Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 11 (3/8), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 07 (1/4)
Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 13 (1/2), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 00 (Plug)
Body Class: Class 2, Stations: 3 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 07 (1/4), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 10 (ø10)
Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 3 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Body Class: Class 3, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: 00 (Plug), Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: 11 (3/8)
Rated Flow Range: 01 (10 to 1000 l/min), Output Specifications: L2 [Out1: IO-Link, Switch Output (N/P); Out2: Switch Output (N/P)]
Rated Flow Range: 02 (20 to 2000 l/min), Output Specifications: L2 [Out1: IO-Link, Switch Output (N/P); Out2: Switch Output (N/P)]
Body Class: Class 4, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4", Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Plug
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 4 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4", Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Plug
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 2 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4", Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Plug
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 3 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4", Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Plug
Body Class: Class 5, Stations: 5 Stations, Tubing Size-P Port/L Conn.: Rcø19, NPT 3/4", Tubing Size-P Port/R Conn.: Plug
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple. VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A. 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH. 73.00000 lb. N63.
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3-Screen High Precision Dig Press Switch, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, 69 lb
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3-Screen High Precision Dig Press Switch, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 69 lb
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3-Screen High Precision Dig Press Switch, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 69 lb
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 73 lb
The ZSE2 series is a compact, pressure switch (for vacuum pressure) and can be integrated with ZX or ZR vacuum systems. The ZSE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, VACUUM SWITCH, ZSE30, ZSE30A, N63, 69 lb