Adaptor connection thread Symbol Pad dia. 1 02 to 08 B5 2 10 to 16 3 20 to 32 B8 4 40, 50 T 2 ZP B5 [qAdaptor] R S ZP 04 A5 [wR type adaptor] Symbol S Pad dia. 02 to 16 L 20 to 50 With Buffer ZP R 16 K20 A10 06 UGN [Pad model no.]
IN side, OUT side 4 10 22 20 22 30 30 50 30 75 39 75 39 Series ZFB Model ZFB100-04 ZFB100-06 ZFB200-06 ZFB200-08 ZFB300-08 ZFB300-10 6 6 8 8 10 Metric size 3/16" 20 22 20 22 30 30 75 40 100 62 ZFB101-05 ZFB101-07 ZFB201-07 ZFB301-11 ZFB401-13 1/4" 1/4" Inch size (2) 3/8" 1/2" Specifications Fluid Air/Nitrogen Negative pressure 0.5MPa 0 to 60C (Non-freezing) 30m 0.15MPa Nylon/Soft Nylon/Polyurethane
Left IN1(P) Piping VHS500-06 VHS501-06 VHS400-04 VHS401-04 VHS400-03 VHS401-03 VHS400-02 VHS401-02 Right IN1(P) 3 4 1 2 3 8 1 4 Port size Effective area (mm2)(CV) Weight (kg) 93(5.22) 57(3.20) 35(1.97) 21(1.18) 105(5.90) 76(4.27) 54(3.03) 35(1.97) 0.29 1(P)2(A) 2(A)3(R) 0.34 0.25 0.27 Left or right to the front face of the handle.
IN side, OUT side 4 10 22 20 22 30 30 50 30 75 39 75 39 Recommended air flow Tubing size Model ZFB100-04 ZFB100-06 ZFB200-06 ZFB200-08 ZFB300-08 ZFB300-10 6 6 8 8 10 Unrestricted 360 piping tube mounting. The connector for the IN side is a universal joint type that enables a tube to be connected in any direction within 360.
./ Port size Connection A10 A14 Symbol B5 M5 x 0.8 Female thread Pad type Vacuum entry B01 Rc 1/8 F Ball joint type 04 4 tube One-touch fitting 06 6 tube 08 8 tube Material N NBR S Silicon rubber Buffer stroke U Urethane rubber Symbol Stroke Pad dia.
DIMENSIONS a o 5.30 (137) 4.80 (1e) 2.13 (s) 2.36 (60J 3.27 (33) 3.23 182) r.06 (21! 0.35 (9) 5.51 t140) 2.52 t&) /62\ 3.31 ,ll 3.58 (91) 1.06 tzn 0.t9 (10) 7.28 (186) (1661 2,83 (721 2.99 (76) 386 (s) 4.29 009) (31) 112) 63d3drd.r.i r3s.15,(.)rrr.i r.'
X lmproved flow characteristics I Built-in gauges ftlodel (mm) New otd AC1000 I Easier assembly AC10 ac20 AC2000 AC2500 I lmproved ozone resistance 1 4 ac25 1 4 AC30 AC3000 1 4 4940 AC40-06 AC4000 AC4000 06 1 8 1 8 ac50 ACs000 1 8 ACss00 1 8 AC60 AC6000 1 8 I Larger bowl capacities I lmproved lubricator adlustment r 4 * , ' r | r e t & E t I l E \ A I t t l l t l t t L _ J t I \J f Better
(mm) Model Model Accessory TM-04 TM-06 TM-08 2 x 6 TM-04 TM-06 TM-08 TM-10 TM-12 4 6 8 10 12 2.6 x 8 4 TM-10 3 x 8 TM-12 Dimensions: Multi-tube Holder N x D (Pitch) N x holding part Cutting groove for separation N (No. of holding parts) Applicable tubing O.D.
Made to Order Lubricant: Vaseline X12 547 Series ASP How to Order ASP 3 30F 01 06 S Made to Order Lubricant: Vaseline X12 Ex.) ASP330F-01-06S-X12 With seal Pilot check valve Body size Applicable tubing O.D.
