Contents Bore size (mm) MGZ20-PS 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 MGZ20-PS MGZ25-PS MGZ32-PS MGZ40-PS MGZ50-PS MGZ63-PS MGZ80-PS !6 17 Rod seal A MGZ25-PS Rod seal B 17, 18, 19 and 20 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit. MGZ32-PS Piston seal 18 MGZ40-PS Set of left nos. !
. #8, #9, $0, $1 #7 #8 #9 $0 $1 $2 Wear ring A Special resin 6, 10: Not available CY1S6-PS-N 6 CY1S6-PS-N Wear ring B Special resin Set of left nos. #8, #9, $0, $1, $2 CY1L10-PS-N 10 CY1L10-PS-N Cylinder tube gasket NBR Guide shaft gasket NBR CY1L15-PS-N CY1L20-PS-N CY1L25-PS-N CY1L32-PS-N CY1L40-PS-N 15 20 25 32 40 CY1L15-PS-N CY1L20-PS-N CY1L25-PS-N CY1L32-PS-N CY1L40-PS-N Piston seal NBR
Contents Bore size (mm) MGZ20-PS 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 MGZ20-PS MGZ25-PS MGZ32-PS MGZ40-PS MGZ50-PS MGZ63-PS MGZ80-PS !6 17 Rod seal A MGZ25-PS Rod seal B 17, 18, 19 and 20 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit. MGZ32-PS Piston seal 18 MGZ40-PS Set of left nos. !
. #8, #9, $0, $1 #7 #8 #9 $0 $1 $2 Wear ring A Special resin 6, 10: Not available CY1S6-PS-N 6 CY1S6-PS-N Wear ring B Special resin Set of left nos. #8, #9, $0, $1, $2 CY1L10-PS-N 10 CY1L10-PS-N Cylinder tube gasket NBR Guide shaft gasket NBR CY1L15-PS-N CY1L20-PS-N CY1L25-PS-N CY1L32-PS-N CY1L40-PS-N 15 20 25 32 40 CY1L15-PS-N CY1L20-PS-N CY1L25-PS-N CY1L32-PS-N CY1L40-PS-N Piston seal NBR
. @7, @8, @9, #0, #1 @6 @7 @8 @9 #0 #1 Wear ring A Special resin 6, 10: Not available CY1S6-PS-N 6 CY1S6-PS-N Wear ring B Special resin CY1S10-PS-N 10 CY1S10-PS-N Cylinder tube gasket NBR Guide shaft gasket NBR CY1S15-PS-N CY1S20-PS-N CY1S25-PS-N CY1S32-PS-N CY1S40-PS-N 15 20 25 32 40 CY1S15-PS-N CY1S20-PS-N CY1S25-PS-N CY1S32-PS-N CY1S40-PS-N Piston seal NBR Set of left nos. @6, @7, @8,
MY1M25-PS MY1M50-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M40-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M63-PS MY1M50-PS MY1M63-PS MY1M16-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M25-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M40-PS 2 Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Seal kit includes @7, #1, #2, #3 and $8.
9 @0 @1 @2 #9 Side scraper MYM50-15CK0502B MYM63-15CK0503B 2 Scraper 2 Piston seal 2 MY1M16-PS MY1M25-PS MY1M50-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M40-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M63-PS Cushion seal MY1M50-PS MY1M63-PS MY1M16-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M25-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M40-PS 2 Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Seal kit includes !9, @0, @1, @2 and #9. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g).
9 Side seal assembly MYMK-20Stroke MYMK-25Stroke MYMK-32Stroke MYMK-40Stroke MYMK-16Stroke 2 Scraper 2 Piston seal 2 MY1M16-PS MY1M25-PS MY1M50-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M40-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M63-PS Cushion seal MY1M16-PS MY1M20-PS MY1M25-PS MY1M32-PS MY1M40-PS MY1M50-PS MY1M63-PS 2 Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Note) Two kinds of dust seal bands are available.
MH-G04(30g) 10 2 16 3 20 4 25 5 19 3-5. / / / 10 16 20 25 20 1 10: 2 1625: 1625: 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 9 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 C 16 MHY2-10D MHY2-16D MHY2-20D MHY2-25D 17 18 MHY10-PS MHY16-PS MHY20-PS MHY25-PS 19 20 21 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPAN Tel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362 URL Note: Specifications are subject to
When it is connected to GND , channel B is selected.
