HS 8.5 SMC SMC SMC SMC 16 16 A 29 Auto switch B A 26 Auto switch B (36) D-B5/B6/B59W type 20 to 40 D-G5NTL type 20 to 40 50 to 100 50 to 100 Approx. HS Approx. HS 12 12 SMC SMC 24.5 24.5 A 33 B A 33 Auto switch B D-C73C/C80C type 20 to 40 D-H7C type 20 to 40 50 to 63 50 to 63 Approx. HS Approx.
TU TV TW TX TY TZ 8d9 10d9 12d9 14d9 16d9 18d9 18d9 22d9 18.1 20.7 23.6 27.3 29.7 34.3 35.8 39.8 49.4 58.4 72.4 90.4 42 42 48 56 64 74 72 93 16 20 22 30 36 46 85 100 28 28 28 30 36 46 45 60 38.3 42.1 53.8 64.6 79.2 97.2 110 130 CG-020-24A CG-025-24A CG-032-24A CG-040-24A CG-050-24A CG-063-24A CG-080-24A CG-100-24A 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 (mm) Part No.
20 10 145 12 15 160 28 55 9 75 52 55 28 36 11 4.5 163 161 36 12 10 72 90 50 45 25 12 155 12 15 170 32 68 9 80 60 70 32 45 12 5.5 175 170 45 12 10 90 110 40 50 12 5.5 190 185 50 63 50 25 12 170 16 20 190 40 80 9 90 70 80 16 10 100 120 50 63 14 6.5 215 210 63 80 63 30 16 190 16 20 210 50 100 12 110 90 100 16 12 126 153 60 100 120 75 35 16 205 14 20 140 25 230 110 60 120 20 75 16 6.5 230 220
71 68 104 1/2 22 45 90 41 11 17 36 22.5 23 M5 8 26 84 48 74.5 103 74.5 70 107 1/4, 3/8 VCS41 30 50 94 41 13.5 17 36 25 23 M5 8 26 88 48 78.5 103 78.5 70 111.5 1/2 35 60 102 41 17.5 17 36 30 28.2 M5 8 26 96 48 86.5 103 86.5 70 119 3/4 4 Direct Operated 2 Port for Steam Series VCS How to Order Manifolds How to Order Manifold Assemblies (Example) D VV2C S 2 02 01 Enter the valve and option
36.5 13.5 15 32 25 23 M5 24 59 46 57 60 54.5 48.5 101 57 68 1/2 22 45 89 41 11 17 36 22.5 23 M5 26 64.5 48 62.5 62 60 50.5 103 62.5 70 1/4, 3/8 VCW41 30 50 93.5 41 13.5 17 36 25 23 M5 26 66.5 48 64.5 62 62 50.5 103 64.5 70 1/2 35 60 101 41 17.5 17 36 30 28.2 M5 26 70 48 68 62 65.5 50.5 103 68 70 3/4 4 Direct Operated 2Port for Water Series VCW Dimensions (N.O.)
LEF-OM00601 / / / LEF Series LECSeries /LEC6 . 2 1/. 4 . 4 . 5 . 7 2 . 9 LEF / . 9 LEF/ . 12 . 14 . 15 3 . 17 . 17 . 18 . 21 . 27 4 . 30 5 . 31 51 . 31 52 . 32 53 . 32 54 . 33 55 . 34 56 . 34 6. 35 61 . 35 62 . 35 63 . 36 64 . 36 65 . 38 . 39 LEF Series/ (ISO/IEC) (JIS)1)2) *1) ISO 4414:Pneumatic fluid power -General rules relating to systems.
