VK Rc 1/8 Applicable solenoid valve How to Order Type 41 VZ VV5Z5 05 41 1 01 G L M D VZ54VF 4(A), 2(B) Port size P, R port thread type Applicable blanking plate assembly DXT199-22-1A Applicable individual EXH spacer assembly DXT199-29-2A Applicable individual SUP spacer assembly DXT199-35-1A Applicable interface regulator ARBZ5000-00-P Stations VFR 1(P) port Rc 1/4 02 2 stations 01 Rc1 8
None Supply valve (1) (1) (2) (2) Release valve (4) Supply valve (1) (1) (2) (2) Release valve (4) Supply valve (1) (1) Release valve (4) Supply valve (1) (1) Release valve (4) Supply valve (3) (3) Release valve (4) K1 J1 Q1 Q2 VQ110 Rated voltage (4) ZB1 (4) (4) 5 6 24 VDC 12 VDC Connector assembly Table 2 Connector entry direction Note 1) AXT661 L LO M MO L-type plug connector, with lead
+7 15bi 8bit 7bit 0bit 16 16 (WORD) ) (RWwn+1)100mm/s 16 100mm/s 0064h 00 64 h 32 32 ) (RWwn+2,3)700.00mm 0.01mm 700.00mm 7016 00011170h 00 01 11 70 h 64h 00h RWwn+1 15bit 8bit 7bit 0bit 01h 00h RWwn+2 15bi 8bit 7bit 0bit 70h 11h RWwn+3 15bi 8bit 7bit 0bit 39 - 12.2 IF ( ) IF ID ID=1 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I_Address RWrn+8 bit F E D C B A 9 8 I_Address RWrn+8 (1) (LEC)1(ON)0(OFF) (
2(B) port size 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 3/5(R) port 02 2 stations Rc 1/4 1 8 Rc Nil F N Z NPTE 01 Rc C6 One-touch fitting for 6 4(A), 2(B) port G 20 20 stations 1(P) port Rc 1/8, C6 NPT B7 One-touch fitting for 1/4" Rc 1/4 How to Order Type 43 VV5Z3 05 43 1 C4 1(P), 3/5(R) port thread type 4(A), 2(B) port size Stations 02 2 stations 3/5(R) port Nil F N Z NPTE Rc C4 One-touch fitting
Default: Gain 9 Bit Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 Value Bit 3 2 1 0 Setting 0 0 0 0 Gain 0 0 0 0 1 Gain 1 0 0 1 0 Gain 2 0 0 1 1 Gain 3 0 1 0 0 Gain 4 0 1 0 1 Gain 5 0 1 1 0 Gain 6 0 1 1 1 Gain 7 1 0 0 0 Gain 8 1 0 0 1 Gain 9 * 1 0 1 0 Gain A 1 0 1 1 Gain B 1 1 0 0 Gain C 1 1 0 1 Gain D 1 1 1 0 Gain E 1 1 1 1 Gain F * indicates the initial shipping value. 16 - Parameter index 0x43 Parameter name Sensitivity
8, 1/4, NPT 1/8, 1/4 27 22 22 76.5 75 33 30 (SUS) Stainless steel 19 13 81 Rc 1/4, 3/8, NPT 1/4, 3/8 37 26 37 112.5 110.5 47 36 M6 x 1 20.5 16 99 Rc 3/8, 1/2, NPT 3/8, 1/2 50 33.5 47.5 142 138 60 46 M8 x 1.25 44 10 11 55 3.5 Rc 1/4, NPT 1/4 27 37 20 4 77 75.5 36 30 56 19 15 80 5.5 Rc 3/8, NPT 3/8 37 46 34 7.5 111.5 109.5 47 36 PPS 68 20.5 22 99.5 5.5 Rc 1/2, NPT 1/2 50 57 42 8 142.5
Noise countermeasures 13 Chapter 7: Setting and Counter operation 7-1. Modes and setting items 14 7-1-1. Mode types and functions 14 7-1-2. Mode switching procedure 14 7-1-3. Setting of function mode 15 7-1-4. Data setting range 16 7-2. Setting 17 7-3. Counter operation 21 7-3-1. Handling data range 21 7-3-2. Reset and hold input 21 7-3-3.
b. c. 1 - 1. 1. 1. (), 2. ,, 3. F.G.
pilot Type SS3YJ5-41-M5 SYJ54 1/8 Type SS3YJ5-41-01 Type SS3YJ5-41-C4 Type SS3YJ5-41-C6 C6 1/8 M5 x 0.8 1/8 M5 x 0.8 1/8 1/8 Body ported for external pilot SYJ52R Type SS3YJ5-21R Type SS3YJ5-40R-M5 Type SS3YJ5-40R-01 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 Base mounted for external pilot Type SS3YJ5-41R-M5 M5 x 0.8 1/8 SYJ54R Type SS3YJ5-41R-01 Type SS3YJ5-41R-C4 C4 C6 Type SS3YJ5-41R-C6 Note) Value at manifold
Lateral load allowance zoo T---*J-rf I I T---r -tl l r ) = _ 1 ) , 4 \ t l 1 -;-) 50 to 100 stroke 75 | 2.47 1oo I zJt 125 1 5 0 ' , , e 1'rC ' "; ?00 I 1.8, Eccentrlc distance: L(mml | , ^-l^-t I I fti-+i-*-t'-1 | l t ' + t r Over 100 stroke Non-rotating accuracy of plate Non-rotatng accurary 0 10.09. $0Pi8$ I)(P _ uomlam neouil nctun loxt Fifl.
