Metal bowl Optional specifications B B B B B N.C.: Gray N.O.: Black B B O S O S M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 17 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 (mm) Bracket mounting size Accessory specifications With auto-drain Standard specifications Port size Model B 85 115 170 204 208 284 297 P 28 57 73 73 D 25 40 53 70 70 90 95 C 7 10 14 18 20 24 24 B 67 97 129 165 169
Metal bowl Optional specifications B B B B B N.C.: Gray N.O.: Black B B O S O S M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 17 1/4 10 One-touch fitting Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 (mm) Bracket mounting size Accessory specifications With auto-drain Standard specifications Port size Model B 85 115 170 204 208 284 297 P 28 57 73 73 D 25 40 53 70 70 90 95 C 7 10 14 18 20 24 24 B 67 97 129 165 169
Metal bowl Metal bowl with level gauge With drain guide Drain cock with barb fitting Optional specifications B B B B B B N.O.: Black N.C.: Gray 10 One-touch fitting B O S O S 1/4 M5 x 0.8 Barb fitting Applicable tubing: T0604 Width across flats 17 Accessory specification Standard specification With bracket With auto drain Model Port size A B C D P E F G H J K L M B AFM20 1/8, 1/4 40 97 10
AR20K AR40K Accessory Thread type Applicable models Description With bracket Symbol Nil B Nil N F Rc NPT G Note 1) Circuit diagram AR20K to 60K With square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator) AR20K to 60K E Port size With round pressure gauge (with limit indicator) Note 2) G AR20K to 60K 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Circuit diagram P Panel mount (with set nut)
Body size Port size Symbol 20 25 30 40 50 60 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Circuit diagram Accessories Note 1) Applicable model Description With bracket Symbol Nil B AR20K to 60K Circuit diagram With square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator) AR20K to 60K E With round pressure gauge (with limit indicator) G AR20K to 60K H With set nut (for panel mount) AR20K to
Model Option AR20(K)-B AR25(K)-B AR30(K)-B AR40(K)-B AR40(K)-06-B AR50(K)-B AR60(K)-B Bracket assembly *1 AR23P-270AS AR28P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS AR52P-270AS Set nut AR23P-260S AR28P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S *2 Round type *3 Standard G36-10-01 G46-10-01 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01 G46-4-01 Round type *3 (with color zone) Standard G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge 0.02
P.265 AFD30-A AFD40-A AFD40-06-A AR AR10-A AR20-B AR25-B Regulator AR30-B P.274 AR40-B AR40-06-B AR50-B AR60-B ARlK AR20K-B Regulator with Backflow Function AR25K-B AR30K-B AR40K-B P.277 AR40K-06-B AR50K-B AR60K-B 215 Modular F.R.L.
B B B AC20-D 1/8 1/8 M5 x 0.8 Width across flats 14 Width across flats 14 N.O.: Black N.C.: Gray B AC30-D to AC60-D B B B B B B Thread type/Rc, G: 10 One-touch fitting Thread type/NPT: 3/8" One-touch fitting Barb fitting applicable tubing: T0604 1/4 1/4 1/4 Width across flats 17 Width across flats 17 Width across flats 17 Standard specifications Bracket mount P1 P2 A B C E F G J K M N Q1
Model Option AR20(K)-B AR25(K)-B AR30(K)-B AR40(K)-B AR40(K)-06-B AR50(K)-B AR60(K)-B Bracket assembly *1 AR23P-270AS AR28P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS AR52P-270AS Set nut AR23P-260S AR28P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S *2 Round type *3 Standard G36-10-01 G46-10-01 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01 G46-4-01 Round type *3 (with color zone) Standard G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Pressure gauge 0.02
Model Option AR20(K)-B AR25(K)-B AR30(K)-B AR40(K)-B AR40(K)-06-B AR50(K)-B AR60(K)-B Bracket assembly Note 1) AR23P-270AS AR28P-270AS AR33P-270AS AR43P-270AS AR52P-270AS Set nut AR23P-260S AR28P-260S AR33P-260S AR43P-260S Note 2) Round type Note 3) Standard G36-10-01 G46-10-01 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting G36-4-01 G46-4-01 (with color zone) Standard G36-10-01-L G46-10-01-L Pressure Round type
B A MXS6 MXS8 MXS12 MXS16 MXS20 MXS25 Dimension A 3.2 mm or less Dimension B 5 mm 3.6 mm or less 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm MXQ6 MXQ8 MXQ12 MXQ16 MXQ20 MXQ25 Dimension A 3.2 mm or less Dimension B 5 mm 3.6 mm or less 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 320 Series MXS/MXQ/MXQR Replacement Procedure of Seal 3 1-9. Remove the seal support. 1-10. Remove the rod cover assembly. 1-11.