B dimension is 77.5 mm. Example Calculation:25, B dimension 27.5 mm (without auto switch) 27.5 (B dimension) + 50 (st) = 77.5 (mm) D-X 1169
Determination of load's kinetic energy (E) E > Es E Es Determination of bore size Review of larger bore size E = m E 2 a ( ) 2 = (Refer to page 1548.) 1000 P Ps P > Ps Determination of pressure for intermediate stop (p) (Refer to page 1548.)
9 @0 @1 Piston seal MGP20-Z-PS MGP25-Z-PS MGP32-Z-PS MGP40-Z-PS MGP50-Z-PS MGP63-Z-PS 20 25 32 40 50 63 MGP20-Z-PS MGP40-Z-PS Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @1 Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @1 Rod seal NBR MGP25-Z-PS MGP50-Z-PS Gasket A MGP32-Z-PS MGP63-Z-PS Gasket B Seal kit includes !8 to @1. Order the seal kit, based on each bore size.
9 @0 @1 Piston seal MGP20-Z-PS MGP25-Z-PS MGP32-Z-PS MGP40-Z-PS MGP50-Z-PS MGP63-Z-PS 20 25 32 40 50 63 MGP20-Z-PS MGP40-Z-PS Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @1 Set of left nos. !8, !9, @0, @1 Rod seal NBR MGP25-Z-PS MGP50-Z-PS Gasket A MGP32-Z-PS MGP63-Z-PS Gasket B Seal kit includes !8 to @1. Order the seal kit, based on each bore size.
) JIS B 8433-1: --1 *2) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4
Description 1 Body A 8 Lever shaft 2 Piston assembly 9 Seal support 3 Lever 10 Rod cover 4 Guide 11 Steel ball 5 Finger 12 Rod seal 6 Roller stopper 13 Piston seal 7 Body B 14 Gasket 7 12 6 4 10 9 8 13 Replacement parts Description JMHZ2-8 JMHZ2-12 JMHZ2-16 JMHZ2-20 Main part Seal kit JMHZ8-PS JMHZ12-PS JMHZ16-PS JMHZ20-PS 12,13,14 JMHZ2JMHZ-A0802 JMHZ-A1202 JMHZ-A1602 JMHZ-A1602 4,5,6,11
9 #2 #3 #4 #7 MYH32-15BK2903B MYH40-15BK2904B MYH16-15BK2900B MYH20-15BK2901B MYH25-15BK2902B 1 Scraper 2 Piston seal 2 Cushion seal MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS MY1H16-PS MY1H20-PS MY1H25-PS 2 MY1H16-PS MY1H25-PS MY1H20-PS MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Seal kit includes !9, #2, #3, #4 and #7. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g).
9 #2 #3 #4 #7 MYH32-15BK2903B MYH40-15BK2904B MYH16-15BK2900B MYH20-15BK2901B MYH25-15BK2902B 1 Scraper 2 Piston seal 2 Cushion seal MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS MY1H16-PS MY1H20-PS MY1H25-PS 2 MY1H16-PS MY1H25-PS MY1H20-PS MY1H32-PS MY1H40-PS Tube gasket 2 O-ring 4 Seal kit includes !9, #2, #3, #4 and #7. Order the seal kit based on each bore size. Seal kit includes a grease pack (10 g).
Piston seal: 1 pc. 12 16 20 25 CQSX12-PS Rod seal: 1 pc. CQSX16-PS Tube gasket: 1 pc. CQSX20-PS Grease pack (10g): 1 pc. CQSX25-PS 2. Grease packs When maintenance requires only grease, use the following part numbers to order. Grease pack GR-L-005 (5g) GR-L-010 (10g) GR-L-150 (150g) 6
Contents Bore size (mm) MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS 40 50 63 80 100 MB40-PS MB50-PS MB63-PS MB80-PS MB100-PS #9 $0 41 Piston seal NBR Rod seal A NBR Set of left nos. #9, $0, $3, $5 Rod seal B NBR MB80-PS 42 $3 44 $5 46 Release piston seal NBR MB100-PS 41, 42, 44 and 46 to 49 are non-replaceable parts, so they are not included in the seal kit.