Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Fitting Size: 13 (Tubing O.D. 1/2)
Body Class: 4 (ø10 Orifice), Valve Type: 1 (N.O.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Fitting Size: 13 (Tubing O.D. 1/2)
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 0 (N.C.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Fitting Size: 19 (Tubing O.D. 3/4)
Body Class: 5 (ø16 Orifice), Valve Type: 1 (N.O.), Fitting Type: V (LQ1, Body Class: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Fitting Size: 19 (Tubing O.D. 3/4)
Body Size: 40, Thread: Rc, Port: 03 (3/8), Option: DE (D + E), Attachment: TV (T + V), Semi-Standard 1: 6 (Nylon Bowl), Semi-Standard 2: Standard
Body Style: A (Base Mounted w/Clips), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: A (Power Consumption: 0.35W, Operating Press: 0.1MPa, Cv: 0.016), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: A (Base Mounted w/Clips), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: B (Power Consumption: 0.35W, Operating Press: 0.3MPa, Cv: 0.011), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: A (Base Mounted w/Clips), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: C (Power Consumption: 0.5W, Operating Press: 0.3MPa, Cv: 0.016), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: A (Base Mounted w/Clips), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: D (Power Consumption: 0.5W, Operating Press: 0.5MPa, Cv: 0.011), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: B (Base Mounted w/Screws), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: B (Power Consumption: 0.35W, Operating Press: 0.3MPa, Cv: 0.011), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: B (Base Mounted w/Screws), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: D (Power Consumption: 0.5W, Operating Press: 0.5MPa, Cv: 0.011), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: B (Base Mounted w/Screws), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: A (Power Consumption: 0.35W, Operating Press: 0.1MPa, Cv: 0.016), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Style: B (Base Mounted w/Screws), Coil Voltage: V (6 VDC), Flow Rate: C (Power Consumption: 0.5W, Operating Press: 0.3MPa, Cv: 0.016), Electrical Entry: G (Grommet)
Body Size: 40, Thread: NPT, Port: 1/4, Option: C + M, Attachment: K + S + T + V, Semi-Standard 1: 1 + 6, Semi-Standard 2: N + R + Z
The ISE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, PRESSURE SWITCH, ISE1-6, N59, 90.00000 lb
The ISE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, PRESSURE SWITCH, ISE1-6, N59, 90.00000 lb
The ISE2 series pressure switch has a quick response time of 10mS and the plug connector option makes wiring easy and simple., 3 SCREEN HI PRECISION DIG PRESS SWITCH, PRESSURE SWITCH, ISE1-6, N59, 90 lb
/N.C.), 1st Selection Vacuum V Port: 6 (Vacuum, V Port: Ø6), 1st Selection Quantity: 6
/N.C.), 1st Selection Vacuum V Port: 6 (Vacuum, V Port: Ø6), 1st Selection Quantity: 6
/N.C.), 1st Selection Vacuum V Port: 6 (Vacuum, V Port: Ø6), 1st Selection Quantity: 6