Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. Chemraz R is a registered trademark of Greene, Tweed & Co., ULTIC ARMOR R is a registered trademark of NIPPON VALQUA INDUSTRIES, LTD. 7 XL*-OMI0010-E 3. Specifications 3-1.
The fitting should be installed (installation of R thread portion) by screwing with a spanner at the hexagonal portion of the body. The position of spanner should be a root as close as possible to R thread. Hex. across flats may be deformed, if using an improper wrench for hex. across flats.
Changing the entry direction The cable entry direction of a connector can be changed as desired (4 directions at 90 intervals), depending on the combination of a housing r and a terminal block e. 1.
Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Caution: Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Warning: Danger : Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
1/8 1/4 F G VVEX2 VVEX4 B 1/4 3/8 N NPT ( ) VEX1-17 VEX4-5 C 1/2 T NPTF 11 No.VEX-OMY0001 (2) () 3 2(A) 23(P2) 12(P1) a,b 12(P1),23(P2) (2) a 12(P1) 1(P)2(A)3 3(R) 3(R) b 23(P2) 2(A) 2(A)3(R)1 1(P) 1(P) 12(P1) 1 2 3 23(P2) 4 5 6 7 8 POM 9 -12No.VEX-OMY0001 () () 3(R) 2(A) 1(P) 1(P) 2(A) 3(R) () a b P1P2 2(A) 1(P) -13No.VEX-OMY0001 (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5
Fittings & Tubing Air Cylinders Rotary Actuators Bracket (Option) Bracket (Option) R R V Q V Q IN OUT B C IN OUT Clearance for maintenance G B C 2 x P (Port size) 2 x P (Port size) Hexagon width across flats 14 1/8 Drain Hexagon width across flats 17 1/4 E A Clearance for maintenance G Drain A AF50/60-A 1021J D M U S N T Bracket (Option) R V Q C B IN OUT 2 x P (Port size) Hexagon width across
Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of MATSUMURA OIL Co.,Ltd. Kalrez R is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomars. Chemraz R is a registered trademark of Greene, Tweed & Co., ULTIC ARMOR R is a registered trademark of NIPPON VALQUA INDUSTRIES, LTD. Grease for maintenance Part no.
AMH550 AMH150 I Air pressure 0.3MPa ",0.06 '" 0.06 a. ::;; Inlet air pressure 0.3MPa r-a. /;57o.7MPa ::;; ~ / // 0.5MPa ~ ./' 0.7MPa
Detaching To detach a socket from a connector, pull out the lead wire while pressing the sockets hook with a stick having a thin tip (about 1 mm). If the socket will be used again, first spread the hook outward.
2 3 (A R) 3 2 (R A) 2 1 (A P) Weight Valve model Grommet Port size C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv VT325 VT325V (Vacuum spec. type) VT325 VT325V (Vacuum spec. type) 0.55 kg (For AC) 0.60 kg (For DC) Note) Values for a single valve unit.
Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Warning 1.
Series VS R8b S RUBBER SEAL/METAL SEAL SERIES VSR8/VSS8 2-position Single solenoid (FG-S) (A)(B) 4 2 5 1 3 (EA)(P)(EB) Double solenoid (FG-D) (Metal) (A)(B) 4 2 5 1 3 (EA)(P)(EB) Double solenoid (FG-D) (Rubber) (A)(B) 4 2 5 1 3 (EA)(P)(EB) 3-position Closed center (FHG-D) (A)(B) 4 2 5 1 3 (EA)(P)(EB) Exhaust center (FJG-D) (A)(B) 4 2 5 1 3 (EA)(P)(EB) Pressure center (FIG-D) (A)(B) 4 2 5
when a 63 air cylinder is operated at a maximum drive speed of 500mm/s.
Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery / equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove com ponent s unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.
Rotary Clamp Cylinder: Standard Series MK 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63 How to Order MK 10 R 20 A F M9BW Number of auto switches Rotary clamp cylinder Standard Nil S 2 pcs. 1 pc.
Note 2) The seal is for 40 m and 80 m elements. 784 Vacuum Filter AFJ20 to AFJ40 Series Dimensions AFJ20 N T J M D U Bracket (Option) S SP R ZCUK C B V Q IN OUT AMJ AFJ AFJ 2 x P (Port size) AMV ZH -X185 Related Products Clearance for maintenance G A AFJ30, AFJ40 N T J D M U Bracket (Option) S R C V Q IN OUT 2 x P (Port size) B Clearance for maintenance G A E Model Standard specifications
R 1/2 28-30 Do not use a pipe wrench or pliers. They may break the R 3/4 28-30 R 1 36-38 product. R 1 1/4 40-42 R 1 1/2 48-50 R 2 48-50 4 - If there is a risk of loosening by vibration Use sealant which does not affect the product. (5) Performance The performance of the silencer may depend on the pneumatic circuit or operating pressure. 2.
0 @1 r ye t !4 !7 !3 wu !8 @0 @2 @3 !6 q !5 !9 i *1 *1 C95K32 A A-A A !2 !1 @4 Component Parts Description Aluminum die-casted Aluminum die-casted Aluminum alloy Stainless steel Aluminum alloy Rolled steel Rolled steel Oil impregnated sintered alloy Steel Steel for spring Carbon Steel Steel Steel Material No. !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !
0 @1 r ye t !4 !7 !3 wu !8 @0 @2 @3 !6 q !5 !9 i *1 *1 C95K32 A A-A A !2 !