33.3 44.9 45.5 20.1 46.9 19 18.2 24.3 41.9 40.6 35.6 R 3/8 50.4 25.5 36.1 55.6 24 22.3 28.5 50.6 47.4 42.4 R 1/2 Note) Reference dimensions of thread M5, R after installation.
The port marked with an arrow is 1(P) port (IN) and one on the opposite side is 2(A) port (OUT). The port at a right angle to them is 3(R) port (EXH). Be sure to comfirm before connecting since erroneous connection will cause malfunction. 2. When the valve is exposed to a large amount of dust and debris, install a silencer on 3(R) port (EXH) to protect the valve.
Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . N ever f ai l t o i nst al l one of AM , AM D , AM H as a pref i l t er. N ever f ai l t o use dry ai r.
5<3'95 % A " 8 " $ )% % 8 % =) *% $ ) 2% 8 % " 1 ,% 2 % ) .BB & A & 1% % $) $ ) ) ) ) ) 88 % ,) ; ' ; 8 1 ) /% ) / , A & 1% % '$ , $ 3 :; C $ 1 ,) ; ' ; ) ) ) ) 88 % /% ) / VQD VKF .$ VK VT VS t o r e q y u i w & q w e r t y u & D % % ' % % ' % % ! ! ! , !%,' ? !2! 8 % 8 % ? ( , 0( , = ) % $ B /EB3A /EB '!'
Select the point of contact A of inlet pressure and max. air capacity in the graph. 2. To select one with the maximum air flow rate line that is located above the obtained intersection point A, the model will be AFF37B.
Select the point of contact A of inlet pressure and max. air capacity in the graph. 2. AMD650 is obtained when the max. flow line is above the point of intersection A in the graph. Note) Make sure to select a model that has the maximum flow rate line above the obtained intersecting point.
(AC10-A to AC40-06-A) (AC10A-A to AC40A-06-A) (AC20C-A to AC40C-06-A) (AC10B-A to AC40B-06-A) (AC20D-A to AC40D-06-A) AC10-A AW10-A AF10-A AC10*-A AR10-A AL10-A AR10-A AL10-A AF20-A AF20-A AW20-A AF20-A AW20-A AC20*-A AR20-A AFM20-A AL20-A AR20-A AFM20-A AL20-A AR20-A AF30-A AF30-A AF30-A AC25*-A AR25-A AFM30-A AR25-A AL30-A AR25-A AF30-A AF30-A AW30-A AF30-A AW30-A AC30
Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Warning 1.
Vertical actuation (Speed control) I II P2 W A P1 a B A P0 P0 a A W (1) Basically, meter-out control is used. Combine meter-in control to reduce sudden movement. (1) Basically, meter-out control is used.
Normal output Reversed output P_1 = A (A B)/4 n_1 = B + (A B)/4 A = Maximum pressure H_1 = (A B)/2 H_1 = (A B)/2 B = Minimum pressure In the OUT2 setting, the above P_1, n_1 and H_1 will be P_2, n_2 and H_2 respectively.
Rc Rc C3SF-J-A C3SF-A G G C3SFF-J-A NPT C3SF(-Z)-A NPT C3SFN-J(Z)-A B B External B Semi-standard 6 Semi-standard 6J appearance drawing and Port thread Port thread Part no. Part no. part no. Rc Rc C3SF-6J-A C3SF-6-A G G C3SFF-6J-A NPT C3SF-6(Z)-A NPT C3SFN-6J(Z)-A 1/4 HEX17 Option Semi-standard Semi-standard W Port thread Part no.
Rc C2SF-J-A Rc C2SF-CJ-A G C2SFF-J-A G C2SFF-CJ-A External NPT C2SFN-J(Z)-A NPT C2SFN-CJ(Z)-A B B appearance drawing and Semi-standard 6J Semi-standard 6CJ part no. Port thread Port thread Part no. Part no. Rc C2SF-6J-A Rc C2SF-6CJ-A G C2SFF-6J-A G C2SFF-6CJ-A 1/8 1/8 NPT C2SFN-6J(Z)-A NPT C2SFN-6CJ(Z)-A HEX14 HEX14 Option Semi-standard Semi-standard 2 Semi-standard 2J Part no. Part no.
Normal output Reversed output P_1 = A (A B)/4 n_1 = B + (A B)/4 A = Maximum pressure H_1 = (A B)/2 H_1 = (A B)/2 B = Minimum pressure In the OUT2 setting, the above P_1, n_1 and H_1 will be P_2, n_2 and H_2 respectively.
Normal output Reversed output P_1 = A (A B)/4 n_1 = B + (A B)/4 A = Maximum pressure H_1 = (A B)/2 H_1 = (A B)/2 B = Minimum pressure In the OUT2 setting, the above P_1, n_1 and H_1 will be P_2, n_2 and H_2 respectively.
Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Warning 1.
Leakage voltage Take note that the leakage voltage will increase when a resistor is used in parallel with switching element or a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor) is used for protecting a switching device because of the passing leakage voltage through the C-R circuit. The suppressor residual leakage voltage should be as follows. Caution Caution Mounting 1.
: 8 Semi-standard: 8J Piping port Piping port (4) Part No. (4) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc C3LF-8J-A C3LF-8-A G G C3LFF-8J-A NPT C3LF-8(Z)-A NPT C3LFN-8J(Z)-A Appearance and part No.
: 8 Semi-standard: 8J Piping port Piping port (4) Part No. (4) Part No. thread ty pe thread ty pe Rc Rc C4LF-8J-A C4LF-8-A G G C4LFF-8J-A NPT C4LF-8(Z)-A NPT C4LFN-8J(Z)-A Appearance and part No.
Leakage voltage Take note that the leakage voltage will increase when a resistor is used in parallel with switching element or a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor) is used for protecting a switching device because of the passing leakage voltage through the C-R circuit. The suppressor residual leakage voltage should be as follows. Design / Selection 1.
Leakage voltage Take note that the leakage voltage will increase when a resistor is used in parallel with a switching element or when a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor) is used for protecting a switching device because of the leakage voltage passing through the C-R circuit. The suppressor residual leakage voltage should be as follows. 8.