F,N)10(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D Contents Page 1.
6 8, 5/16 10, 3/8 1/4 Fitting size 6 8, 5/16 10, 3/8 1/4 Port Plug VVQ0 58A 10 Single unit regulator/ Port plug for regulator block 10 Semi-standard Description None Oil-free Symbol Nil X17 239
6 8, 5/16 10, 3/8 1/4 Fitting size 6 8, 5/16 10, 3/8 1/4 Port Plug VVQ0 58A 10 Single unit regulator/ Port plug for regulator block 10 Semi-standard Description None Oil-free Symbol Nil X17 239
X465 not alailable AF 10 and N or 'F lhread lype X430/X440 on y brackt and gauge opt on avarabe x430rx440 on y ava lable wih BEckel (B)and Gauge (G) Standad Optional specif ications AR]0 comes wlh a bacKlow mechanism as a slandard leatule Symbo Descriplion Applicable Thread type 0 02 lo 0 2l\,4Pa setling Non rclieving Flow dircclion: Riqhl 1|r eft AR10 to 60 AR20K lo 6OK Requlator handle'UP
AR20K io 60K Flor / drreclion: Bigh 10 leli AR10 to 60.
Model Option 10-/21-AR20(K)-B 10-/21-AR25(K)-B 10-/21-AR30(K)-B 10-/21-AR40(K)-B 10-/21-AR40(K)-06-B 10-/21-AR50(K)-B 10-/21-AR60(K)-B Bracket assembly Note 1) AR50P-270AS Note 2) AR20P-270AS Note 3) Note 3) AR25P-270AS AR30P-270AS AR40P-270AS Set nut AR20P-260S AR25P-260S AR30P-260S AR40P-260S 10: G49-10-01, 21: G49-10-01-MS-X3 Standard Pressure gauge Note 4) 10: G49-4-01, 21: G49-4-01
,oox'o''"n' ar3oro 60 Nole 2) Drain guide is G1i 4 (app cable 10 AF30lo 60) Nore 1) Wlhoul a valve name plate and caulion A F 1 0 1 0 6 0 Port size Symbol Port 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 Symbol Descrlption Applicable M5 a 1 B O AF20 to 60 1t4 a a a 3a a a 1t2 a g4 a a 1 a a auto dlain (N C.)
pressure switch *5 67 Regulator AR20-B to AR60-B Series Regulator with Backow Function AR20K-B to AR60K-B Series AC AF+AR+AL AW+AL AF+AR AF+AFM+AR AW+AFM AF Attachment AFM / AFD AR AL AW AR40-B, AR40K-B AR20-B, AR20K-B Nq Body size 20 25 30 40 50 60 Symbol Description c Set pressure *6 Nil 0.05 to 0.85 MPa setting 1 0.02 to 0.2 MPa setting + d Exhaust mechanism Nil Relieving type N Non-relieving
gauge Rc(PT) NPT G(PF) Nil N F ARX20Nmm ARX21Nmm P Port size Panel nut 1/8 1/4 01 02 Option combination numbers Panel nut is also included with B.