8 1/2 3/4 1/8 1/4 1/4 Port size 3/4 1 1 G 1 1/4 3/8 3/8 PPA How to Order Refer to the next page.
1 i q !4 r e !0 !1 q i !2 o !3 y Component Parts No.
Average suction flow rate V x 60 T1 V x 60 T1 Q = Q = + QL T2 = 3 x T1 T2 = 3 x T1 Q : Average suction flow rate /min (ANR) V : Piping capacity () T1 : Arrival time to stable Pv 63% after adsorption (sec.) T2 : Arrival time to stable Pv 95% after adsorption (sec.) QL : Leakage at work adsorption /min (ANR) 2.
8 o e @2 @3 @1 !3 !4 @7 @8 !6 !5 q w !2 !1 !
N P 5 Q Size 3 3 200 VAC N.C. 1/4 8 R 230 VAC 10 (N.C. only) 6 N.O.
Example) 26NW 01 11 21 31 41 q w e w q Note 3) Only adjusting spring of regulator is different from standard specification. Note 4) Without valve mechanism. q q q w w w e (1) Numbers in . indicate order of constructtion of equipment from left hand side (the upper stream side) from a view of front side. Ex.)
Effective thread depth 3 Model A B C D E F G Vacuum inlet direction q Pad dia.
100 88 196 96 83 110 114 11 3 117 90 235 131 102 130 134 11 3 154 108 300 112 153 180 190 11 3 200 138 315 Note 1) Dimension E applies when heater option is included.
(For details, refer to page 610.) 605 3 Port Pilot Solenoid Valve 10-SYJ300 Construction 2(A) 2(A) Directional Control Valves Air Grippers Modular F. R. Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators N.C. N.O. 3(R) (P)1 3(R) (P)1 e t q r e t q r (A) (A) 2 2 u u 3 (R) 1 (P) 3 (R) 1 (P) w w y y Component Parts Replacement Parts Note Zinc die-casted Part no.
Example) AC30D-F03DM-SV-1NR-A q r t y w e q Symbol Description Body size 20 30 40 Nil N F Rc NPT G Thread type w + 01 02 03 04 06 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 Port size e + Without auto drain N.C. (Normal close) Drain port is closed when pressure is not applied. N.O.
8 @0 @2 @1 o q !4 !3 y i #1 !5 #2 !9 !7 !1 !2 !0 #0 r t u @9 !6 e #5 #4 w #3 @5 @7 @4 @6 REBH15 @8 @3 Component Parts No. Description Body No. Description Material Note Hard anodized Material Aluminum alloy Note Aluminum alloy Plate B q !
3 !2 #4 e #1 !8 @3 #5 !7 #3 MK(2) @5 @6 @7 @8 RS Q G RS H A RZQ MI W S CEP1 N@4 @9 CE1 Component Parts CE2 No. Description Body No. Description Note Hard anodized Material Aluminum alloy Material Note Hard anodized Aluminum alloy Plate A q !
SV400 SV200 SV300 SV100 3/8: SY9000-27-1 1/4: SY7000-27-1-Q Aluminum die-casted SY5000-27-1-Q SY3000-27-1-Q Sub-plate i 1/2: SY9000-27-2 3/8: SY7000-27-2-Q Refer to thread types on page 440 for .
3 3 3 3 3 M10 x 1 M10 x 1 M10 x 1 Q Q Q D D (F) (F) (F) P P P Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) Width across flat 10 (Hexagon) S S S 31 8 31 8 31 14.9 14.9 14.9 R R R 6 6 6 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 8 Y Y Y A A A C a a a C C b B 20 30 21 31 Dimensions Model Dimensions Model Dimensions a 3.5 4 5 6 A 4.5 5 6 7 b 7 B 8 C Y a 4 5 6 8 A 5 6 7 9 C 2 x 1.8 2 x 2 2.5
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CN0 CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 CN5 CN6 CN7 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CN0 CN2 CN4 CN6 CN8 CN10 CN12 CN14 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 CN1 CN3 CN5 CN7 CN9 CN11 CN13 CN15 1 q 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 3 q 5 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 7 12 13 14 15 9 12 13 14 15 11 PWR 13 PWR e 15 e t y y t Shown with cover removed.
0 #8 @4 q i #5 #4 $8 @8 $7 $3 @7 @0 $9 #9 $1 @6 #1 $6 #0 @2 $7 $5 $0 @9 @1 $3 @5 !3 $4 !9 #7 $2 #6 #3 !2 A #2 @3 A Section A-A !7 !8 t !7 Enlarged drawing of shim part !6 y !
Contents No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !