MGC series 20 to 50 MGC Series (mm) C port SZ + Stroke B Cushion valve (Width across flats WH) Front mounting flange Bore size (mm) GC GD SA SB W 1 W 2 A, B port A port W 2 W 1 A 20 25 32 40 50 30 30 21 9 50 87 30 30 C port D port 21 9 50 87 B port W 2 W 1 10 A' 25 30 23 9 52 91 20 20 24 8 59 99 Cushion valve (Width across flats WH) D port ZZ + Stroke A + Stroke B SB + Stroke B SA + Stroke
SY7000221-1A [for 10 valves (30 pcs.)] SY7000222-1A [for 10 valves (30 pcs.)]
Mounting bolt Mounting bolt Spring Return Spring Extend D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt Model C Mounting bolt CQ2B12-5S -10S CQ2B16-5S -10S CQ2B20-5S -10S CQ2B25-5S -10S CQ2B32-5S -10S CQ2B40-5S -10S CQ2B50-10S -20S CQ2B12-5T -10T CQ2B16-5T -10T CQ2B20-5T -10T CQ2B25-5T -10T CQ2B32-5T -10T CQ2B40-5T -10T CQ2B50-
Mounting bolt Mounting bolt Spring Return Spring Extend Model C Mounting bolt Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 CQ2B12-5S -10S CQ2B16-5S -10S CQ2B20-5S -10S CQ2B25-5S -10S CQ2B32-5S -10S CQ2B40-5S -10S CQ2B50-10S -20S CQ2B12-5T -10T CQ2B16-5T -10T CQ2B20-5T -10T CQ2B25-5T -10T CQ2B32-5T -10T CQ2B40-5T -10T CQ2B50-
30 34 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 37.5 35 42.5 33 37 71.5 81.5 38.5 31.5 38 31.5 73 69 81 69 50 34 34 38 34 35 34 34 34 34 34 41.5 39 46.5 37.5 42 76.5 86.5 42 35.5 42 35.5 78.5 77 86.5 77 63 41 41 44 41 41.5 41 41 41 41 41 50 41 52 43 49 83.5 93.5 46.5 43 47 43 85.5 91 93.5 91 80 49.5 49 52.5 49 50 49 49.5 49 49.5 49 58 49 58.5 51.5 57.5 92 102 53.5 51 53.5 51 94 107 102 107 100 56.5 56 61 56
Spring return Spring extend Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l X 55 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l
-30 MI-A2503-50 MI-A3203-30 MI-A3203-50 MI-A0802-10 MI-A0802-20 MI-A1202-10 MI-A1202-20 MI-A1202-30 MI-A2002-10 MI-A2002-20 MI-A2002-30 MI-A2502-30 MI-A2502-50 MI-A3202-30 MI-A3202-50 MI-A0801-10 MI-A0801-20 MI-A1201-10 MI-A1201-20 MI-A1201-30 MI-A2001-10 MI-A2001-20 MI-A2001-30 MI-A2501-30 MI-A2501-50 MI-A3201-30 MI-A3201-50 MIS-A0804 MIS8-PS MIS-A1204 MIS12-PS MH-G01 (contents quantity
D-S7P1/S7P2 D-T791C/T792C 8-30-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
30 31 30 34 30 30 38 37 71.5 81.5 38.5 38 73 69 81 69 30 30 31.5 31.5 30 30 42.5 33 34 34 38 34 34 42 42 76.5 86.5 42 42 78.5 77 86.5 77 34 34 35.5 35.5 34 34 46.5 37.5 41.5 41 41 41 44 41 41 49 49 83.5 93.5 46.5 47 85.5 91 93.5 91 41 41 43 43 41 41 52 43 50 49.5 49 49 52.5 49 49.5 56 57.5 92 102 53.5 53.5 94 107 102 107 49 49 51 51 49.5 49 58.5 51.5 58.5 56.5 56 56 61 56 56.5 65 68 102.5
+ Shim 30 + Shim thickness thickness 22 through Description Part No.
D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V LED diode OUT (+) Brown Brown 41 Lead wire length (m) 0.5 6 6 6 6 8 8 Contact protection box Resistor 3 30 30 30 30 41 Reed switch Zener diode CD-P11 Dimensions CD-P12 Unit: mm OUT () Blue Blue D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 2 2.8 4.5 2.7 D-A96, A96V 4 DC (+) Brown LED diode 24.5 (22) (+) Resistor M2.5 x 4 l Slotted set screw Indicator light D-A90 without indicator
-35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B25-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B80-10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 C(D)55B40-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B50-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B63-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 7.2 11 9
Mounting Bolt for C55 Model C D Mounting bolt Model C D Mounting bolt Model C D Mounting bolt C(D)55B20-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B25-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B50-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B63-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -60 -80 -100 -125 -150 C(D)55B32-5 -
Height: 30 mm (LOW type), 100 mm (HIGH type) W H L2 T L1 [mm] Model C(L)KQG32 Compact cylinder type (Guide pin diameter: 12) C(L)KU32 Plate cylinder type (Guide pin diameter: 12) C(L)KQG50 (Guide pin diameter: 13) Clamping height LOW type HIGH type LOW type HIGH type LOW type HIGH type Clamping height H 30 100 30 100 24 54 Body thickness T 50 29 66 Body width W 50 70 66 Body length L1 127
: A22 Symbol: A26 Symbol: A23 T W1 L L L L CP95 RD 30 DA 30 30 DA H1 H1 DA E NCM H1 Symbol: A5 Symbol: A6 Symbol: A7 Symbol: A8 30 DB DB NCA B C1 H B C T B RD T X LA H C1 DW X L H C1 X L X L K L LB -X W E L 30 30 30 L DC 30 Symbol: A30 Symbol: A29 Symbol: A28 Symbol: A27 20L L H1 Data 30 30 30 30 H1 W H1 DA E DA W Symbol: A9 Symbol: A10 Symbol: A11 Symbol: A12 X C0.5 R sphere T T C1
For detailed specifications, refer to page 8-30-1.
Application Copper-free 20-CQ2 Standard CQ2 Example) Standard specifications CQ2B32-2OD Copper-free specifications 20-CM2B40-200 Copper-free wRefer to each series catalog for the detailed dimensions. eContact SMC for directional control valves, air line equipment, air preparation equipment and others.
CXT12 CXT16 CXT20 CXT25 CXT32 CXT40 0.015 0.019 0.044 0.180 0.123 0.109 3 7 12 20 30 50 60 70 125 125 140 170 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.030 0.032 0.025 350 500 900 900 1100 1900 For moving and transferring workpieces. For moving the receptacle for workpieces used in stamping or press-fitting processes. For using as a Pick & Place unit in combination with other actuators.
60 + 30 (n 4) 2 (n = 4, 8, 12, 16) 65 + 30 (n 4) 2 (n = 4, 8, 12, 16) 70 + 30 (n 4) 2 (n = 4, 8, 12, 16) 75 + 30 (n 4) 2 (n = 4, 8, 12, 16) 85 + 30 (n 4) 2 (n = 4, 8, 12, 16) n 2 (Different surfaces) 2 (Same surface) 60 90 65 95 75 100 80 105 85 110 90 125 D-A3 D-G39 D-K39 65 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) 75 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) 80 + 30 (n 2) (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) 85 + 30 (n 2) (