" 5/16" 3/8" 8.4 9.3 11.4 12 12.7 22.1 12.3 17.3 7 9.6 30.1 28.8 25.1 8 33.8 10-32 UNF 16.5 13.5 26.1 23.1 21.3 18.3 11.7 16 27.5 20.4 9.3 12.7 17 14.3 32.1 31.1 27.1 16.5 18.5 21 16 17 18.5 30.2 31 32.4 34.4 34.2 34.5 36.4 43.2 23.1 23.9 25.3 25.2 24.9 25.2 27.2 33.9 14.2 11.4 13.2 15.2 10.4 11.4 13.2 15.2 17.9 36.1 12.7 NPT 1/8 19 21 15 32 18.2 34 34.4 35.4 29.4 18.5 40.4 17.5 NPT 1/4 36
Dimensions (mm) 1in = 25.4mm MSUA7 MSUA7-S, SE Scale: 60% Top ports/MSUA7-SE C 8-M4 x 0.7 depth 8 A port B port 67 13 2-M5 x 0.8 14 B 41 50 33 37 4-M5 x 0.8 depth 7 22.5 5 +0.025 0 3H9 A Long groove depth 5 (positioning pin hole) 22.5 47h9 0 0.062 +0.052 0 26H9 36 +0.030 0 3-4H9 depth 4 ( A , B , C ) 4 3 2-5.5 through 3-R2 3-R2 4.5 19 10.5 13 48h9 0 0.062 36 7 6 22.3 10.5 44 3 11 10 58.5
No.PS-OMU0002CN-D // ZSE20A(F) ISE20A 2 8 10 11 15 15 17 19 [] 22 23 3 24 26 28 28 28 F0 30 F1 OUT1 31 F2 OUT2 34 F3 36 F4 37 F5 FUNC 39 F6 41 F10 42 F11 48 F80 49 F81 50 F82 52 F90 53 F96 55 F97 56 F98 58 F99 60 61 65 65 66 75 75 78 -1No.PS-OMU0002CN-D 1 (ISO/IEC)(JIS) *1) *2) *1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -General rules relating to systems ISO
A L1 L2 M 1 8 4 L04-01 33 10 21.8 30.9 15 3.5 32.7 10 14 10 1 4 1 8 L04-02 L06-01 40 36 14 10 34.9 30.9 34.7 33.8 1 4 3 8 1 8 6 L06-02 L06-03 L08-01 43 55 46 14 17 12 34.9 36.9 31.9 16 9 21.8 35.8 37.5 36 12 10 14 1 4 3 8 1 4 8 L08-02 L08-03 L10-02 52 61 68 14 17 14 16 19 23.3 35.9 37.9 36.9 38 39.7 40.7 14 12 17 3 8 1 2 1 4 3 8 1 2 Reference dimensions after R(PT) thread installation. 10
40 40 44.5 ZZ 116 120 122 154 h Symbol Bore size (mm) 20 25 32 40 e f B3 Stroke Bore size (mm) 1 to 50 68 72 72 77 51 to 100 81 85 85 90 101 to 150 93 97 97 102 151 to 200 106 110 110 115 201 to 300 131 135 135 140 301 to 400 156 160 160 165 401 to 500 181 185 185 190 20 25 32 40 30 32 32 41 36 36 36 46 24 24 24 25 With Rod Boot l ZZ Symbol Z 1 to 50 143 147 149 181 Stroke Bore size (mm)
P 1 Silencer VEX Solenoid Tightening Torques for Silencers Applicable tightening torque (N.m) 12 to 14 Connection thread AN 1 4 22 to 24 3 8 28 to 30 1 2 28 to 30 3 4 36 to 38 40 to 42 1 4 1 2 48 to 50 48 to 50 R R R R R 1 R 1 R 1 R 2 Inlet pressure for silencer AMC 4.
View A PFW31(-M) PFW3-B DIN rail type 8-M3 3 x 7.2 (= 21.6) 36 2-3.4 6.4 15 1 2 3 4 6.5 26 FLOW SWITCH SMC 35.5 30 56 (4.5) 44 UNIT RESET SET 5 6 7 8 29 38 15.2 26
Metric size Inch size Stations Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M Elbow Straight Elbow OUT side Mounting position Elbow Straight Elbow OUT side Mounting position IN side Straight 6 IN side Straight 1/4 1 station Fitting type Fitting type 2 stations 8 6 8 6 4 6 4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Symbol Symbol 5/16 5/16 5/32 5/32 3 stations 07 08 09 10 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 57 58 59 60 69 70 71 72 76
Mr = 1 x 9.8 (30 + 10.5)/1000 = 0.39 A6 = 10.5 Mar = 36 Mrmax = 36 K = 1 = 1 '2 = 0.39/36 = 0.011 Find the static moment M (Nm).
NO.ZK2-OM00801-B // ZK2-ZSV-A A 2 9 10 11 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 20 20 20 F0 22 F1 OUT1 23 F2 OUT2 25 F3 27 F4 28 F6 30 F11 31 F80 32 F81 33 F90 34 F96 36 F98 37 F99 39 40 B 43 44 45 51 52 52 -1NO.ZK2-OM00801-B (ISO/IEC)(JIS)1)2) *1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -General rules relating to systems.
Air Dryer Series IDA 73 86 114 170 205 295 409 591 818 1136 1909 2273 2955 4091 lbs Kg Weight 160 190 250 375 450 650 900 1300 1800 2500 4200 5000 6500 9000 A B C inch mm inch mm inch mm 610 610 711 787 813 838 1067 1168 1245 1524 1575 1575 1219 1575 24 24 28 31 32 33 42 46 49 60 62 62 48 62 711 864 813 940 914 1041 1143 1448 1524 1753 2235 2083 2642 3581 Dimensions Dimensions 28 34 32 37 36
N L1 L2 Weight (g) Port B Min. port size L3 L4 L5 L6 P Q1 Q2 M KM12-03-35-10 KM12-03-35-6 6 87 10 40 67 5 32 1 4 18 29.5 19.5 29 10.6 12 16 6 17.46 10 110 6 95 10 121 6 102 10 61.5 75 KM12-07-35-10 KM12-07-35-6 48 84 10 19.5 31.5 21.5 31.25 13 7 13.2 17 17.46 1 4 1 4 73.5 96 KM12-09-36-10 KM12-09-36-6 52.8 100 12.7 37.5 23.7 37.7 25 15 9.5 15.2 18.5 5 16 3 8 22.22 83 117 132 Metric Thread