VK Rc 1/8 Applicable solenoid valve How to Order Type 41 VZ VV5Z5 05 41 1 01 G L M D VZ54VF 4(A), 2(B) Port size P, R port thread type Applicable blanking plate assembly DXT199-22-1A Applicable individual EXH spacer assembly DXT199-29-2A Applicable individual SUP spacer assembly DXT199-35-1A Applicable interface regulator ARBZ5000-00-P Stations VFR 1(P) port Rc 1/4 02 2 stations 01 Rc1 8
3100-5FZ Sta. 2) NVFR3200-5FZ NARBF3000-00-P-1 wFs3000-20A-1 r\)(T636-1A (P Sallery) Sta.3-4) NVFR3100-5Fz NW5FR3-01T-041-037 See Note 1) Mixed Contiguration Maniiold: 1 LINE ITEM '1 DESCRIPIION OTY Four Station Manifold Ass'y as lollows: Sta. 1-4) NVFF4100-3FZB NW5FR4-01T-041-M Mixr sta. 1-2) 3/8 side sta. 3-4) 1/2 side See Note 3) Note 1) Indicate gallery tor all blocking discs (P EA, or
Command bit setting of Controlword Bit 3 Bit 1 Command Transition No. Bit 7 Bit 2 Bit 0 Enable Enable Fault Reset Quick Stop Switch On Operation Voltage Shutdown 0 1 1 0 (2)/(6)/(8) Switch On 0 0 1 1 1 (3) Disable Voltage 0 0 (7)/(9)/(10)/(1 2) Quick Stop 0 0 1 (7)/(10)/(11) Disable Operation 0 0 1 1 1 (5) Enable Operation 0 1 1 1 1 (4)/(16) Fault Reset 0 1 (Note) (15) Note.
3100-5FZ Sta. 2) NVFR3200-5FZ NARBF3000-00-P-1 wFs3000-20A-1 r\)(T636-1A (P Sallery) Sta.3-4) NVFR3100-5Fz NW5FR3-01T-041-037 See Note 1) Mixed Contiguration Maniiold: 1 LINE ITEM '1 DESCRIPIION OTY Four Station Manifold Ass'y as lollows: Sta. 1-4) NVFF4100-3FZB NW5FR4-01T-041-M Mixr sta. 1-2) 3/8 side sta. 3-4) 1/2 side See Note 3) Note 1) Indicate gallery tor all blocking discs (P EA, or
Bar length (mm) IZS31-E3 IZS31-E3 IZS31-E4 IZS31-E5 1 300 30 1 380 1 1 620 80 1 1 780 L 1 3 1100 3 1 1260 2 2 1500 Part no L 5 1 1900 IZS31-E3 IZS31-E4 IZS31-E5 200 4 2 2300 280 360 The model number requires the suffix -X14 to indicate that the body is to be shipped fitted with a security cover. IZS31 Standard part no.
F99] <> [F99] [F99][ini] [ini][] [oFF] [on] 5 [F99] -56No.PF-OMO0004CN-E / ()() 1[Hi][] 1 1[Lo][] 1 1 () 1 /() () 1 -57No.PF-OMO0004CN-E [LoC][][LoC] 1[LoC]1 < -> 5[UnL] [F 0] [LoC] 5 [LoC] [UnL] -58No.PF-OMO0004CN-E < -> [F81] 5 [UnL] [F 0] [LoC] 5 [LoC] [UnL] ( ) [000] 1 [UnL] [FAL] 3 [LoC] /30 -59No.PF-OMO0004CN-E [000] <> [UnL] 5 ( ) 1 1 -60No.PF-OMO0004CN-E
Features 1 Series SYJ300/500/700 Manifold Variations A port size With one-touch fitting Valve series A port location P, R ports size M3 M5 1/8 Applicable tubing O.D. 6 4 N3 N7 N9 8 Note 1) M5 x 0.8 SYJ300 Top Note 2) Body ported Base mounted 1/8 SYJ500 Top 1/8 Note 1) 1/8 SYJ700 Top 1/4 Note 1) M5 x 0.8 SYJ300 Side 1/8 Bottom SYJ500 1/8 Side Note 1) 1/8 Bottom SYJ700 1/4 Side 1/4 Note 1)
IP800-01 Symbol Pressure Nil Rc1/4 G1/2 0 None M Rc1/4 M201.5 1 0.2 MPa N Rc1/4 1/2NPT 2 0.3 MPa 1 1/4NPT G1/2 3 1.0 MPa 2 1/4NPT M201.5 3 1/4NPT 1/2NPT 4 G1/4 G1/2 Construction Note 1) 5 G1/4 M201.5 0 No terminal box 6 G1/4 1/2NPT With terminal box (Exsd BT5) TIIS (Japan) explosion-proof 1 Accessories Note 2) Applicable model Symbol Accessories IP8000 IP8100 Nil None (