to the control panel,s protective earth (PE).
Load (kg) Load (kg) 10 10 30 10 100 300 Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) 300 300 REA REB Stroke Stroke Speed REC CY Time Time Stroke P=0.5 MPa,M=10 kg P=0.3 MPa,M=10 kg M=10 kg M=30 kg V=300 mm/s V=100 mm/s CX MQ Model Recommended Speed Controllers Caution RHC RZQ Model Elbow type Straight type In-line type REC20 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 REC25 AS2201F
Load (kg) Load (kg) 10 10 30 10 100 300 Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) 300 300 REA REB Stroke Stroke Speed REC CY Time Time Stroke P=0.5 MPa,M=10 kg P=0.3 MPa,M=10 kg M=10 kg M=30 kg V=300 mm/s V=100 mm/s CX MQ Model Recommended Speed Controllers Caution RHC RZQ Model Elbow type Straight type In-line type REC20 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 REC25 AS2201F
V (mm/s) C85 C95 Find the Cylinder Bore Size.
Minimum set measuring range: 1 mm -14No.D-S-OMU0002-A Switch output mode There are 4 modes for switch output. Follow the conditions below.
D-Y7 W N B D-Y7BA D-Y69 A B D-Y7 WV N B Protrusion [mm] In-line Perpendicular A B D-Y59 O MHW2-20D S 7 12 5 12 12 O MHW2-25D S 7 11 5 10 11 O MHW2-32D S 4 9 2 8 9 O MHW2-40D S 3 8 1 7 8 Hysteresis Switch operating position (ON) O MHW2-50D S 1 6 5 6 Switch return position (OFF) N B D-Y7BA Auto switch model No. Gripper model No.
1 digit (Ambient temperature of 25 3C) Repeatability 0.2% F .S. 1 digit Analog output accuracy 2.5% F .S.
Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s) 6 e-Rodless Actuator Series E-MY2C Cam follower guide type/Nominal size: 16, 25 How to Order Cam follower guide type E-MY2C 16 N 100 TA M9B Nominal size Number of auto switches 16 25 Nil S n 2 pcs. 1 pc. n Stroke Refer to the standard stroke table.
Option Material Code Specification Standard High inlet pressure (Max. inlet pressure 3000 psig (20.7 MPa)) 5) Ports Diaphragm Nozzle Code Body Brass Poppet No code Material Code S, SH V V V V B S SH Ports 316 SS Hastelloy C-22 Hastelloy C-22 B 316 SS HR Hastelloy C-22 2P 3P 4PL 5PC Refer to the following porting configurations.
With air cushion WW WW WA WB Piping port M5 x 0.8 Cover surface MM NN GA GB F GC Piping port 3-M5 x 0.8 C D LY LB LH A LT X Y NA NB B 0 -0.3 LX S + Stroke H Z + Stroke LZ Head cover port location Axial direction (R) 2-LC Mounting hole (mm) LZ 42 42 LY 25 25 LX 33 33 LT 2.3 2.3 LH 14 14 Y 9 9 NN Z WW WA WB Bore size A M4 x 0.7 D GC B F H MM GB GA C 102.5 101.5 5.5 4.5 20 20 NB LB 21.5 23 S
Vacuum Pad: Ball Joint Type ZPT/ZPR Series Pad Diameter: 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 on n io on n a io a pt pt s s or la or la ds nt ds nt ed ed a a or or w w l f l f or or ea ea k k id su id su pe rfa pe rfa ty ty ce ce nt nt s s oi oi ac ac l j l j ac ac al al e e B B s s ZP3 ZP3E ZP2 ZP2V ZP ZPT ZPR ZPT ZPR XT661 ZPT Series: Vertical Vacuum Entry Type ZPR Series: Lateral Vacuum Entry
Configuration One thermo-chiller for one master. 2 2 R D R D 3 3 S D S D 5 5 S G S G Master This product Do not connect any wire to other PIN numbers. Fig. 3-8 Connection of RS-232C 3.3 Installation HRR Series 3-18 HRX-OM-W002 Chapter 3 Transport and Setting Up 3.4 Piping Piping port size Connect piping firmly.
External sensor sampling cycle External Sensor Sampling Cycle indicates that external E x t e r n a l S e n s o r Indicated contents S a m p l i n g C y c l e sensor sampling cycle setting mode. Function Sets sampling cycle of external sensor for learning control.
(Refer to page 49) AMS/Operation/Standby/ Isolation AMS Common Force AMS mode System parameter Sets the data update time of the analog input unit connected to the Wireless Remote. 0.1 s/0.2 s/0.5 s/1 s/2 s/ 5 s/10 s/30 s/60 s 0.5 s Remote Analogue input refresh time Specifies the output action to be taken when the fieldbus communication or wireless communication is disconnected.
m/s Piston Speed m/s 19 4-3 Selection Example .
p e c i f i c a t i o n A u t o s w i t c h i n s t a l l a t i o n A u t o s w i t c h s e t p o s i t i o n I n t e r n a l s t r u c t u r e a n d o p e r a t i o n p r i n c i p l e C u s h i o n s M a i n t e n a n c e I n s p e c t i o n P e r i o d i c i n s p e c t i o n D i sassem ble and reassem bl e C a u t i o n o f d i s a s s e m b l e D i s a s s e m b l i
0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 Operating time (s/90) Operating time (s/90) MHY2-25D MHW2-40D 20 200 Moment of inertia (x 10-4 kgm2) Moment of inertia (x 10-4 kgm2) 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Operating time (s/90) Operating time (s/90) 12-10-7 7 180 Angular Style Air Gripper Cam Style Series MHY2 Size: 10, 16, 20, 25 How to Order MHY 2 16 2 D F9BW S Number of fingers
AS 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Return stroke pressure (MPa) ASP ASN v v w w a a o o l l v v l l F F e e AQ ASV u u r r e e s s v v s s a a e e l l v v r r P P e e AK ASS ASR ASF Working stroke Working stroke Return stroke Return stroke Pressure valve Flow valve 15-16-1 2 Cuts air consumption by operating the return stroke at a reduced pressure.
0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 Operating time (s/90) Operating time (s/90) MHY2-25D MHW2-40D 20 200 Moment of inertia (x 10-4 kgm2) Moment of inertia (x 10-4 kgm2) 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Operating time (s/90) Operating time (s/90) 12-10-7 7 180 Angular Style Air Gripper Cam Style Series MHY2 Size: 10, 16, 20, 25 How to Order MHY 2 16 2 D F9BW S Number of fingers