Your search for LEY16 returned 30 result(s)
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There were no hits with the full part number, but there were 5 hits in the keyword search.
Product Information » New Products Search Results
SpeedWork Load Graph (Guide) For Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) LECP6, LECP1, LECPMJ Horizontal Vertical LEY16m LEY16m for acceleration/deceleration: 2000 mm/s2 10 40 Lead 2.5: LEY16C 35 Horizontal work load [kg] Lead 2.5: LEY16C 8 Vertical work load [kg] 30 15 17 20 23 25 Lead 5: LEY16B 5 Lead 5: LEY16B 4 Lead 10: LEY16A 10 6 2 Lead 10: LEY16A 5 0 0 0 300 200 400 100 500 600 0 300 200 400 100
a <> ABSINC ABS() / / INC()/ / b c 2mm d e f / P.41 7.2 / P.43 7.2 g INP ON INP INP ON / P.41 7.2 h / P.41 7.2 / P.42 7.2 i 100 % 150 % LEY16A 200 % LEY25A / P.42 7.2 j 12AREA ON 12 INC ABS() No.1 148 250 AREA k INP No.0 50+20 = 70 -24- 1 -IN INPAREA a b c d e f g h i j k No. 1 2 mm/s mm mm/s^2 mm/s^2 % % mm/s % mm mm mm 0 ABS 100 100.00 3000 3000 0 0 0 100 80.00
LERH30K-3LLERH30K-3 0 (a) ) LEY16RA-75LEY16RALEY16RA-100 (b) LEFSH LEFS ) LEFSH25RH-300LEFS25RH-300LEFS25RH-300 (c) 11-)(25A-) 11-25A-11-25A) 11-LEFSH16A-100BRLEFS16A-100LEFS16A-100 15 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B Execute (Apply) 3.6 (2) 16 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B (2) 7. 512 2048 / 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 4 11 () 12 () 1 2 1 11 [] 14096 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/1 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/50 3 LEY16A
[Setting example] Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C 300 2.5mm 1 / 1 Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 1 / 2 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 1 / 4 Adjust the electronic gear ratio in order to travel the same distance per pulse of the axis with the shortest lead (Axis 1).
) LEY16RA-75 LEY16RALEY16RA-100 (b) LEFSH() LEFS ) LEFSH25RH-300 LEFS25RH-300LEFS25RH-300 (C) (11-)(25A-) 11-25A-11-25A) 11-LEFSH16A-100BR LEFS16A-100LEFS16A-100 -15No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C Execute()Execute Check box Execute Apply Apply 3.6 (2) -16No.JXC-OMT0001CN-C (2) 9. 512 2048 / 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 4 11 12 1 2 1 [] 11 1 4096 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/1 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/50 3 LEY16A
[Setting example] Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C 300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
[Setting example] Undefined No.12 1 to 4096 X Axis Actuator Lead Electronic gear ratio Axis 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/ 1 Axis 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/ 50 Axis 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/ 100 Set Axis 2 and 3 so that their travel distance becomes 2.5mm per 800 pulse.
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
Note VVQ4000-50B-C8 One-touch fitting assembly for 8 VVQ4000-50B-C10 One-touch fitting assembly for 10 VVQ4000-50B-C12 One-touch fitting assembly for 12 VVQ4000-50B-N9 One-touch fitting for 5 16" VVQ4000-50B-N11 One-touch fitting for 3 8" SY9000-58A-02 at the end of part number denotes the thread type. threaded type port block assembly 1 4 SY9000-58A-03 at the end of part number denotes
VVQ1000-51A-C8 8 One-touch fitting VVQ2000-51A-C10 10 One-touch fitting VVQ4000-50B-C12 VVQ4000-50B-C12 12 One-touch fitting VVQ1000-51A-N9 N9 One-touch fitting VVQ2000-51A-N11 VVQ4000-50B-N11 VVQ4000-50B-N11 N11 One-touch fitting SY9000-58B-03 3/8 threaded type port block assembly 80 Valve Manifold Specifications Series SV Valve Manifold Specifications Flat Ribbon Cable Single Valve
assembly SY9000-58A-03 One-touch fitting for 8 VVQ1000-51A-C8 One-touch fitting for 10 VVQ2000-51A-C10 One-touch fitting for 12 VVQ4000-50B-C12 VVQ4000-50B-C12 One-touch fitting for 5/16" VVQ1000-51A-N9 One-touch fitting for 3/8" VVQ2000-51A-N11 VVQ4000-50B-N11 VVQ4000-50B-N11 3/8 threaded type port block assembly SY9000-58B-03 432 Series SV Rubber Seal 5 Port Solenoid Valve 1/4,
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
T-slot B dimension T-slot A dimension T-slot B 27.5 4H9 D 4 4 4 4 6 E 6 6 8 8 8 F 107 112 122 132 112 G 55 65 75 85 65 I 1 1 1 1 2 J 65 75 65 70 75 K 2 2 3 3 3 L 6 6 6 6 8 N 55 65 75 85 65 P 2 2 2 2 3 U 52 47 47 47 47 Model Cross section C-C LXSH2BD-50B LXSH2BD-75B LXSH2BD-100B LXSH2BD-125B LXSH2BD-150B Refer to page 301 for mounting.
VQC4000 6 VVQ4000-50B-C6 8 VVQ4000-50B-C8 10 VVQ4000-50B-C10 12 VVQ4000-50B-C12 1/4" VVQ4000-50B-N7 5/16" VVQ4000-50B-N9 3/8" VVQ4000-50B-N11 Applicable tube O.D. PUSH TURN LOCK Locking type (Manual) Fitting Push down the manual override button with a small flat head screwdriver or with your finger until it stops, and turn it clockwise 90 to lock it.