(Request):0106000C0001EC [CR][LF] (Response):0106000C0001EC [CR][LF] Request message Response message Code Contents Code Contents 01 Slave Address 01 Slave Address 06 Function 06 Function 000C Address of specified register 000C Address of register to write 0001 Information written to 000Ch (Stop flag) 0001 Information of register to write EC LRC EC LRC 4.8 Explanation of function codes HRSH
FGDTF*-06 (5) FGD-CV006-03 FGDCE*-03 FGD-CV006-04 FGDCE*-04 FGD-CV006-06 FGDCE*-06 FGD-OP001 FGD*B (10) KT-FGDC FGDC KT-FGDE FGDE (2)(4)(6)(13)(16) KT-FGDT FGDT KT-FGDF FGDF FGD-CA002 FGDT,F(L250) (7)(9)(11)(12)(13) (14)(15)(16)(17) FGD-CA003 FGDT,F(L500) L500 (18) FGD-CA004 FGDC,E(L250) FGD-CA005 FGDC,E(L500) 7/11 FGX-OM-L007-C 2. 2.
FGD-KT002 FGDE Nut kit FGD-KT003 FGDT FGD-KT004 FGDF FGD-CV005-03 FGDT,F-03 FGD-CV005-04 FGDT,F-04 FGD-CV005-06 FGDT,F-06 Replacement cover (5) FGD-CV006-03 FGDC,E-03 FGD-CV006-04 FGDC,E-04 FGD-CV006-06 FGDC,E-06 Joint FGD-OP001 FGDB (10) KT-FGDC FGDC Each of (2)(4)(6)(13) and (16) are provided as a kit.
CA1 3 wire (Equiv. to NPN) 5V A56 IC CS1 Yes Reed switch Solid state switch 32,40 BT-03 A53 A54 A67 A64 A59W F59 F5P J51 J59 F59W F5PW J59W F5BA F5NT F59F 12V 5V,12V 100V,200V Grommet Relay PLC 24V 2 wire 5V,12V IC No 200V or less 12V Diagnosis indication (2 colour) Yes 3 wire (NPN) 50,63 BT-05 IC 5V,12V 24V 3 wire (PNP) 100V,200V 2 wire 12V 3 wire (NPN) IC 5V,12V 80,100 BT-06
Description POM Valve 19033 19014 19024 e Stainless steel Spring 19037 19015 19025 r NBR O-ring 20 x 17 x 1.5 t NBR Ring 19016 19026 y Brass, NBR Seat ring 19013 19023 u Dimensions Model Port size L1 H B AK2000-01/02 22 25 1/8, 1/4 50 AK4000-02/03/04 36 36 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 67 AK6000-06/10 50 50 3/4, 1 95 Caution Be sure to read before handling.
AS2001F-03 AS2001F-06 13 28.7 33.7 6.3 44.8 11.6 6 13.5 11.8 18 28.6 33.6 6.2 50 11.4 16.5 3/16" AS2001F-05 AS2051F-06 26 30.2 35.2 6.7 53.2 12.8 6 17 14.8 21 29.5 34.5 7.1 52.2 13.2 17 1/4" AS2001F-07 AS2051F-08 31 31.5 36.5 8.1 59.8 15.2 8 18 24 29.6 34.6 6.2 52.2 11.4 16.5 3/16" AS2051F-05 AS3001F-06 18 33.3 38.3 7.4 59 12.8 6 17 14.8 26 30.5 35.5 7.1 54.4 13.2 17 1/4" AS2051F-07 AS3001F
06, 07 10 6 4 500 5 2 0 5 10 0 0 0 5 10 Needle rotation (Turns) Needle rotation (Turns) 4.1-14 Series ASD Dimensions/Metric Applicable tube O.D. d ASD230F ASD330F/430F ASD530F/630F Applicable tube O.D.d L2 L2 L3 L3 M M D2 D2 L1 L1 L4 L4 H H (Width across flats) (Width across flats) D3 D3 A1 L5 L5 A1 A2 D1 D1 A2 T T Metric L4 L5 A1 A2 M MAX.
Description Replacement parts Tubing outside diameter Metric sizes Inch sizes Body class Type LQ-GP J 3 03 03 4 04 04 04 04 6 06 06 06 8 08 10 10 10 12 12 12 19 19 19 25 25 1/8" 03 03 03 03 3/16" 05 05 1/4" 07 07 07 3/8" 11 11 1/2" 13 13 3/4" 19 19 1" 25 Insert pin holder assembly (with the parts case) Type Insert pin/ Holder type 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 J Insert pin material (J/K type
(inch) 4 6 8 10 12 Accessory Model TM-04 TM-06 TM-08 2 x 6 T TM-04 TM-06 TM-08 TM-10 TM-12 2.6 x 8 4 TM-10 VMG 3 x 8 TM-12 Dimensions: Multi-tube Holder (Pitch) N-holding part Cutting groove for separation N (No. of holding parts) Applicable tubing O.D.