Blanking plug Dimensions KQ2P23 04 06 A L D Model Applicable fittings size d Used for unused cylinder port, SUP and EXH port. Purchasing order is available in units of 10 pieces. KQ2P-23 KQ2P-04 KQ2P-06 3.2 4 6 16 16 18 31.5 32 35 5 6 8 Silencer AN103-X233 This silencer is to be inserted into the EXH port (One-touch fittings) of the common exhaust type.
N-04 N-06 L-04 L-06 S-04 S-06 LL-04 LL-06 4 6 N-08 8 N-10 10 N-12 12 4 6 L-08 8 L-10 10 L-12 12 4 6 S-08 8 S-10 10 S-12 12 4 6 LL-08 8 LL-10 10 LL-12 12 Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
ASS AS121FG AS131FG AS221FG-01 AS231FG-01 AS221FG-02 AS231FG-02 ASR ASQ Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 01, 03, 04 05, 06 03, 04 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS321FG AS331FG AS421FG AS431FG
AS1002F-02 AS1002F-23 AS1002F-04 AS1002F-06 AS2002F-04 AS2002F-06 AS2052F-06 AS2052F-08 AS3002F-06 AS3002F-08 AS3002F-10 AS3002F-12 AS4002F-10 AS4002F-12 AS-31B AS-32B AS-33B AS-34B AS-35B AS-36B AS-37B AS-38B AS-41B AS-42B AS-43B AS-44B AS-45B AS-46B AS-47B AS-48B AS1002F-01 AS1002F-03 AS1002F-07 AS2002F-03 AS2002F-07 AS2052F-07 AS2052F-09 AS3002F-07 AS3002F-09 AS3002F-11
Length 38 62 72 90 104 114 135 140 78 111 119 147 179 191 236 277 Flat washer Hexagon nut AS1002F-02 AS1002F-23 AS1002F-04 AS1002F-06 AS2002F-04 AS2002F-06 AS2052F-06 AS2052F-08 AS3002F-06 AS3002F-08 AS3002F-10 AS3002F-12 AS4002F-10 AS4002F-12 AS-31B AS-32B AS-33B AS-34B AS-35B AS-36B AS-37B AS-38B AS-41B AS-42B AS-43B AS-44B AS-45B AS-46B AS-47B AS-48B AS1002F-01 AS1002F-03 AS1002F
Port size Body size M5 M5 x 0.8 U10/32 10-32UNF 1 M5 x 0.8 10-32UNF 1 0 2 06 AS 1F S E M5 Body size 1 S Body size 2/3/4 AS 01 2 0 2 1F S 06 With indicator Made to Order Refer to page 15 for details. Body size 2 1/8, 1/4 3 3/8 4 1/2 Type 2 Elbow 3 Universal Seal method Nil Without sealant S With sealant Control type Note) Note) Face seal type is used for the G thread type.
area (mm2) 01, 03, 04 05, 06 03, 04 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS321FG AS331FG AS421FG AS431FG Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa 12, 13 10, 11 Flow rate (/min (ANR)) Flow rate (/min (ANR)) 10, 11, 12 Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) 08, 09 06, 07 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations 15-9-44
AK AS121FG AS131FG AS221FG-01 AS231FG-01 AS221FG-02 AS231FG-02 VCHC Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa ASR ASQ 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) 01, 03, 04 05, 06 03, 04 Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations AS321FG AS331FG AS421FG
FH100 Series How to Order 0 0 0 06 P 005 FH100 Made to Order Hydraulic filter Nil X0 None (Standard) Non-standard filtration Note) The non-standard filtration is for micromesh elements only.
AS Series Brass Elbow Universal Electroless nickel plated How to Order 1 2 0 U01 A F AS 2 06 Push-lock type Body size Applicable tubing O.D.
Symbol Size 04 4 06 6 08 8 10 10 12 12 16 16 3