12 16 0.1 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 0.01 5 10 20 30 MXW Overhang L (mm) Overhang L (mm) Maximum Speed: Up to 400 (mm/s) Graph (5) Graph (2) Maximum Speed: Up to 300 (mm/s) MXJ 0.3 50 40 30 20 MXP 0.2 10 MXY 0.1 2 3 4 5 Mass W (kg) Mass W (kg) 40 32 MTS 0.04 0.05 1 0.03 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 25 20 8 0.02 16 12 0.01 0.1 5 10 20 30 5 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 Overhang L (mm) Overhang L (mm) Graph (3)
40 200 Overhang L (mm) Overhang L (mm) Graph (7) Maximum Speed: Up to 800 (mm/s) 20 30 40 50 10 2 3 4 5 Weight W (kg) 40 32 1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 16 25 20 12 0.1 50 100 200 5 20 30 40 10 Overhang L (mm) 8-10-6 6 Model Selection Series MTS Horizontal Mounting 8 Maximum speed: Up to 500 mm/s Maximum speed: Up to 300 mm/s Graph (8) Stroke: Up to 10 stroke Graph (11) Stroke: Up to 10 stroke 0.1
125 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 Maximum speed: V (mm/s) Maximum speed: V (mm/s) 9-8-7 8 Cylinder with Lock Double Acting, Single Rod Series CNS 125, 140, 160 How to Order 125 125 100 100 Y7BW CDNS D CNS D L Without auto switch L With auto switch Number of auto switches Built-in magnet Port thread type Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan
Direct mount type CY3R Series Basic type CY3B Series Series Variations Standard stroke (mm) Individual Made-to-Order products Bore size 1000 900 800 700 600 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Series Heat resistant specifications (XB6) Low speed specifications (15 to 50 mm/s) (XB9) 6 10 Long stroke (XB11) 15 Low speed specifications (7 to 50 mm/s) (XB13) 20 CY3B Hydro specifications (X116
Controller USB cable Communication 120.3 120.3 mm mm 200 200 mm/s mm/s (type A to mini-B) cable 100 500 100 500 1 1 200 1000 200 1000 2 2 50 200 50 200 3 3 CN3 PC (PC is prepared by the user.) 20 - 4.4 CN4: Counter connector (option) Connect the controller to the Multi-counter (CEU5) using the counter cable (LATH3-). Refer to section 6.2 Counter plug wiring (P.24).
New New [mm] 300 2 s 4 s 6 s 8 s 0 300 Compact fan types 0 200 800 1600 2000 2400 Installation distance sPage 21 When neutralizing static electricity from 1000 V to 100 V at a distance of 300 mm from the workpiece (front surface). When air flow of IZF31 is maximum.
Recommendable Air Flow ln/min Model Port Size NZFA100-T01 18 50 NZFA200-T02 14 200 Cup D I M E N S I O N S A P P L I C AT I O N T O VA C U U M P U M P S Y S T E M H O W T O O R D E R (N)ZFA A I R S U C T I O N F I LT E R (N)ZFA A C C E S S O R I E S TYPE N None L With Bracket -Left R With Bracket -Right 100 500Nl/Min 200 200Nl/Min P O R T S I Z E P O R T T H R E A D 01 1/8 02 1/4 Nil PT*
R and S (Because S function is also included in R.) S and T (Because S function is also included in T.) Note 2) Voltage symbol 20 (200 VAC) is the terminal block connection as standard. Option S cannot be chosen. Voltage symbol 10 (100 VAC) is the power cable with plug as standard.
(Example) Find the upper limit of rod end load when an air cylinder of 63 is operated at 500 mm/s.
si in ng gl le e a ax xi is s t ty yp pe e) ) d do ou ub bl le e a ax xi is s t ty yp pe e) ) LECP Series This manual describes the actuators operation in combination with the LECP6 series controllers.
