SMC Corporation of America
Elite Part Number Search
Search Results "ISE20CH-S-P-N02L-WEY"

P.1729 P.1731 P.1732 P.1733 P.1738 P.1739 P.1742 P.1743 P.1744 P.1747 P.1748 P.1752 P.1755 P.1756 P.1760 P.1765 P.1766 P.1769 P.1770 P.1776 P.1781 P.1786 P.1794 P.1796 P.1801 P.1802 P.1803 P.1804 P.1806 P.1806 P.1807 P.1809 P.1817 P.1818 P.1819 P.1820 P.1822 P.1823 P.1829 P.1829 P.1830 P.1831 P.1832 P.1832 P.1833 P.1836 P.1838 P.1839 P.1839 P.1841 P.1844 P.1844 P.1845 P.1848 P.1849 P.1850

F kit (D-sub connector) T kit (Terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable connector) S kit (Serial) kit U S F 15P U S P 26P U S A S U S P 20P U S P 16P U S P A B C 10P F 25P T2 T1 Type Note) Note) Note) Max. points 14 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 14 Note) Due to the limitation of internal wiring.

68.6 D D B 2 S B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 1 P P 1 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 * These figures show the JJ5SY3-10F2-05DR-C8.

P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P

P Q R 6 6 8 24.3 26.2 16.8 18.7 S 12.8 15.2 8 Applicable tubing O.D.

+ + + + + + + 20 20 stations S P P A, B port size P Nil Rc A, B port M5 x 0.8, C4 P port 1/8 P port 1/8 A A B B B A, B port M5 x 0.8, C4 A M5 M5 x 0.8 F G C4 One-touch fitting for 4 N NPT N3 One-touch fitting for 5/32" T NPTF 13 Series SYJ3000 Flat Ribbon Cable Manifold Common SUP/Common EXH Note) For more than 10 stations, supply air to both sides of P port and exhaust air from both

VALVE TYPES AVAILABLE To operate a solenoid pilot valve in a vacuum s y s t e m , a s e p a r a t e p r e s s u r e s u p p l y m u s t b e s u p p l i e d t o t h e v a l v e t o m o v e t h e s p o o l o r p o p p e t a s d e s c r i b e d a b o v e .

Grease pack part no.: GR-S-010 (10 g) Basic Style (B) 20 P 20 25 Bore size Stroke P P (Head side pressure port) (Head side pressure port) P P (Rod side pressure port) (Rod side pressure port) Effective thread length FL Width across flats B2 H1 Width across flats B1 32 to 40 H2 Width across flats KA P E (Head side pressure port) I G G NA D Q MM NN AL N ZZ + Stroke S + Stroke N F K H A P QY

T kit (Terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable connector) S kit (Serial transmission) Kit F kit (D-sub connector) F 25P U S P 26P U S F A 15P U S P C 20P U S P 16P U S B P A 10P U S S Type T1 T2 Max. points Note) 16 Note) 16 16 16 Note) 16 14 14 8 8 Note) Due to the limitation of internal wiring.

P P Rc1/8 P P P P Rc1/8 P P Rc1/4 P P Rc1/4 P P Rc3/8 P P Rc3/8 P P P P Through-hole (Standard) Built-in magnet Pneumatic Air-hydro M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 Piping Pipe thread NPT1/8 G1/8 P P P P NPT1/8 G1/8 P P P P NPT1/4 G1/4 P P P P NPT1/4 G1/4 P P P P NPT3/8 G3/8 P P P P NPT3/8 G3/8 P P P P 2.

PG1 Model loop gain P PB08 PG2 Position loop gain P PB09 VG2 Speed loop gain P S PA08 ATU Auto tuning mode P S PB10 VIC Speed integral compensation P S PA09 RSP Auto tuning response P S PB11 VDC Speed differential compensation P S PA10 INP Control mode, regenerative option selection P PB12 OVA Overshoot amount compensation P S PB13 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 P S PA11 TLP

R C R C (44) G1/2 E A H 2-P Port size B (S) E G1/2 2-M Thread depth N D A H B 2-P Port size 2-M Thread depth N D L L K K N.O.

Flat pad P. 11 3.5 x 7 4 x 10 4 x 20 4 x 30 5 x 10 5 x 20 5 x 30 6 x 10 6 x 20 6 x 30 8 x 20 8 x 30 W P. 17 Oval pad 3.5 x 7 2 x 4 4 x 10 U H P. 33 HT P. 33 Heavy-duty pad HB P. 35 HW P. 36 U P. 27 Mark-free pad H P. 28 Related pad S Sponge pad P. 30 Resin attachment K P. 29 Pad with ball spline buffer U P. 24 H P. 37 Heavy-duty ball joint pad HB P. 43 Cyclone pad (Non-contact pad) Made

I f a p re s s u re g re a t e r t h a n t h e s e t p re s s u re i s re a c h e d , t h e u n i t w i l l o p e n , c l o s i n g w h e n p re s s u re i s l e s s t h a n s e t pressure.

Stations J kit (Flat ribbon cable) G kit (Flat ribbon cable with terminal block) P kit (Flat ribbon cable) F kit (D-sub connector) Cylinder port Kit U S A U S P 26P 20P J U S U S F 15P U S P 16P U S B P 20P U S C P A 10P F 25P G Type Negative common specifications Exploded View of Manifold Max. points 24 14 24 18 14 8 16 16 Electrical entry Cable length M kit (Circular connector) T kit (Terminal

pulse multiplying factor denominator) PB09 VG2 Speed loop gain P, S PB10 VIC Speed integral compensation P, S PA08 ATU Auto tuning mode P, S PB11 VDC Speed differential compensation P, S PA09 RSP Auto tuning response P, S PB12 OVA Overshoot amount compensation P PA10 INP In-position range P PB13 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 P, S PB14 NHQ1 Notch shape selection 1 P, S PA11 TLP

(-S) P. 45 P. 46 P. 47 P. 49 C8 L8 Terminal number SOL.

A B P A B P A B P VFR3000 VFR4000 ARBF5050 VFR5000 1.0 MPa (1) 0.1 to 0.83 MPa (2) 0.05 to 0.83 MPa 5 to 60C (No freezing) (3) 1 8 0.16 0.46 0.72 0.83 5.5 5.1 12 11 M5 x 0.8 Rc 21 18.5 11 35 31 26 18.5 22 12 31 31 40 55 36 45 24 44 38 32 38 40 90 77 P A P B A EA B EB Effective area at supply side (mm 2) S at P1 = 0.7 MPa/P2 = 0.5 MPa 31 Effective area at exhaust side (mm 2) S at P2 =

H B C 8mm 12mm 20mm Non-standard motor switch P N S Ground ball screw Rolled ball screw Slide screw Motor output: 100W None N.C. (B contact) 2 pcs.