Series PSE digital pressure switches allow pressure to be controlled from a remote location.? Series PSE510 is compact and lightweight, allowing the sensor to be mounted where needed. The use of stainless steel for all wetted parts (SUS630 for diaphragm, SUS304 for fitting) allows the PSE520 pressure sensor to be used in a wide variety of gas and fluid applications. Lightweight, only 12
Series PSE digital pressure switches allow pressure to be controlled from a remote location. Series PSE510 is compact and lightweight, allowing the sensor to be mounted where needed. The use of stainless steel for all wetted parts (SUS630 for diaphragm, SUS304 for fitting) allows the PSE520 pressure sensor to be used in a wide variety of gas and fluid applications. Compact pressure sensor
Series PSE digital pressure switches allow pressure to be controlled from a remote location. Series PSE510 is compact and lightweight, allowing the sensor to be mounted where needed. The use of stainless steel for all wetted parts (SUS630 for diaphragm, SUS304 for fitting) allows the PSE520 pressure sensor to be used in a wide variety of gas and fluid applications. Compact pressure sensor
Series PSE digital pressure switches allow pressure to be controlled from a remote location. Series PSE510 is compact and lightweight, allowing the sensor to be mounted where needed. The use of stainless steel for all wetted parts (SUS630 for diaphragm, SUS304 for fitting) allows the PSE520 pressure sensor to be used in a wide variety of gas and fluid applications. Compact pressure sensor
Series PSE digital pressure switches allow pressure to be controlled from a remote location. Series PSE510 is compact and lightweight, allowing the sensor to be mounted where needed. The use of stainless steel for all wetted parts (SUS630 for diaphragm, SUS304 for fitting) allows the PSE520 pressure sensor to be used in a wide variety of gas and fluid applications. Compact pressure sensor
Dimensions P.386 Spare Parts P.390 KQ2 Metric size P.383 KDM6 How to Order P.392 Variations P.393 Dimensions P.394 KDM Metric size P.391 How to Order P.404 Variations P.405 Dimensions P.406 Inch size P.403 How to Order P.414 Variations P.415 Dimensions P.416 Inch size P.413 Gasket Seal (Uni Thread) Connection thread Applicable tubing Rc G NPT NPTF How to Order P.420 Variations P.421 Dimensions
SY340 SY540 SY340 SY540 SY340 SY540 SY740 + + + + P. 198 EA P EB Type 41P P. 214 EA P EB In common Type 42 P. 198 + + + + + + + + EA P EB EA P EB SY340 SY540 SY740 Type 42P P. 214 EB P EA In common Type 43 SY940 + + + + P. 208 Base mounted Stacking type Flat ribbon cable Manifold stations can be increased or decreased.
port R P A, B port P port -+ -+ A B R P -+ -+ A B B R port R P For detailed specifications about SYJ3000, refer to page 14.
P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P
A G E A P P L I C A T I O N S S E E N E X T P A G E Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
48 R P R P R P VS Refer to page 4-4-61 for dimensions with connector cable.
P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P
Body type Plug-in type ARBF2000-00-P-1 Non plug-in type ARBF2000-00-P-2 P port regulation Body type Plug-in type VVFS2000-10A Non plug-in type Part no. Rc 1 4 VVFS2000-P-02-1 VVFS2000-P-02-2 Accessory One pair of gasket and mounting thread is attached to every option parts assembly.
19) J P.7 kit (P.25, 41) P.27 T kit (P.67, 79) P.69 L kit (P.81, 93) P.83 Specific Product Precautions P.119 S kit Cylinder Speed Chart Use as a guide for selection.
Box p. 105 Terminal Block Box p. 106 Lead Wire p. 107 EX600 p. 108 EX245 p. 110 EX250 p. 112 EX260 p. 113 EX120 p. 114 Manifold Exploded View [Common Parts] p. 115 Type 10: How to Increase Connector Type Manifolds p. 115 For the JJ5SY1-10, JJ5SY3-10, JJ5SY5-10/ Manifold Parts Nos.
P.287 P.289 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.290 P.297 P.297 P.301 P.304 P.306 P.306 P.306 P.310 P.311 P.311 P.312 P.312 P.312 P.315 P.316 P.316 P.316 P.317 P.318 P.319 P.319 P.319 P.324 P.325 P.326 P.329 P.333 P.333 P.333 P.337 P.339 P.340 P.343 P.348 P.351 P.351 P.356 P.358 P.361 P.362 P.364 P.367 P.371 P.371 P.374 P.385 P.385 P.387 P.387 P.390 P.392 P.393 P.394 P.395 P.396 CJP2 MGPW Pin Cylinder
P.101 M R G Uni UNF NPT M R Uni Metric size P.5 P.101 P.65 P.173 P.57 P.165 P.87 P.201 P.29 P.133 Inch size P.29 P.133 P.73 P.185 P.49 P.157 P.81 P.195 P.49 P.157 P.95 P.209 CAT.ES50-37D KQ2 Series One-touch Fittings KQ2 Series Compact and lightweight Improved tube insertion/removal Length 23% shorter Max. 1 30% reduction Dimensions Dimensions Insertion : force Height 24% shorter 1 20 15.5
(N)VV4Z1 20 S TAT I O N S 1 T H R E A D T Y P E 02 2 Stations to 20 20 Stations PT 00T NPTF D I M E N S I O N S M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D M P L U G T Y P E F Bracket O P T I O N D I M E N S I O N S M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D G R O M M E T T Y P E Lead Wire Length ACCESSORIES M A N I F O L D T Y P E 20 T O P P O R T E D DXT170-25-1A Blanking Plate Assembly
P.1729 P.1731 P.1732 P.1733 P.1738 P.1739 P.1742 P.1743 P.1744 P.1747 P.1748 P.1752 P.1755 P.1756 P.1760 P.1765 P.1766 P.1769 P.1770 P.1776 P.1781 P.1786 P.1794 P.1796 P.1801 P.1802 P.1803 P.1804 P.1806 P.1806 P.1807 P.1809 P.1817 P.1818 P.1819 P.1820 P.1822 P.1823 P.1829 P.1829 P.1830 P.1831 P.1832 P.1832 P.1833 P.1836 P.1838 P.1839 P.1839 P.1841 P.1844 P.1844 P.1845 P.1848 P.1849 P.1850
P EtherCAT P P P EtherNet/IP P P P P P Open network Applicable valve series PROFIBUS DP P P P P P DeviceNet P P P P P P CC-Link P P P P P P P AS-Interface P CANopen P CompoNet SY (Plug-in connector connecting base) 3000 P P P P P P 5000 P P P P P P S0700 (Stacking base) 0700 P P P P P 1000 P P P P P P 2000 P P P P P P SV 3000 P P P P P P 4000 P 1000 P P P P P P VQC 2000 P P P P P P 4000 P