It may cause damage to the parts. 1 B
5 Mini-rotary Actuator Rack & Pinion Style Series CRJ How to Order CRB2 Rotating angle CRBU2 90 100 180 190 90 100 180 190 CRB1 MSU CRJ B 05 90 E M9B S Basic type CRJ CRA1 CRJ U 05 90 E M9B S With external stopper CRQ2 Number of auto switches MSQ Nil S 2 pcs. 1 pc.
YOS: DIN terminal without connector (DC specification) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) Note 1) YS: DIN terminal (DC specification) Y: DIN terminal YO: DIN terminal without connector Function Symbol Specifications DC (0.35 W) AC Note 3) Nil Standard With surge voltage suppressor With light/surge voltage suppressor With surge voltage suppressor (0.9 W) B Note
0: disable, 1: enable 4 : : : 7 (Ch7 input) Monitor open circuit 0: disable, 1: enable -98No.EX-OMZ0024 Configuration format (EX600-DX#D/E/F) EX600-DX#D/E/F (5 byte) Byte Bit Parameter Setting value 0..3 Unit No. 0..8 0 4..7 Parameter type 1 EX600-DX#D: 05 (Hex) EX600-DX#E: 14 (Hex) EX600-DX#F: 16 (Hex) 1 0..7 Unit ID Unit parameter 0 Monitor short circuit (power) 0: disable, 1: enable 1
input) Monitor open circuit 0: disable, 1: enable -96No.EX-OMX1011 Configuration format (EX600-DX#D/E/F) EX600-DX#D/E/F (5 byte) Byte Bit Parameter Setting value 0..3 Unit No. 0..8 0 4..7 Parameter type 1 EX600-DX#D: 05 (Hex) EX600-DX#E: 14 (Hex) EX600-DX#F: 16 (Hex) 1 0..7 Unit ID Unit parameter 0 Monitor short circuit (power) 0: disable, 1: enable 1 Reserved 0 2 Inrush current filter 0
of Model Label . 1-7 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-8 1.5.1 Safety Precautions . 1-8 1.5.2 Safety Interlock system . 1-9 1.5.3 Lockout/Tagout . 1-10 1.5.4 Protective equipment . 1-12 1.6 Emergency Measures. 1-13 1.6.1 Emergency off [EMO] switch . 1-13 1.7 Waste Disposal . 1-15 1.7.1 Disposal of refrigerant and compressor oil. 1-15 1.7.2 Circulating fluid disposal. 1-16 1.7.3 System disposal . 1
65.5) 61 1 2 1/8, 1/4 1/4, 3/8 1/4, 3/8 1/2 3 ( ): Denotes the Normally Open (N.O.) dimensions. 33 Series VX21/22/23 For Steam Can be used with heated water.
(B) 2 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) Note) Except VQZ1000 and metal seal type.
Solid state auto switch M9NWV M9NW IC circuit G59W 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V Relay, PLC Yes 24 V 3-wire (PNP) M9PWV M9PW G5PW Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) 2-wire 12 V M9BWV M9BW K59W Grommet 3-wire (NPN) 5 V, 12 V M9NAV*1 M9NA*1 IC circuit 3-wire (PNP) M9PAV*1 M9PA*1 Water resistant (2-color indicator) 2-wire 12 V M9BAV*1 M9BA*1 G5BA*1 With diagnostic output (2-color indicator
65 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 75 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 80 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 85 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 n (Same surface) 90 + 100 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 95 + 100 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 100 + 100 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 105 + 100 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 110 + 100 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8)*1 1 60 65 75 80 85 2 (Different surfaces) 70 75 80 85 2 (Same
"P 05 lS: _ .. , ~U ,8 Jl 2.5 --~ 3 45 3.5 24.5 15 12 4.5 2.3 ZPT3~ 32 35 1'4.5 25 8 40.5 '9.5 '::Deep type MOdel fA > 8 0 H :M6 Xl }i;MB X' : i .. ' C I E F I ~' I I f c I.E : F 1G , I i y j , ZPT25D 25 28 20 3 1 25.5125 1 51 I 8 3.5 1 315 15 146 1 ' 2 1 '0 I 10' Rat type Deep type/ ZPTlOD'16D only Flat type Deep type/ ZPT40D only H G ""\ ,.Q... h aclOSS fl~ W idl tM6 :S.M8: 1 2) rr:tl :
of Model Label . 1-7 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-8 1.5.1 Safety Precautions . 1-8 1.5.2 Safety Interlock system . 1-9 1.5.3 Lockout/Tagout . 1-10 1.5.4 Protective equipment . 1-12 1.6 Emergency Measures. 1-13 1.6.1 Emergency off [EMO] switch . 1-13 1.7 Waste Disposal . 1-15 1.7.1 Disposal of refrigerant and compressor oil. 1-15 1.7.2 Circulating fluid disposal. 1-16 1.7.3 System disposal . 1
Side C12 (For 12) P: Rc 1/2 VQC400-5 S kit 1 to 12 stations: EX240, EX250 1 to 8 stations: EX500 1 to 8 stations: EX126 Rc 1/4 VQC4000 VV5QC41R: Rc 3/4 VQC401-5 Rc 3/8 Bottom Rc 1/4 Note 1) One-touch fittings in inch sizes are also available.
Body (1) (1) With (1) With (w/o light) Base mounted 5 Note 1) Applicable to VQZ2000 and 3000.
of Model Label . 1-7 1.5 Safety Measures . 1-8 1.5.1 Safety Precautions . 1-8 1.5.2 Safety Interlock system . 1-9 1.5.3 Lockout/Tagout . 1-10 1.5.4 Protective equipment . 1-12 1.6 Emergency Measures. 1-13 1.6.1 Emergency off [EMO] switch . 1-13 1.7 Waste Disposal . 1-15 1.7.1 Circulating fluid disposal. 1-15 1.7.2 System disposal . 1-15 1.8 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) . 1-15 Chapter
OUT fitting type AMR Inch size Metric size Straight Elbow Straight Elbow Symbol Symbol 4 5/32 6 1/4 ITV 4 6 5/32 1/4 04 05 16 17 54 55 66 67 Note 1) A pressure gauge with a full span of 0.4 MPa is attached. Note 2) The oil-free type has nongreased fluid contact areas. IC VBA A ARM11B 1 A R 1 06 Z Individual supply type VE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.
OUT fitting type AMR Inch size Metric size Straight Elbow Straight Elbow Symbol Symbol 4 5/32 6 1/4 ITV 4 6 5/32 1/4 04 05 16 17 54 55 66 67 Note 1) A pressure gauge with a full span of 0.4 MPa is attached. Note 2) The oil-free type has nongreased fluid contact areas. IC VBA A ARM11B 1 A R 1 06 Z Individual supply type VE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.
1!6!7!8!9@0@1@2@3@6@9#0#1#3#4#5#6#7 -XC6A 63, 80, 100 !7 is type L only, #1 is type B only, #9 and $0 are type F only. r!0!5!6!7!8!9@0@1@3@4@7@8@9#1#2#3#4#5#9$0 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 #1 is rod side only. r!1!7@0@1@2@3#1#5 -XC6B 63, 80, 100 @9 is rod side only. r!0!5!8!9@0@1@9#3 20, 25, 32, 40,50 r!1@0 -XC6C 63, 80, 100 r!0!