Be aware that the output circuit is not active immediately after the power is connected. 3.1-12 PSE100 Dimensions A: Panel mount 56 l50 Gasket (Accessory) 7.4 l48 PRESSURE SWITCH 10 8 l 45 A Panel mount adaptor (Accessory) 55 11.4 Cover for display (Optional) 62 4 X 7.5 (= 30) 6.5 7.5 10-M3 2-M3 X 8L 30 View A Cutout dimensions for panel mount 65 or more 45 +0.6 0 +0.6 0 45 +0.6 0 N pieces
28 to 30 36 to 38 40 to 42 48 to 50 48 to 50 1 1 1 2 8 1 4 1 4 1 2 1 8 3 2 1 For details, refer to Best Pneumatics Vol. 5. 4 3 4 1 Exhaust cleaner (Series AMC) 2 1 Provides noise reduction and oil mist recovery functions.
ON-flow 0.04 40 B p ipe pe 3/4 B p pi 3B 30 1 0.03 2B, pipe 20 0.02 , 5B , 4B pe 1/4 1 B pi 10 Max.
ZS-27-C) Rotate 90 to mount. 16-3-30 9 Series PSE Specific Product Precautions 3 Be sure to read before handling. Regulating Pressure Range and Rated Pressure Range Caution Set the pressure within the rated pressure range. The regulating pressure range is the range of pressure that can be set on the controller.
Fluid Temperature characteristics Repeatability Voltage Output specification Current consumption Error display Pressure indication Self-diagnostic function Operating temperature range Noise resistance Withstand voltage Insulation resistance Vibration resistance Impact resistance Air, Non-corrosive gases 3% F.S. or less 1% F.S. or less 12 to 24 VDC (Ripple 10% or less) NPN open collector 30
: D, DIN terminal with indicator light: DL) Main port Rc A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Model VNB2V-10A VNB2V-15A VNB3V-20A VNB4V-25A 3 8 1 2 3 4 1 63 42 28 14 72.5 80.5 75 87 97 114 126.5 170.5 173.5 180.5 52 26 4.5 24.3 2.3 25 34 55 80 90 50 60 35 40 17.5 20 84 100 92 108 80 81 92 93 102 103 125.5 141.5 138 154 182 198 185 201 192 208 62 72 31 36 5.5 6.5 28.3 33.3 2.3 2.3 30
Add 10 g for the conduit type, 30 g for the DIN terminal type, and 60 g for the conduit terminal type. Refer to Glossary on page 17-3-15 for details of max. operating pressure differential and max. system pressure.
Thus, if the leakage volume is 30 /min (ANR) the L type can attain a higher vacuum pressure, and if the leakage volume is 5 /min (ANR), the S type can attain a higher vacuum pressure.
L size 20 260.5 30 385.5 29 373 28 360.5 27 348 26 335.5 25 323 24 310.5 23 298 22 285.5 21 273 No. L size Blank plate with 2 screws and gasket 39 498 38 485.5 37 473 36 460.5 35 448 34 435.5 33 423 32 410.5 31 398 No. L size 40 510.5 2.9-15
22 Dimensions Common SUP style Individual SUP style L: Dimensions Model Stations 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L L1 L2 L1 L2 100 86 126 108 136 122 172 154 172 158 218 200 208 194 264 246 244 230 310 292 280 266 356 338 316 302 402 384 352 338 448 430 388 374 494 476 VVXA21m VVXA22m Model VVXA21m VVXA22m A 38 49 B 20.5 [17.5] 26.5 [22.5] N 45 49 M 54 58 K 6.5 8.5 J 7 9 H 12 15 G 36 46 F 32 40 E 25 30
ZR IN side, OUT side (/min (ANR)) Weight (g) Model ZM ZFC100-04 4 10 11.5 ZFC100-06 6 20 ZH Metric size ZFC200-06 6 30 21.5 ZU ZFC200-08 8 50 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) ZFC101-03 5/32" 10 11.5 ZL ZFC101-07 1/4" 20 Inch size ZFC201-07 1/4" 30 ZY
PSI Fanqe Suffix Adder A B NPTF Kt0 0-160 G (STDI 1 . 5 1.375 t6 K12 0-160 G (STD) 1.750 Kr3 0-30 2 1.750 th Kl8 o-60 1.750 U. K19 0-100 1.75 U1 K2e 0-30 1.5 1.375 \b Jet o-60 '1.5 1.375 ls All SMC gaug6 ars scal6d in PsyKgt/cml Precautions N4C5000, 5500, 6000 NAL Series (lnstallation) (Auto Drain) (lnstallation) OFlush piping before installation.
