Your search for LEY16 returned 30 result(s)
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SpeedWork Load Graph (Guide) For Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) LECP6, LECP1, LECPMJ Horizontal Vertical LEY16m LEY16m for acceleration/deceleration: 2000 mm/s2 10 40 Lead 2.5: LEY16C 35 Horizontal work load [kg] Lead 2.5: LEY16C 8 Vertical work load [kg] 30 15 17 20 23 25 Lead 5: LEY16B 5 Lead 5: LEY16B 4 Lead 10: LEY16A 10 6 2 Lead 10: LEY16A 5 0 0 0 300 200 400 100 500 600 0 300 200 400 100
A * * 6 12 A N 5 10 8 16 30 LECPA A P * A * ( ) ( ) 4 3 2.5 500 [m] 1 * * * * C * B * A * 8 * 20 15 10 8 1.5 1 3 5 2 2 3 5 1 2 * 1630 ( 1 ) * 1 2 () 1 2 LEY25200 LEY32100 LEY16100 LEY25200 LEY32200 LEY32 30 150 200 250 300 150 200 250 300 30 50 100 350 400 450 500 50 100 350 400 450 500 LEY25 LEY16 LEY32 LEY32 LEY25 LEY16 / P.38 6.3 <> NPNPNP LEY16B
(mm) Color Symbol N R BU B Translucent Red (Translucent) Blue (Translucent) Black (Opaque) Inch nominal size Inch nominal size 5/32" 5/16" Operating Temperature: Max. 200C It varies depending on the operating pressure. Refer to the graph for the maximum operating pressure.
Features PFA Super PFA Modified PTFE FEP Material Chemical resistance 260C 260C 260C 200C Heat resistance Flexibility Ion elution Internal smoothness Air, Water, Inert gas Fluid Chemical liquids, Deionized water Chemical liquids, Deionized water 4 to 19 2 to 25 4 to 12 4 to 12 Tubing O.D.
LEY16RA-100BMLLEY16RA-100 LERH30K-3LLERH30K-3 0 (a) ) LEY16RA-75LEY16RALEY16RA-100 (b) LEFSH LEFS ) LEFSH25RH-300LEFS25RH-300LEFS25RH-300 (c) 11-)(25A-) 11-25A-11-25A) 11-LEFSH16A-100BRLEFS16A-100LEFS16A-100 15 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B Execute (Apply) 3.6 (2) 16 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B (2) 7. 512 2048 / 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 4 11 () 12 () 1 2 1 11 [] 14096 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/1 2 LEY16B
[Setting example] Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C 300 2.5mm 1 / 1 Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 1 / 2 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 1 / 4 Adjust the electronic gear ratio in order to travel the same distance per pulse of the axis with the shortest lead (Axis 1).
LERH30K-3L LERH30K-3 0 (a) ) LEY16RA-75 LEY16RALEY16RA-100 (b) LEFSH() LEFS ) LEFSH25RH-300 LEFS25RH-300LEFS25RH-300 (C) (11-)(25A-) 11-25A-11-25A) 11-LEFSH16A-100BR LEFS16A-100LEFS16A-100 -15No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C Execute()Execute Check box Execute Apply Apply 3.6 (2) -16No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C (2) 9. 512 2048 / 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 4 11 12 1 2 1 [] 11 1 4096 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/1 2 LEY16B
[Setting example] Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C 300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
[Setting example] Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Actuator Series LECP6 Series LECA6 Controller Actuator part number Compatible motor (Except cable specifications and actuator options) Example: Enter [LEY16B-100] for LEY16B-100R16N1 Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) P A Servo motor (24 VDC) Note 1) Option I/O cable length Nil D Note 2) Screw mounting DIN rail mounting Number of step data Nil 1 3 5 Without cable 1.5 m 3 m 5 m 6 64 points Note 2)
Bending value (Reference) 20 Complies with FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 177-1550 Operating temperature Air, Inert gas: 20 to 200C, Water: 0 to 100C (No freezing) dissolution test.
Heat resistance:200C It changes according to the operating pressure.
Table symbols : Can be used Compatibility is indicated for fluid temperatures of 200C or less. Consult SMC regarding fluids other than the above. Consult SMC regarding operating conditions.
Proof pressure D 0 to 150C Nut material PVDF Operating temperature MS 0 to 200C Nut material PFA LQ Withstand Pressure and Heat Resistance Performance Precautions MQR 4.0 T Be sure to read before handling. Refer to front matters 58 and 59 for Safety Instructions. 3.5 3.0 Piping Caution 2.5 Pressure (MPa) 1.