Rated Vacuum Range: -101 to 0 kPa, Output Specification: NPN Open Collector 2 Outputs + Analog Voltage Output, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Switches w/Unit Selection not Permitted for Use in Japan, Piping Specification: R 1/8, Lead Wire: Lead Wire w/Connector, 5-core, 2 m Lead Wire, Waterproof, Bracket: Bracket A, Vertical Mounting, Operation Manual: -
(M) (D) With light/surge voltage suppressor With light/surge voltage suppressor With light/surge voltage suppressor 19.5 14.5 n-M5 x 0.8 2-4.3 8.5 mounting hole 21.6 17 P E PE 9.5 9.5 43 Max. 10 78 4-Rc 1/8 2-M5 x 0.8 (Pilot EXH) (Pilot EXH) 2-M5x0.8 2-M5 x 0.8 (Pilot EXH) 300 (Lead wire length) 300 (Lead wire length) 76 68.5 2-M5 x 0.8 (Pilot EXH) Stations n: Stations Formula L1 = 16n +
(g) R A B A A 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 No. 460.5 448 435.5 423 410.5 398 385.5 373 360.5 348 L dimension R P R P P 82.9 80.6 78.4 76.1 73.9 71.6 69.4 67.1 64.9 62.6 Weight (g) B SY7000 DIN rail dimensions and weight VZ1000-11-4SY3000 SY5000/7000 Refer to L dimensions Enter a number from the DIN rail dimension table below in the .
Note 3) When specifying more than one option, enter symbols in alphabetical order. 23 Series VQ5000 Base Mounted Type Dimensions (mm) 1in 25.4mm Kit (Lead Wire Kit) L 83 29.5 29.5 2-1/8 (pilot EXH. port) 12 21 47.5 36 PE R2 5 R1 3 1 P SMC 2-G1 (electrical entry) 6-3/4 Ports P(SUP), R(EXH) Cable length L 0: 600mm L 1: 1500mm L 2: 3000mm U D U D U D 179 106 46.8 59.2 83.5 55.5 M5 ground screw
(mm) Port size R 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 2 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 1(P) 1(P) M5 4 6 8 10 12 1(P) 1(P) M5 Applicable tubing O.D. (mm) Applicable tube O.D. (mm) Applicable tubing O.D.
m l m m m L L t t t t B1 H1 Dd9 Applicable bore size (mm) L L Dd9 d l l d m t Applicable bore size (mm) Part no.
Proof 65 3 Wire Output PNP 25 3 Wire Output NPN 26 3 Wire Analog Output P I P I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 01 Direct Piping 1/8 PT T1 NPTF 1/8 H O W T O O R D E R P O S I T I V E P R E S S U R E S W I T C H S E R I E S ISE4 ISE4 B D W I R I N G S P E C I F I C AT I O N S O P E R AT I N G P R E S S U R E L Grommet Entry 3m Lead 0.6m -0.1 ~ 1MPa L -10 ~ 100KPa DIN R A I L M O U N T I N
P(2) P(1) P(1) Note 1) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Note 5) P Basic Foot Rod flange Head flange Integral clevis Single clevis Double clevis Note 3) Note 1) Note 1) P(1) Note 2) P(1) Note 2) P(1) P(1) P(1) Rod trunnion Head trunnion Boss-cut/Basic Boss-cut/Rod flange Boss-cut/Rod trunnion Note 1) Mounting nuts are not attached to the integral clevis, single clevis and
m l m m m L L t t t t B1 H1 Dd9 Applicable bore size (mm) L L Dd9 d l l d m t Applicable bore size (mm) Part no.
