Port size 3 5 10 20 Port size Symbol Nil H Nil H H Nil H Nil 01 02 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1/8 1/4 Thread type Symbol Type Nil Rc N F NPT G Component equipment 3 10 20 5 Component equipment Nil H Nil H Nil H Nil H Mist separator AFM20 AFD20 AFM30 AFD30 Micro mist separator Differential pressure gauge GD40-2-01 Regulator AR20 AR25 Replacement Parts (Element for mist separator, micro
A C A d A E A F A H A A (1) b # # Ready-off Ready-off (1) d # # ON ON (1) C # # OFF OFF (2) * * * (8) 8 8 8 CPU CPU (1) # # b . (3) # # d . # # C . 1. ## ## 01 1 64 64 2. *** 3.
[F 3] Digital filter setting completed -44No.PF-OMW0007-E
[F 4] Auto-preset function setting This function will automatically calculate and set the optimum pressure based on the actual operating condition, when hysteresis mode has been selected.
VY1 How to Order G Port size (IN, OUT) PPA 1/8 (Male thread), M5 x 0.8 (Female thread) 1/8 (Female thread) IN OUT 01 AL ARJ 3 10 01 BG ARJ 3 10 F BG With One-touch fitting 04 01 Option Body size 0.7 MPa setting (Standard) 0.2 MPa setting (1) Nil 1 S Model With seal Relieving type 10 Note 1) Compared with standard specifications, its adjusting spring has been only changed for 0.2 MPa.
AS2201FE-01, AS2211FE-01 AS2301FE-01, AS2311FE-01 AS2201FE-02, AS2211FE-02 AS2301FE-02, AS2311FE-02 AS3201FE, AS3211FE AS3301FE, AS3311FE Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa AS-F Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) Flow rate (L/min (ANR)) TMH ASD AS AS-FE AS-FE Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations Number of needle rotations
... 3/8 04 ... 1/2 W I T H O N E-T O U C H F I T T I N G S T Y P E 2 Elbow 3 Universal C O N T R O L M E T H O D 0 Meter Out 1 Meter In Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. !
E: Push-turn locking manual type F: Slide locking type i Rated voltage Only rubber seal type is available for the 4-position dual 3-port valve. 5 24 VDC !
Silao-Trejo K.M. 2.5 S/N, Predio San Jose del Duranzo C.P. 36100, Silao, Gto., Mexico TEL: 472-72-2-55-00 FAX: 472-72-2-59-44/2-59-46 FRANCE SMC Pneumatique S.A. 1 Boulevard de Strasbourg, Parc Gustave Eiffel, Bussy Saint Georges, F-77600 Marne La Vallee Cedex 3 France TEL: 01-64-76-10-00 FAX: 01-64-76-10-10 CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. Av. La Montaa 1,115 km. 16,5 P.
(Refer to Copy function on page 8.) 3 Series ZSE10(F)/ISE10 Dimensions ZSE10(F)/ISE10 M5 6.4 (7.7) (30) 2 x 3.3 M5 x 0.8 (12) 1.2 25 13 3.5 9.8 51.8 4.2 ZSE10(F)/ISE10 M5R 1.2 6.4 25 51.8 4.2 9.8 4.5 M5 x 0.8 4 Digital Pressure Switch Series ZSE10(F)/ISE10 ZSE10(F)/ISE10 01 6.4 2 x 3.3 1.2 Width across flats 10 Width across flats 12 11 13 13 25 3.5 8 R1/8 9.8 12.5 51.8 4.2 ZSE10(F)/ISE10
Model number: HRS030-F-20 The transition connector from Rc to G is enclosed as an accessory. For G piping, be sure to use this connector.
Grommet: G Conduit: C (Q) Approx. 300 Approx. 280 Approx. 300 D D F Q F Q Width across flats H Class H coil Broken line section C C R G1/2 R E E A H A B B 2 x P Port size 2 x P Port size 2 x M, thread depth N 2 x M, thread depth N L L K K DIN terminal: D Conduit terminal: T Cable 6 to 12 F S Q 27.5 34 F (Q) 25 R C U C (44) R E R G1/2 E G1/2 A H D (S) B B A H D 2 x P Port size 2 x P Port size
RE A B Model Recommended Speed Controller REC Model Elbow type Straight type In-line type CX REC20 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 REC25 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 AS2001F-06-X214 CY REC32 AS2201F-01-06-X214 AS2301F-01-06-X214 AS3001F-08-X214 REC40 AS3201F-02-08-X214 AS3301F-02-08-X214 AS3001F-08-X214 MQQ M Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way
Made to Order Change of Rod End Shape 1 CH2 Series Mounting type Bore size Rod size series Stroke Cylinder options X A0 Indicate the rod end shape pattern symbol A1 A2 A3 C0.5 30 30 30 30 D D D d d F Width across flats F F H H H A4 A5 A6 30 30 30 D D D d D d 30 30 Width across flats Width across flats F Width across flats F F H H H Note) Female thread effective depth should be no more
Note Bracket VK300-43-2A With screw Body ported VK3120 1 G M5 VK3140 1 G 01 Base mounted Thread type Nil F N T Rc G Valve option Port size NPT Nil Standard For low wattage (2 W DC) 01 Rc (With sub-plate) Nil Without sub-plate 1 8 NPTF Y Option Light/Surge voltage suppressor Nil None S With surge voltage suppressor Z With light/surge voltage suppressor (Type D only) Since the indicator
How to Order Sub-plate and Base Gasket Body size 22 42 VEX VEX VEX1 2 9 A VEX4 2A 1 A Port size Thread type Port size Thread type Symbol Port size A 1/8 B 1/4 Symbol Thread type Nil Rc F G N NPT T NPTF Symbol Port size A 1/4 B 3/8 C 1/2 Symbol Thread type Nil Rc F G N NPT T NPTF Sub-plate Base gasket VEX1 11 2 VEX4 4 Options/Part Number Description Part number VEX312-01 02 VEX322-01 02 VEX33202
lOre mentioned above 8'8 1 00 same as standard port locatIon C95 Standard part number l-xC3 j B f@] Location 01 pons and cushion val\les On rod cover and head CO\lfH.
(Refer to Copy function on page 10.) 5 Series ZSE30A(F)/ISE30A Dimensions Z/ISE30A(F) Piping 01 N01 / 25 8 9.5 30 200.1 2 x M3 x 0.5 thread depth 4 Lead wire with connector M5 x 0.8 10 200.1 30 01: R1/8 N01: NPT1/8 1.5 Width across flats 12 C4H C6H N7H One-touch fitting 4 mm 5/32 inch straight One-touch fitting 6 mm straight One-touch fitting 1/4 inch straight 17.95 21.75 17.55 10.3 9.8 14
Flat type Flat with rib (mm) Flat type Flat with rib (mm) M_I
(Refer to Copy function on page 41.) 36 2-Color Display High-Precision Digital Pressure Switch ZSE30A(F)/ISE30A Series Dimensions Z/ISE30A(F) Piping specifications ZSE20 ISE20 ZSE30 ISE30 ZSE30 ISE30 01 N01 / ZSE40 ISE40 25 8 9.5 1.5 30 200.1 2 x M3 x 0.5 thread depth 4 Lead wire with connector ZSE10 ISE10 ISE70 M5 x 0.8 10 ZSE80 ISE80 200.1 30 01: R1/8 N01: NPT1/8 PS ISA3 Width across flats