ASS AS121FG AS131FG AS221FG-01 AS231FG-01 AS221FG-02 AS231FG-02 ASR ASQ Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 01, 03, 04 05, 06 03, 04 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS321FG AS331FG AS421FG AS431FG
AK AS121FG AS131FG AS221FG-01 AS231FG-01 AS221FG-02 AS231FG-02 VCHC Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa ASR ASQ 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 01, 03, 04 05, 06 03, 04 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS321FG AS331FG AS421FG
: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: N (NPT)
Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: F (G)
Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8)
Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8)
Type of Actuation: 1 (2 Position Single), Manifold Type: 40 (Base Mounted Non Plug-in Single/Stacking Base, Plug-in Stacking Base), Pilot: Internal Pilot, Specifications: Standard, Voltage: 3 (110VAC 50/60HZ), Electrical Entry: L (L Plug Connector w/Lead Wire 0.3m), Lead Wire Length: None, Surge Suppressor: None, Manual Override: E (Push-turn Locking Manual Override), A, B Port Size: 01 (
, A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
), A, B Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8)
: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)
Port Size: 01 (Base Mounted w/Sub-plate 1/8), Thread: T (NPTF)