Common external pilot port (VVEX2-2 only) 2 x Port 3(R): 1/4 30.5 2 x 6.5 7.5 A B A B P1 P1 13.5 (For mounting) 98 88.2 11.5 27 P1 P 66.1 R 50 25 2 P=31 22.5 7.5 24 2 x Port 1(P): 1/4 L1 L2 67.5 Supply from both ends when there are 5 stations or more. 71.6 82.9 (Station n) (Station 1) VVEX2-1 (Internal pilot) 67.5 51.5 A A 37.5 VEX VEX 11 P=31 30 n x Port 2(A): 1/4 R P L Dimensions Formula
Crack on the back of the belt LES Model Screw size Max. tightening torque [Nm] Length: L [mm] LEYG25M L M5 x 0.8 3.0 40.3 LEYG32M L M5 x 0.8 3.0 50.3 LEPY LEPS L LER Body fixed/Bottom mounting LEH Model Screw size Max. tightening torque [Nm] Max. screw-in depth [mm] LEYG25M L M6 x 1.0 5.2 12 LEYG32M L M6 x 1.0 5.2 12 LEY -X5 11LEFS 11LEJS Body fixed/Head side tapped type Model Screw size
(mm) 3.2, 4 8, 10 6 4 3.2, 4, 6 12 38 7 Air flow (l/min(ANR)) Controlled flow JIS Symbol Effective area (mm2) 0.2 0.6 0.1 230 180 460 260 390 100 Air flow (l/min(ANR)) Free flow Effective area (mm2) 3.5 2.7 7 4 6 1.5 Note) Supply pressure: 0.5MPa Temperature: 20 OC How to Oder Indication of air flow direction on body AS 2 2 1 1 F M M5 06 S Meter-out Meter-in Body size 1 2 M5 1/8, 1/4 Options
Note 3) When specifying more than one option, enter symbols in alphabetical order. 23 Series VQ5000 Base Mounted Type Dimensions (mm) 1in 25.4mm Kit (Lead Wire Kit) L 83 29.5 29.5 2-1/8 (pilot EXH. port) 12 21 47.5 36 PE R2 5 R1 3 1 P SMC 2-G1 (electrical entry) 6-3/4 Ports P(SUP), R(EXH) Cable length L 0: 600mm L 1: 1500mm L 2: 3000mm U D U D U D 179 106 46.8 59.2 83.5 55.5 M5 ground screw
P P P P P P P P SY5000 P P P P P P P P SY5000 P P P P C2 C3 C4 C6 C8 CM N1 N3 N7 N9 CM 2 One-touch fitting 1/8" One-touch fitting 3.2 One-touch fitting 5/32" One-touch fitting P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Straight Elbow Straight Elbow 4 One-touch fitting 1/4" One-touch fitting 6 One-touch fitting 5/16" One-touch fitting 8 One-touch fitting Straight port, mixed sizes LN3 LN7 LN9
m l m m m L L t t t t B1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) Dd9 Applicable bore size (mm) L L Dd9 d l l d m t Snap ring Snap ring t m Part No.
N x P (52) 28 20 U N (M6 x 1) C (5.1) 1 0.2 5 T-slot A 36: T-slot pitch 39 36 28 Body mounting reference plane 4H9 +0.030 0 6.5 27.5 C Work piece mounting reference plane Refer to Cross section C-C. depth 4 4H9 +0.030 0 L-M6 x 1 Depth 4 T-slot B (mm) Cross section C-C 10 4 5.5 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6
m l m m m L L t t t t B1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) Dd9 Applicable bore size (mm) L L Dd9 d l l d m t Snap ring Snap ring t m Part No.
Applicable blank plate assembly SY100-77-1A P R 20 stations VP 20 R port M5 X 0.8 P port M5 X 0.8 VG VP Note 1) SY113 (A) and SY123 (A) cannot be mounted on the same manifold. S41 Type How to Order Applicable solenoid valve (1) SS3Y1 S41 05 M3 VQ SY114-l SY114A-l SY124-l SY124A-l Stations A port size M3 M5 M3 X 0.5 M5 X 0.8 VQZ 2 stations 02 ... ...
Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators 2 x P (Rc, NPT, G) G H2 M5 x 0.8 (This drawing shows the cases of 20 and 25.)
Bellows Bellows ZX Hexagon width across flats 12 Hexagon width across flats 10 ZR (Miniature tube fitting Series M5) (Miniature tube fitting Series M5) Hexagon width across flats 7 Hexagon width across flats 7 ZM ZH ZU ZL D G: M4 x 0.7 G: M5 x 0.8 G: M5 x 0.8 G: M6 x 1 G: M8 x 1.25 ZY A B Y Model C D E K A B K L Y Model C L F F F D ZPY20B ZPY25B ZPY06B ZPY08B 25 28 18.9 37 14 10.5 10.5 20