Your search for CJ2 returned 26 result(s)
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There were no hits with the full part number, but there were 10 hits in the keyword search.
Product Information » New Products Search Results
MI-A0801-10 MI-A0801-20 MI-A1201-10 MI-A1201-20 MI-A1201-30 MI-A2001-10 MI-A2001-20 MI-A2001-30 MI-A2501-30 MI-A2501-50 MI-A3201-30 MI-A3201-50 MI-A0802-10 MI-A0802-20 MI-A1202-10 MI-A1202-20 MI-A1202-30 MI-A2002-10 MI-A2002-20 MI-A2002-30 MI-A2502-30 MI-A2502-50 MI-A3202-30 MI-A3202-50 MI-A0803-10 MI-A0803-20 MI-A1203-10 MI-A1203-20 MI-A1203-30 MI-A2003-10 MI-A2003-20 MI-A2003-30 MI-A2503
D-S7P1/S7P2 D-T791C/T792C 8-30-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
Mounting bolt Mounting bolt Spring Return Spring Extend D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt Model C Mounting bolt CQ2B12-5S -10S CQ2B16-5S -10S CQ2B20-5S -10S CQ2B25-5S -10S CQ2B32-5S -10S CQ2B40-5S -10S CQ2B50-10S -20S CQ2B12-5T -10T CQ2B16-5T -10T CQ2B20-5T -10T CQ2B25-5T -10T CQ2B32-5T -10T CQ2B40-5T -10T CQ2B50-
, 45, 60 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 Intermediate strokes are available by the 1 mm interval with no stroke adjustment by spacer.
, 45, 60 6 10 16 3.72 1.77 10 15, 30, 45, 60 CS1 6.86 3.53 Precautions 16 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150 14.2 6.86 Minimum Strokes for Auto Switch Mounting Be sure to read before handling.
-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
Spring return Spring extend Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l X 55 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M3 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 25 l X 30 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 30 l X 35 l M5 X 35 l X 40 l M6 X 45 l
30 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 20 20 0.2 MPa 0.2 MPa 10 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 70 Gripping point L (mm) Gripping point L (mm) MHR2-30/MDHR2-30 MHR2-30/MDHR2-30 80 80 Pressure 0.6 MPa 0.6 MPa Pressure 70 70 F F 0.5 MPa 0.5 MPa Gripping force (N) Gripping force (N) 60 60 50 50 0.4 MPa 0.4 MPa 40 40 0.3 MPa 0.3 MPa 30 30 0.2 MPa 0.2 MPa 20 20 10 10 0 10 30 50 0 10
8-30-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
8-30-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
8-30-22 Grommet 8-30-23 Connector 8-30-24 Band Terminal conduit 8-30-25 Grommet 8-30-26 Rail 8-30-27 Connector Grommet Tie-rod Terminal conduit 8-30-28 8-30-31 8-30-29 8-30-30 8-30-32 Grommet Direct Connector This auto switch can be mounted by tie-rod with using mounting bracket.
Mounting bolt Mounting bolt Spring Return Spring Extend Model C Mounting bolt Model C Mounting bolt D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 D 25 30 25 30 25 30 30 35 30 35 35 40 45 55 CQ2B12-5S -10S CQ2B16-5S -10S CQ2B20-5S -10S CQ2B25-5S -10S CQ2B32-5S -10S CQ2B40-5S -10S CQ2B50-10S -20S CQ2B12-5T -10T CQ2B16-5T -10T CQ2B20-5T -10T CQ2B25-5T -10T CQ2B32-5T -10T CQ2B40-5T -10T CQ2B50-
DA DA C0.5 R sphere DA 30 C 30 DA C A H C A H A H T W1 H Symbol: A19 Symbol: A18 Symbol: A17 Symbol: A16 DA AL MM 30 MM 30 MM 30 MM 30 H A H A H A A C H Symbol: A23 Symbol: A22 Symbol: A21 Symbol: A20 DA 30 30 L RD MM MM 30 DA MM 30 DB DB T A H A T C B A H A L K H W H Symbol: A27 Symbol: A26 Symbol: A25 Symbol: A24 DA 30 MM DA 30 MM MM MM AL H LB K A L A H AL H AL L K H Symbol: A30 Symbol
to 10 30 to 10 30 to 10 22.5 to 10 Angular gripper 180 opening/closing 88 to 5 54 to 6 58 to 5 41 to 5 30 to 4 Note) The operating range for grippers is measured when both ends are open.
D-A90V OUT() Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 Reed switch OUT ( ) Blue (g) Weight D-A93V D-A96 D-A96V D-A90 D-A90V D-A93 D-A93V Model 8 8 Lead wire length: 0.5 m 6 6 6 6 LED Brown (Red) OUT (+) Brown Contact protection box CD-P11 CD-P12 41 41 Lead wire length: 3 m 30 30 30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+
30 30 Resistor Reed switch Zener diode Dimensions OUT () Blue D-A90, D-A93, D-A96 Blue (Black) D-A96V DC (+) Brown LED Indicator light D-A90 without indicator light (+) M2.5 x 4l Slotted set screw Resistor Load Reed switch DC power supply Reverse current prevention diode OUT Black () DC () Blue Most sensitive position Note 1) Operating load is an induction load.