: With light/surge voltage suppressor ( ): VF5144-G-04 Conduit terminal: VF5144-T02 03 04 DIN terminal: VF5144-D02 03 04 02 03 04 VF5144-Y(Mounting hole) (Mounting hole) Manual override (Non-locking) Manual override (Non-locking) Applicable cable O.D. 6 to 8 Applicable cable O.D.
03 04 SUP blocking plate VVQ5000-16A-1 P R1 EXH blocking plate VVQ5000-16A-2 R2 Rc3/8 03 Rc1/2 04 Bottom ported Rc1/2 04 Description/Model Stations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Notes Applicable valves and options Part No.
03 04 32 16 By mounting individual SUP spacers on a manifold block, it is possible to provide individual supply ports for each valve. 1 P 40.3 1(P) 4(A) 2(B) 03: 3/8 04: 1/2 1(P') 5(R1) 3(R2) Circuit diagram Plug-in type Plug lead type Individual EXH spacer 179 (plug-in type) 133 (plug lead type) VVQ5000-R-1T (Plug-in type) VVQ5000-R-5T (Plug lead type) 03 04 03 04 32 16 By mounting individual
CE-compliant P, R port thread type Valve stations Nil Rc Stations Note Symbol 00F 04 G 4 stations 00N Double wiring Note 1) NPT 00T 08 NPTF 8 stations 04 4 stations Specified layout Note 2) SI unit part no. (Up to 16 solenoids) 16 Page SI unit part no. SI unit specifications Symbol 16 stations Nil EX510-S001 NPN output (+ COM.)
03 04 VVQ5000-P-1(Plug-in type) VVQ5000-P-5(Plug lead type) 179 (Plug-in type) 133 (Plug lead type) 32 16 By mounting individual SUP spacers on a manifold block, it is possible to provide individual supply ports for each valve. 1 P 40.3 1(P) 4(A) 2(B) 03: Rc 3/8 04: Rc 1/2 1(P') 5(R1) 3(R2) Circuit diagram Plug-in type Plug llead type Individual EXH spacer 03 04 03 04 VVQ5000-R-1(Plug-in
(Stations 7 to 8) SS0752-08C S0712-5G-C4 S0722-5G-C4 S0732-5G-C4 S07A2-5G-C4 Body Ported Manifold Bar Base Voltage Symbol Type 5 24 VDC 6 12 VDC Note) The valve cannot be used as a standalone unit. Prefix the asterisk to the part numbers of the solenoid valve etc. Write sequentially from the 1st station on the D side.
Series SX3000/5000 Base Mounted Manifold Stacking Type DIN Rail Mounted Individual Wiring 45 Type How to Order Manifold How to Order Valve Manifold Assembly Ordering example 45 SS5X 3 Series Valve stations Single solenoid (24 VDC) 02 2 stations 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 SX3140-5G Double solenoid (24 VDC) SX3240-5G 20 20 stations Blanking plate assembly SX3000-75-1A SUP/EXH block assembly mounting
Load factor: ( (Load weight x 9.8)/Theoretical force) x 100% Conditions Series CJ2 Series CM2 6 x 1 m AS3301F-06 8 x 1 m AS3301F-08 AN110-01 Series MB/CA2 Series CJ2 Series CM2 4 x 1 m Series MB/CA2 Body ported Tubing bore x Length Speed controller Silencer Base mounted Tubing bore x Length Speed controller Silencer AS2301F-04 6 x 1 m 4 x 1 m AS1301F-04 AN120-M5 SYJ5120-M5 SYJ5140-01 AN101
Modular mounting type 2-port solenoid valve JSXM21-AN301R-5G-U-F 1 pc.
SY100-61-3-05 SY100-61-3-06 SY100-61-2-01 SY100-61-2-02 SY100-61-2-03 SY100-61-2-04 Voltage symbol 24V 12V 100V 200V 110V 220V Rated voltage 24 VDC 12 VDC 100 VAC 200 VAC 110 VAC 220 VAC How to use DIN Terminal Caution Connection 1. Loosen the holding screw and pull the connector out of the solenoid valve terminal block. 2.
(Manifold base) SYJ5120-5G-M5 2 pcs. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc. (Blank plate ass'y) PSS5YJ5-43-03-C4 1 pc. (Manifold base) SYJ5140-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5240-5LZ 1 pc. (Valve) SYJ5000-21-1A 1 pc.
200 5g 230 5g 270 5g 290 5g 3505g Air IN/OUT Connection Rc3/8 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Acceesory (Hexagon nipple) R3/8 R1/2 R3/4 R1 Drain Connection (Outside Diameter of Tubing) 10mm Color Panel: Urbanwhite1Base:Urbangray2 Weight 18kg 22kg 23kg 27kg 28kg 46kg Note1: The data for m3/ (ANR) is referring to the conditions of 20C, 1atm . pressure & relative humidity of 65%.
Example: SS3YJ3-20-03.1 set (Manifold base) SYJ312-5LZ-M3.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-1A.1 set (Blanking plate assembly) SS3YJ3-42R-03-C4 .1 set (Manifold base) SYJ314R-5G.2 sets (Valve) SYJ300-10-2A. 1 set (Blanking plate assembly) The asterisk denotes the symbol for assembly.
AXT632-69-1 AXT632-69-2 VVCA30-3A-04-2 VVCA30-3A-04-1 OR-2200-200-H VCA35--VVCA30-6-n VVCA30-4A-04-2 VVCA30-4A-04-1 Material Part no.
AXT632-69-1 AXT632-69-2 VVCA30-3A-04-2 VVCA30-3A-04-1 OR-2200-200-H VCA35--VVCA30-6-n VVCA30-4A-04-2 VVCA30-4A-04-1 No. Part no.
Blank plug Dimensions 23 04 06 KQP-X19 A L D Model Fittings size d Color: White 3.2 4 6 16 16 18 3.2 6 8 31.5 32 35 KQP-23-X19 KQP-04-X19 KQP-06-X19 It is inserted into an unused cylinder port and SUP/ EXH ports. The minimum order quantity is 10 pcs.
AS1311F-M3-04 M3 AS1001F-04 4 AS1211F-M5-04 AS1311F-M5-04 M5 AS1001F-06 6 AS1211F-M5-06 AS1311F-M5-06 M5 For details about one-touch fittings, miniature fittings and speed controllers (applicable tubing O.D. 2 only), refer to the catalog ES50-25 (B edition or later).
O-ring O,O Non plug-in type @ o End plate (kit) assy MEF363LR-04-t End plates O Joint/clamp O,O . Gasket O,O . O-ring O,O Plug-in type MEF373LH-04-1 End plates O . Joint/clamp O,O . casket O,O .
O-ring O,O Non plug-in type @ o End plate (kit) assy MEF363LR-04-t End plates O Joint/clamp O,O . Gasket O,O . O-ring O,O Plug-in type MEF373LH-04-1 End plates O . Joint/clamp O,O . casket O,O .