Hysteresis H 1 Hysteresis mode LLL Instantaneous flow Normal output Hysteresis H 1 Hysteresis H 1 Window comparator mode LLL Instantaneous flow Hysteresis H_1 Hysteresis mode LLL Instantaneous flow Reversed output Hysteresis H 1 Hysteresis H 1 Window comparator mode LLL Instantaneous flow -49No.LV50***-OMQ0002-G [F33] Close proximity setting Use this setting when multiple products are installed
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Tank lid Filling of Circulating Fluid Liquid level Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Operation will stop when the fluid level falls lower than L. 4.3 Preparation of circulating fluid HRS Series 4-4 HRX-OM-M090 Chapter 4 Starting the Product 4.
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Tank lid Fluid level Circulating fluid fill Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Operation will stop when the fluid level falls lower than L. 4.3 Preparation of circulating fluid HRS-R Series 4-4 HRX-OM-W058 Chapter 4 Starting the Product 4.
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Tank lid Fluid level Circulating fluid fill Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Operation will stop when the fluid level falls lower than L. 4.3 Preparation of circulating fluid HRS-R Series 4-4 HRX-OM-X027 Chapter 4 Starting the Product 4.
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Tank lid Filling of Circulating Fluid Liquid level Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Operation will stop when the fluid level falls lower than L. 4.3 Preparation of circulating fluid HRS Series 4-4 HRX-OM-R016 Chapter 4 Starting the Product 4.
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Tank lid Filling of Circulating Fluid Liquid level Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Check the drain port is closed by the valve to prevent the supplied circulating fluid from draining out. Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank.
Open the tank lid and supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank. Fig. 4-6 Filling of Circulating Fluid Check the drain port is closed by the valve to prevent the supplied circulating fluid from draining out. Supply the circulating fluid up to the H mark on the tank.
STX COM Data ETX Check sum CR 101 100 10-1 10-2 (H) (L) Host ACK CR (Possible to omit) HEC 3-2
Communication Format
H H H J J J J G G G G B B B B A A A A A A A A Model A B C D E Fn G H J K XLC-25 50 120 48 1 12 40 26 39 27.5 8 XLC-40 65 171 66 2 11 55 41 63 36 9 8 XL-OMO0001-A 5 Guaranteed period and range The warranty period is 2 million cycles (under SMC endurance test conditions), 18 months after delivery or 12 months in service, whichever comes first.
Main Body (1) Air servo cylinder IN-777 160 L H F J 300 TF S Made to order Bore size 125 125 mm Auto start function 160 160 mm Nil Without Auto start function 200 200 mm S With Auto start function 250 250 mm LED alarm display 320 320 mm L With LED alarm display Port thread type Communication protocol TF G H 4-20mA/HART communication Rod boot J Silicone rubber material A Nylon tarpaulin Stroke
Recommended Parameter Values [LEF] LEFS25 LEFS32 LEFS40 Series Lead symbol H A B H A B H A B Lead 20 12 6 24 16 8 30 20 10 Initial value Recommended Value Parameter *1,*2 Para No Number of command input pulses per revolution *3. PA05 100 100 Electronic gear numerator *3. PA06 1 100 (Positioning mode: 10) Electronic gear denominator *3.
Word0:IN05(bit05) )No.1 bit0:IN0=ON 15:IN15=OFF (3)Word1,bit415: No. bit ON bit OFF ) [] Word1, bit6=ON Word1,bit45715=OFF (4)Word2,bit89 Word317 )[]50.00[mm] 5000[0.01mm]=(01388)h Word4:(L)= (1388)h Word5:(H)= (0)h (5)bit Word2,bit0:=ON ON (6)Word0:BUSY=ON (7)Word0:INP=ON (INP ON INP(P.34)) Word0:BUSY=OFF Word0:INP=ON Word0:BUSY=OFF 24V 0V (2) ON OFF IN05 SVON (DRIVE ) OFF DRIVE
Start flag 0: no send Numerical data input 2 1: send 1 Step data No 0 to 63 Data writting 3 Operation Note) 1 1: Absolute 2: Relative 4 H 5 L Speed 2 0 to 65500 mm/s 6 3 7 2 Position 4 +/-2147483647 0.01mm 8 1 9 0 ID1 Numerical 10 H 11 L Acceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 data input 12 H 13 L Deceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 Data writting 14 Pushing force 1 0 to 30 10% 15 Trigger LV 1 0 to 30
ID 0 1 2 1 063 1ABS() 3 1 ) 2INC() 4 H 2 065500 mm/s 5 L 6 3 7 2 4 2147483647 0.01mm 8 1 9 0 ID1 10 H 2 065500 mm/s2 11 L 12 H 2 065500 mm/s2 13 L 14 1 030 10% 15 1 030 10% 16 1 0255 mm/s 17 1 030 10% 18 H 2 065500 0.01mm 19 L ID2 2039 ID1 ID3 4059 ID1 ID4 6079 ID1 ID5 8099 ID1 ID6 100119 ID1 ID7 120139 ID1 ID8 140159 ID1 ) 0 12 36 - / Bit No.
Start flag 0: no send Numerical data input 16 1: send 1 Step data No 0 to 63 Data writting 17 Operation Note) 1 1: Absolute 2: Relative 18 H 19 L Speed 2 0 to 65500 mm/s 20 3 21 2 Position 4 +/-2147483647 0.01mm 22 1 23 0 24 H ID1 Numerical 25 L Acceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 data input 26 H 27 L Deceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 Data writting 28 Pushing force 1 0 to 30 10% 29 Threshold 1
2 0 to 65500 mm/s Numerical data 6 3 input 7 2 Position 4 +/-2147483647 0.01mm Data writing 8 1 9 0 10 H 11 L Acceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 12 H 13 L Deceleration 2 0 to 65500 mm/s2 Please refer the operation manual of the step motor controller (LECP6) and the servo motor controller (LECA6) to check the detail of each signal. 38 - Corresp Bit/Byte Model/ Corresponding Address Data name
Not use F6h 2 h 6 h Get/Set Interface [EtherNet Link 02006400 = A-N Disable, Control Force 100 Mbps Full duplex Use Object] : Make sure the value is set to "010" when the QuickConnectTM function is not used.
Parity Bit P a r i t y B i t M O D E < W i t h o u t Setting range : Without (no parity), Odd, Even Indicated content : Parity bit (Ex. : Without) Function : Sets parity bit for communication. 4. Data Length D a t a L e n g t h M O D E < 8 B i t s Setting range : 7Bits, 8Bits Indicated content : Data length(Ex. : 8Bits) Function : Sets data length for communication. 5.
Note 4) The G and H Origin position dimensions are reference values (guidelines). Stroke Table dimensions Rail dimensions Origin position note 4) Part No. A B C D E F G H LAT3-50 50 75 6 25 150 140 54.5 70 14 - 3. 2 Card Motor Return to Origin The Card Motor uses an incremental type sensor (linear encoder) to detect the position of the table.