Bracket mounting inserts found on the standard ISE20B are omitted as well. 25A-ISE20B is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
Bracket mounting inserts found on the standard ISE20B are omitted as well. 25A-ISE20B is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
The ISE20B-S is a digital pressure sensor with all standard features of the ISE20B, while integrating an M12 connection. M12 permits a stable connection for sensor installations outside a cabinet. The sensor has an informative, easy to read 3 screen, 3 color display.
ISE20B is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
ISE20B is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.
control Port 1 0: L+ ON, 1: L+ OFF 1 L+ control Port 2 0: L+ ON, 1: L+ OFF 5 2 L+ control Port 3 0: L+ ON, 1: L+ OFF 3 L+ control Port 4 0: L+ ON, 1: L+ OFF 4..7 Reserved 0 -105No.EX-OMX1011 Configuration format (EX600-LAB1 / EX600-LBB1) Byte 6 to 45 EX600-LAB1 / EX600-LBB1 (46 byte) Byte Bit Parameter Setting value PortConfig Port 1 0: Deactivated 1: IOL_Manual 2: IOL_Autostart 3:
(When L/A port1 LED is OFF.) L/A port1 or L/A port2 LEDs are OFF.
ISE20B-T 0x0013 (19) 0 R Product ID e.g.
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: P [Units Selection Function (Initial Value psi)], Under New Measurement Act Selection Function not Permitted for use in Japan, Piping Specification: M5 (Female Thread), Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: None, Operation Manual: K (Operation Manual, Calibration Certificate)
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: P [Units Selection Function (Initial Value psi)], Under New Measurement Act Selection Function not Permitted for use in Japan, Piping Specification: Female Thread, Lead Wire: w/o Lead Wire, Bracket: None, Operation Manual: Operation Manual, Calibration Certificate
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Piping Specification: M5 (Female Thread)
Output Specification: IO-Link/Switch: 1 Output, PNP or NPN, Unit Specification: Unit Selection Function, Piping Specification: Female Thread, Lead Wire: -, Bracket: -, Operation Manual: -
0 MGP CY CX CK1 C(L)K CDJZ2B10/16-Z-B C(L)KU CKQ Component Parts CKZ2N No.
Optional specifications Model AW20(K)-B AW30(K)-B AW40(K)-B AW40(K)-06-B AW60(K)-B Bracket assembly Note 1) AW23P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS AW62P-270AS Set nut AR23P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S Note 2) Round type Note 3) Standard G36-10-01 G46-10-01 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01 G46-4-01 (with color zone) Standard G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01-L G46-4-01-
H E R M A N I F O L D O P T I O N S : L A T C H I N G S O L E N O I D T Y P E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E L A T C H I N G T Y P E V A L V E W I T H M A N U A L O V E R R I D E M A N I F O L D O P T I O N P A R T S A V A I L A B L E : P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K P E R F E C T C H E C K B L O C K W I T H V A L V E O R M A N I F O L D Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
Suffix of how to order (@) U2: M-5AU-2,U4: M-5AU-4-X83 U6: M-5AU-6-X83,02: KJH02-M5 04: KJH04-M5, 06: KJH06-M5 ZP3B-Y2A(J/K)3-B5 ZP3B-Y2A(J/K)6-B5 ZP3B-Y2A(J/K)10-B5 ZP3B-Y2A(JB/K)15-B5 ZP3B-Y2A(JB/K)20-B5 Note 1) ; in the table indicates the pad material. Note 2) @ in the table indicates the vacuum inlet. Note 3) Fitting is ordered separately.
Model Model ZPR20B-0-A10 ZPR40B-0-A14 23.5 38.5 49.3 67.1 12.4 47.5 58.3 76.1 24.4 20 25 40 48 16 22 43 34 10.5 25 ZPR25B-0-A10 19 ZPR50B-0-A14 50 24 39 49.8 67.6 15.6 51.5 62.3 80.1 32.4 28 57 27 53 38 14 ZPR32B-0-A10 32 29 44 54.8 72.6 18.9 37 34 Dimensions by Stroke Dimensions by Stroke 40 50 J K: 6 K: 8 Model 20 25 32 J K: 4 K: 6 K: 8 G H G H L M L M Model G H G H G H L M L M L M ZPRB10
1 CEP1 Basic Style (B) CE1 CVJ5 CE2 ML2B M5 x 0.8 M5 x 0.8 C J G5-S CV MVGQ M5 x 0.8 CC 53.5 [54.5] Manual override 28 [34.5] RB J Width across flats B1 D-X Rod End Nut 20Bore size (mm) B l H l S + Stroke Z + Stroke 10 7 3.2 Data 16 8 4 [ ]: Denotes the values of AC.
(mm) <M5, M6> <M5, M6> A Weight (g) D P M L Model Urethane 2-applicable tubing KAU23-M5 38 9.6 15.5 34.5 9 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 2.2 2.2 10 38.5 3.4 2.9 11 1 8 KAU23-M6 KAU23-U01 11 3.2 9.6 KAU04-M5 39.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 4 2.2 2.2 KAU04-M6 10 11 10.4 16 36 10.4 40 4 1 8 KAU04-U01 11 4.2 4.2 K 1 4 KAU04-U02 42 16 14 KAU06-M5 42.5 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 39 2.2 2.2 12 KAU06-M6 43 13 M Connection thread 17
Auto Switch Made to Order -XA1 to XA23/-XA26 to XA30 Symbol: A13 Symbol: A14 Symbol: A16 Symbol: A15 C1 DA H H DA C1 DA C 30 30 C DA 30 30 X L X L X L X L C C Symbol: A17 Symbol: A18 Symbol: A19 Symbol: A20 30 30 H1 H1 30 30 H1 H1 X X L X L X K L F L Symbol: A21 Symbol: A22 Symbol: A26 Symbol: A23 RD DA 30 30 30 H1 30 DA H1 DA E H1 DB DB B C T T X W X L X L X L K L LA LB Symbol: A30