Stainless steel 3 Series VCL Direct Operated
Valve model Port size VCS21 VCS20-12-01 1/8, 1/4 34 40 25 30 12.8 12.8 5 4.5 6 13 VCS30-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 19 19 6 5.5 7 19 VCS31 VCS30-12-04 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCS40-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 23 23 6 5.5 7 19 VCS30-12-04 VCS41 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCS40-12-06 3/4 56 65 44 53 28.2 28.2 6 5.5 7 26 Bracket material: Stainless steel 3 Series VCS Direct Operated
Valve model Port size VCW2 VCW20-12-01 1/8, 1/4 34 40 25 30 12.8 12.8 5 4.5 6 13 VCW30-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 19 19 6 5.5 7 19 VCW3 VCW30-12-04 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-02 1/4, 3/8 42 52 30 40 23 23 6 5.5 7 19 VCW30-12-04 VCW4 1/2 48 56 36 44 23 23 6 5.5 7 23 VCW40-12-06 3/4 56 65 44 53 28.2 28.2 6 5.5 7 26 Bracket material: Stainless steel 3 Series VCW Dimensions (N.C