Acid consumption amount (at pH4.8) [mg/L] 100 or less v Total hardness [mg/L] 200 or less v Calcium hardness (CaCO3) [mg/L] 150 or less v Ionic state silica (SiO2) [mg/L] 50 or less v Iron (Fe) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v v Copper (Cu) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Sulfide ion (S2) [mg/L] Should not be detected. v Ammonium ion (NH4+) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v Residual chlorine (Cl) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Free carbon
/L] 0.1 or less v Iron (Fe) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v v Residual chlorine (Cl) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Reference item Copper (Cu) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Free carbon (CO2) [mg/L] 4.0 or less v Sulfide ion (S2) [mg/L] Should not be detected. v * In the case of [Mcm], it will be 0.003 to 0.01.
Standard piping type Centralized piping type Operating direction Operating direction Side Front Side Front L R L R L L L R L R R R R R R R L L L L L R L L L Back New Back R R R Bottom Bottom Port variation Port variation R and L can be mounted in any desired position.
Standard item Acid consumption amount (at pH4.8) [mg/L] 100 or less v Total hardness [mg/L] 200 or less v Calcium hardness (CaCO3) [mg/L] 150 or less v Ionic state silica (SiO2) [mg/L] 50 or less v Iron (Fe) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v v Copper (Cu) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Sulfide ion (S2) [mg/L] Should not be detected. v Ammonium ion (NH4+) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v Residual chlorine (Cl) [mg/L] 0.3 or
Total hardness [mg/L] 200 or less Ammonium ion (NH4+) [mg/L] 0.1 or less Calcium hardness (CaCO3) [mg/L] 150 or less Residual chlorine (Cl) [mg/L] 0.3 or less Ionic state silica (SiO2) [mg/L] 50 or less Free carbon (CO2) [mg/L] 4.0 or less Iron (Fe) [mg/L] 1.0 or less Reference item In the case of [Mcm], it will be 0.003 to 0.01.
Standard item HRSE Acid consumption amount (at pH4.8) [mg/L] 100 or less v Total hardness [mg/L] 200 or less v Calcium hardness (CaCO3) [mg/L] 150 or less v Ionic state silica (SiO2) [mg/L] 50 or less v HRZ Iron (Fe) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v v Copper (Cu) [mg/L] 0.3 or less v Sulfide ion (S2) [mg/L] Should not be detected. v Ammonium ion (NH4+) [mg/L] 1.0 or less v Residual chlorine (Cl) [mg/
With adjustment bolt With low/high load shock absorber + adjustment bolt (L/H unit) Standard piping type A unit L unit H unit Operating direction Side Front L R R R L L L R L Back Improved shock-less characteristics when a work piece is stopped.
M ount t he w at er separat or t o t he pl ace w i t h l ow est t em perat ure i n used pneum ati c ci rcui t. ( Low er tem perature hel ps l i qui di ze the m oi sture. ) O ne of w ays t o l ow er t he t em perature i s to m ake t he pi pi ng at t he i nl et si de of t he w at er separat or l onger.
E1 NX CLS 25 +0.084 0 28 +0.084 0 32 +0.1 0 I-12 I-14 I-16 125 140 160 32 0.1 0.3 36 0.1 0.3 40 0.1 0.3 54 46 100 M30 x 1.5 27 33 L1 U1 54 48 105 M30 x 1.5 30 39 CLQ 60 55 110 M36 x 1.5 34 39 RR1 RLQ MLU MLGP ML1C Clevis Pin/Knuckle Pin l L 5 5 Material: Carbon steel (mm) Applicable bore size (mm) Applicable cotter pin Dd9 Dd9 L l Part no.
Contents 125 CLS125-PS A set of above Nos. 60, 62, 63, 64, 65 & 67. 140 CLS140-PS 160 CLS160-PS Since the lock section for Series CLS is normally replaced as a unit, replacement seal kits are for the cylinder section only.
L Applicable bore size (mm) Applicable cotter pin Dd9 L l Part no.
Contents @1 Piston gasket NBR 20 RHC20-PS @2 Cylinder tube gasket NBR 25 RHC25-PS @3 Rod seal Set of nos. above !8, !9, @0, @2, @3, @4, @5 NBR 32 RHC32-PS @4 O-ring NBR 40 RHC40-PS @5 O-ring Stainless steel for 20, 25 Carbon steel for 32, 40 10-6-10 10 High Power Cylinder Series RHC Construction: 50 to 100 u q !2 i e !0 o w !6 !5 !4 !3 y r t !
G FA Unlocking port 2-Rc(PT) P Cylinder port Width across flats KA MM D EA E VA AL CX CZ CT N N U A K F BN L RR S + Stroke H ZZ + Stroke Z + Stroke 2-MA Effective thread depth R CL T GR GL With rod boot Q V 75 15 40 l C B 4-J h + l ZZ1 + l + Stroke Z1 + l + Stroke (mm) Bore size (mm) Stroke range (mm) A AL B BN BP BQ C CDH10 CL CT CX CZ D E EA F FA 125 140 160 50 47 145 205 1/2 3/8 115 25
/ZB03-K1/J1 Flow characteristics Exhaust characteristics (Characteristics when the supply pressure is 0.35 MPa) Vacuum pressure Air consumption[L/min(ANR)] Suction flow[L/min(ANR)] Vacuum pressure[kPa] Suction flow[L/min(ANR)] Vacuum pressure[kPa] Air consumption Suction flow Supply pressure [MPa] Suction flow [L/min(ANR)] Nozzle I.D. 0.4 Supply Valve: Large Flow Type (N.C.)
[L/min(ANR)] [KPa] [KPa] [L/min(ANR)] [MPa] 0.6 N.C. / ZB06-K1/J1 (0.5MPa ) [L/min(ANR)] [L/min(ANR)] [KPa] [KPa] [MPa] [L/min(ANR)] 38 - No.ZB-OM00301 0.3 / ZB03-Q1/Q2 (0.5MPa ) [L/min(ANR)] [L/min(ANR)] [KPa] [KPa] [L/min(ANR)] [MPa] 0.4 / ZB04-Q1/Q2 (0.5MPa ) [L/min(ANR)] [L/min(ANR)] [FPa] [FPa] [L/min(ANR)] [MPa] / ZB000-K1/J1 V V450 [KPa] [L/min(ANR)] 39 - No.ZB-OM00301
Bore size (mm) 6 MXY6-PS Set consists of 2 pieces of above 8 MXY8-PS !0, !
light (Red, Green) Indicator light (Red, Green) 23 23 15 15 H SET2 SET1 L H L H SET2 SET1 L H L Pressure setting trimmer 2 Pressure setting trimmer 1 Pressure setting trimmer 1 Pressure setting trimmer 2 79.8 600 (3000) 3 . 72 600 (3000) ZSE ISE 1 2 + ZSP PS 40 30 40 Pressure supply port 2 O-ring Pressure supply port 2 O-ring ISA 6 5 . 9 6 5 . 9 30 PSE 21 21 IS 27 27 2 x M2.5 x 24L Mounting
light (Red, Green) Indicator light (Red, Green) 23 23 PSE 15 15 Z I SE3 H SET2 SET1 L H L H SET2 SET1 L H L Pressure setting trimmer 1 Pressure setting trimmer 2 Pressure setting trimmer 2 Pressure setting trimmer 1 PS 79.8 600 (3000) 3 . 72 600 (3000) Z I SE1 2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local