Voltage Number of output points 06 10 D D-6 A 24 to 48 VDC 6 output points 12 VDC 10 output points 85 to 220 VAC Specifications 06 10 VXFC D 06 10 VXFC A 06 10 VXFC D-6 85 to 220 VAC 24 to 48 VDC Model Input voltage 12 VDC Output voltage Same as input voltage 0.01 to 0.99 sec ON Time setting 0 to 299 sec OFF p2% Time accuracy Number of outputs 6 to 10 points 0 to 50oC (No condensation allowed
How to Order Integrated Display Type H PF2A7 Flow rate range Unit specification High flow rate type Wiring specification 150 to 3000l/min 300 to 6000l/min 600 to 12000l/min 03 06 12 Nil M With unit switching function Fixed SI unit Note) Port specification Nil N 3m lead wire with connector Without lead wire Nil N F Rc NPT G Note) Fixed units: Real-time flow rate: l/min Accumulated flow: l,
to 10 ALD900-12 to 20 , 1 4 3 175 250 135 209 460 613 175 250 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 , , ALDU600-06 to 10, ALDU900-12 to 20 D.P.
Applicable model 02 03 04 06 10 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 8 3 Pressure gauge 3 4 5 6 1 AMR300-02/03 AMR400-02 to 04 AMR500-04 to 06 AMR600-10 3 4 5 6 1 2 Nil E2 E3 E4 E6 E10 None None With pressure switch S Nil 4 3 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Port size Adapter assembly Thread type Symbol Port size Nil N F Rc NPT G Thread type 02 03 04 06 10 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 The port size of adapter assembly is same as the
M5 01 02 01 02 02 03 20 04 02 03 04 04 06 10 12 14 P Port size Rc 11 2 1 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 A M5 M5 M5 2 1 4 R 2 1 0.11 0.16 Weight (kg) (1) 0.19 0.25 0.35 0.55 0.75 1.5 2 4 Hysteresis (2) 1% F.S. 2.5% F .S. 3% F .S. 5% F .S.
Manifold can be mounted to VEX1B33, VEX1230 3. 14-6-2 3 Precision Regulator Series VEX130 3 Specifications VEX1B33M5 01 VEX113 01 02 0 3 VEX123 01 02 0 3 VEX133 02 03 04 0 3 VEX153 04 06 10 0 3 VEX173 10 12 0 3 VEX193 14 20 0 3 VEX1A33M5 01 Model Operation Manual (Push locking slotted type) Manual handle (Push locking slotted type) and Air operated type Internal pilot External pilot can be
Analog output (4 to 20 mA) Thread type Wiring specifications Nil N F Rc NPT G Nil N Lead wire with connector 3 m Without lead wire Port size Applicable model Flow rate (l/min) Port size Symbol Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 4 16 100 40 03 04 06
Description Body class Type LQ-GP J Type 3 03 03 10 10 10 12 12 12 19 19 19 25 25 1/8" 03 03 03 03 3/16" 05 05 1/4" 07 07 07 3/8" 11 11 1/2" 13 13 3/4" 19 19 1" 25 6 06 06 06 8 08 4 04 04 04 04 Insert pin holder assembly (with the parts case) Insert pin/ Holder type 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 J Insert pin material (J/K type only) Nil N Metric sizes Inch sizes Nil S Resin Stainless steel
Adaptor connection thread Symbol Pad dia. 1 02 to 08 B5 2 10 to 16 3 20 to 32 B8 4 40, 50 T 2 ZP B5 [qAdaptor] R S ZP 04 A5 [wR type adaptor] Symbol S Pad dia. 02 to 16 L 20 to 50 With Buffer ZP R 16 K20 A10 06 UGN [Pad model no.]
IN side, OUT side 4 10 22 20 22 30 30 50 30 75 39 75 39 Series ZFB Model ZFB100-04 ZFB100-06 ZFB200-06 ZFB200-08 ZFB300-08 ZFB300-10 6 6 8 8 10 Metric size 3/16" 20 22 20 22 30 30 75 40 100 62 ZFB101-05 ZFB101-07 ZFB201-07 ZFB301-11 ZFB401-13 1/4" 1/4" Inch size (2) 3/8" 1/2" Specifications Fluid Air/Nitrogen Negative pressure 0.5MPa 0 to 60C (Non-freezing) 30m 0.15MPa Nylon/Soft Nylon/Polyurethane
Left IN1(P) Piping VHS500-06 VHS501-06 VHS400-04 VHS401-04 VHS400-03 VHS401-03 VHS400-02 VHS401-02 Right IN1(P) 3 4 1 2 3 8 1 4 Port size Effective area (mm2)(CV) Weight (kg) 93(5.22) 57(3.20) 35(1.97) 21(1.18) 105(5.90) 76(4.27) 54(3.03) 35(1.97) 0.29 1(P)2(A) 2(A)3(R) 0.34 0.25 0.27 Left or right to the front face of the handle.