PLC Electric actuator Note2) EtherNet/IP Note2) Note3) To P1P2 Controller Note1) To ENC Actuator cable Part No: LE-CP-(Robotic type cable) LE-CP---S (Standard cable) Options To MOT Controller setting software Product No.: JXC-MA1-1 To CI PC Note2) Control power 120.3 120.3 mm mm supply connector 200 200 mm/s mm/s 100 500 100 500 1 1 200 1000 200 1000 2 2 (Accessory) 50 200 50
Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS." Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS." Note) ;in the table indicates the pad material "N, S, U, F, GN, GS."
Auto switches are shipped together, (but not assembled). 1 Series MXQR Specifications 6 8 12 16 20 25 Bore size (mm) Piping port size M5 x 0.8 Rc1/8, NPT1/8, G1/8 Air Fluid Double acting Action 0.15 to 0.7 MPa Operating pressure 1.05 MPa Proof pressure 10 to 60C Ambient and fluid temperature 50 to 500 mm/s (Adjuster option/Metal stopper: 50 to 200 mm/s) (Adjuster option/Shock absorber: 300
(0.01 s increment), 0.1 to 1.0 s (0.1 s increment), 1 to 10 s (1 s increment) Select from 20 s, 30 s, 40 s, 50 s, 60 s Hysteresis 8 Variable Protection Short circuit protection Output type Voltage output: 1 to 5 V (0 to 10 V can be selected, only when the power supply voltage is 24 VDC) 10, Analogue outpour 9 Current output 4 to 20 mA Impedance Voltage output Output impedance approx.1 k Current
200 274 292 S 38 45 45 S 38 45 45 B 186 220 220 294 312 AL10 AL20 AL30 AL40 AL40-06 AL50 AL60 52 AL10 to 60 Dimensions Optional specifications: 1000cm tank 106 90 106 E Port size Bracket (option) 70 66 3.2 13 11 C P IN OUT H OUT With float switch B 210 Specification Contact capacity: 15VA(AC) 15W(DC) Contact point: 1a, 1b B 210 Min. clearance for maintenance G 1/2 Float switch
I R Q z300 24.4 Q z300 I 1/2 R 1/2 K K S S Exhaust port L L E H H E U U F F G G 2 P 2 P Port size Port size DIN terminal A D Q T J R Cable 6 to 12 S I K 24.4 1/2 Exhaust port (44) U F G1/2 L H E Port size 2 P G Dimensions (mm) Model Port size P A D E F G H I J K L S VXF25A< VXF26A< 2 1/2 3 182 206 92 102 212 247 47 63 117.5 119 141 176 18.6 18.6 78.4 78.4 59.8 59.8 24 24 30 30 Grommet
8 Max. speed [mm/s] 400 200 400 200 400 200 Min. speed [mm/s] (Independent and interpolation) 20 10 20 10 20 10 Min. speed [mm/s] (Speed tuning control) 25 13 27 14 30 15 Supplement 1.4 Initial setting of LEP series Model LEP8 LEP16 Lead symbol J K J K Lead [mm] 8 4 10 5 Stroke (mm) Others 25 Others 25 Max. speed [mm/s] 300 250 150 350 250 200 Min. speed [mm/s] (Independent and interpolation
Very low speed (7 to 50mm/s) specifications There is no sticking and slipping even at very low drive speeds of 7 to 50mm/s. Furthermore, there is no lurching at start up, allowing smooth drive through the entire stroke.
100 300 Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) 300 300 CEP1 Max. 500 mm/s of high speed transfer is possible.
JAHF80-30-200 JAHF100-42-300 63 80 100 60 73.5 86 24 30 42 2 2 3 106 131 152 100 125 150 72 82 100 66 79 96 21 24 29 24 38 42 2 2.5 3 2.8 5.2 9 22000 36000 55000 18 18 22 20 22 24 41 46 55 RS H A RZQ Foot Style: JAHL MI W S JAHL40, 50 Center of sphere CEP1 CE1 CE2 ML2B R C J G5-S JAHL63 to 100 Center of sphere CV MVGQ CC RB R J (mm) Maximum operating tension and compression force (N) M