V, 30 mA PNP ooen colleclor outout: l\,4ax. 30 mA :: W Lineariiy Within 11% (full sDan Hysleresis Within 0.5% (full span) Repeatability Within 10.5% (fullspan Sensitivity Wilhin 0.2% (full span) TemDerature characteristics Wilhin 10.12% (f ull span)/'C Output p.
Lightweight: 30 g(LVM11)/34 g(LVM1R/LVM11) A Weight savings by adopting resin as a standard B Power consumption: 1 w(LVM11)/1.5 w(LVM1R/LVM11) LVM11 Applications: Various analytical and inspection equipment Analytical instruments for blood, urine, immune system, etc.
(mm) B N2504-N002 U4 33.9 (1.8) . 2 5 ( 1 1 1 ) 2.44 (621 1.18 (30) N2505-N003 45.9 (2.5) .23 (106) 2.52 {Ml 1.18 (30) N2s06-N004 U2 50.0 {2.7) .25 (113) 2.68 (68) 1.18 (30) 2507-N006 3/. 105.6 (5.8) .68 (310) 3.48 (88.5) 1.89 (48) it2508.tit01 0 129.6 17 .21 1.13 (514) 3.84 (97.5) 2.36 (60) t{2510.N002 th 17.2 (0.95) (s7) 2.13 (54) 0.87 (22) t{2511-N003 % 17.2 (0.95) (5s) 2.20 (56) 0.87
W tu"b" -30mm: 90" or 180" onv Special order onfy stze-Nom (Torque) (mm) (inch) 30-13i16(16.5in-tbs) 50-2(80in-tbs) 63 _ 2 1/2 (150 in-tbs) 80 3 1/8 (270 in-lbs) tm-4(640in-tbs) Il*. @l lffi*",* With Auto Switch Capability t. qRAl?
Six station manifrcld ass'y: sta. 1-4) NVF'I'10-5G-017 sta. 5-6) NVF1 10-3G-017 NW3F1 -30-061-017 No. ot Stgliorg I l 5 I F Mounting Brackets tPoding 01 ,d' NPIF DltrlENSlON D E F G H J x ll ta o P n s T u w x z AA BB 3.78 (96) 3.41 1.77 (,r5)0.39 (10) o.59 (15) 0.20 (5) 0.63 (16) 1.O2 (28t 3.50 (89) 1 . 1 8 (30) 0.59 (15) 2.76 (70) o.87 (21) o_20 {5) 1 . 1 8 {30} 0.67 ltTl 0.59 (ls) o.32
Example) Boll M5 x 65L frzr,r 4 bolts Diagram 1 D agram 2 Lever (with shock absober) Roller/round bar/non-rotaling Mounling bolt 50 40 30 25 20 15 ' 2 0 E 6 6 B r n 10 5 1 0 2 0 Load speed v (m/m n) Lateral load and operating pressure at Flush piping thoroughly beiore connection in orderlo preventdustorchipsf rom entedng the cylinder. Do not mark or damage lhe piston rod.
If the wrench is applied on any other part, air leakage or other damage may occur. 862 Clean Regulator SRH Series Brackets For SRH3000 For SRH4000 Model B21-1-T1 1350112-T1 ARJ Material Rolled sheet steel (Electroless nickel plated) AR425 to 935 30 ARX 36 61 51 AMR 31 37 8.5 ARM Dimensions 10 ARP 21 20 28 6.5 8 IR-A 13.5 30 50 28 41 2.3 1.6 IR IRV VEX SRH SRH SRP SRF ITV IC ITVH ITVX PVQ
Roll Reel TPS0425 TPS0604 TPS0805 TPS1065 TPS1208 Model O.D. mm I.D. mm 4 2.5 10 6 4 20 8 5 10 12 6.5 8 Min. bending radius mm Note 3) 25 30 40 Length 20m 100m Specifications Operating fluid Max. operating pressure Burst pressure Operating temperature Material Hardness Air, Nitrogen gas, Water (Pure water) Note 1) 102psi (0.7MPa) at 68F (20C) Note 2) Refer to burst pressure characteristics