3 2 Installation distance: 10 mm 1 Installation distance: 25mm Installation distance: 25mm 0 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Charged potential [V] Sensor head Installation Detection range distance (mm) (mm) Installation 10 45 distance 25 100 Detection port 50 180 Detection range 30 Doc.No.IZ-OMK0015D Revision history 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPAN Tel
UP DOWN Zero-cut Zero-cut 1%F.S.cut 2%F.S.cut 10%F.S.cut ISE70G(1 MPa )[MPa] 1 MPa P_1=0.015[MPa]H_1=0.01[MPa]Zero-cut1.0 [MPa] 0.0(Zero-cut) 1.0(1%F.S.cut) Zero-cut (1.0%) Zero-cut SW SET [F14] Zero-cut -48No.PS-OMV0008CN-E [F80] 30 <> UPDOWN[F80] SET UP DOWN SET [F80] 30 () [ECo] (ON) ON OFF -49No.PS-OMV0008CN-E [F81] <> UPDOWN[F81] SET UP DOWN SET UP DOWN () [oFF
4 E1,2,3,4... 110+100111 Same surface 7s+50(n-2) n=2,3,4,,.. 90+s0(n-2) 110+50 (n'2) with 1 1 0 90 100 1 1 0 D-A4 Wi$l2 Differenl sudace 35 75 80 90 Same surface 100 100 r00 100 Different 7s+30(n-2) 80+30(n,2) 90+30(n-2) Same 100+100(n 2), n=2,4,5,8... l 0 75 80 90 Different 80 90 D-B5.86 D-G5.K5 Same 35 80 90 With n Ditlerenl 35+30(n-2) n=1,2,3,4.. n=2,4,6,a.. 80+30(n-2J E2,4,6,8... 90+30
4 E1,2,3,4... 110+100111 Same surface 7s+50(n-2) n=2,3,4,,.. 90+s0(n-2) 110+50 (n'2) with 1 1 0 90 100 1 1 0 D-A4 Wi$l2 Differenl sudace 35 75 80 90 Same surface 100 100 r00 100 Different 7s+30(n-2) 80+30(n,2) 90+30(n-2) Same 100+100(n 2), n=2,4,5,8... l 0 75 80 90 Different 80 90 D-B5.86 D-G5.K5 Same 35 80 90 With n Ditlerenl 35+30(n-2) n=1,2,3,4.. n=2,4,6,a.. 80+30(n-2J E2,4,6,8... 90+30
Please consult with SMC regarding other voltages. 3/4 (20A) Orifice size Electrical entry Class 3 Class 2 Orifice size (mm) 2 3 4 5 7 10 Class 4 Symbol 2 3 4 5 7 10 G Grommet C Conduit Refer to the below table for orifice and port size combinations.
) -51No.PS-OMM0006CN-E , (1015 ) <> 5 UnLLoC 5 5 (30) 5 000 (30) 51/ 1 -52No.PS-OMM0006CN-E ZSE40A(F)/ISE40A ( ) No.1 ON ON OFF Yes No.2 No ON OFF No.1 OFF No.3 No.4 No.5 () No.6 No.7 -53No.PS-OMM0006CN-E No.8 Yes No No.9 No.9 No.10 No.11 No.12 No.13 No.14 No.15 No.16 No.17 No.18 No.19 -54No.PS-OMM0006CN-E No.
Page 16 Note 1) Unit conversion function (For overseas use) Note 1) Select and order by specifying the types and models. 10 Series ZSE60F/ISE60 Dimensions ZSE60F/ISE60A2 B2 30 27.7 30 20 2-M3 x 0.5 depth 4 8.45 20 6.4 18.35 Piping port URJ 1/4 3.5 12.4 7.8 7 21.7 2.5 10.7 2.6 8.45 30 15.2 TSJ 1/4 Piping port Piping port TSJ The following items are identical with those of series ZSE50F/ISE50
Page 16 Note 1) Unit conversion function (For overseas use) Note 1) Select and order by specifying the types and models. 10 Series ZSE60F/ISE60 Dimensions ZSE60F/ISE60A2 B2 30 27.7 30 20 2-M3 x 0.5 depth 4 8.45 20 6.4 18.35 Piping port URJ 1/4 3.5 12.4 7 7.8 21.7 2.5 10.7 2.6 8.45 30 15.2 TSJ 1/4 Piping port Piping port TSJ The following items are identical with those of series ZSE50F/ISE50
SW3 SW3 CM()SM() Table 10-29 SW3 Bit 1 Bit 2 OFF OFF SM (Safety mode) ON OFF OFF ON ON ON CM (Commissioning mode) SW3 DIP SMGSDML(Step7/TIA)/FDCML(PCWorx)Safe digital I/O (SM)CMSafe digital I/O (CM) 8.1.1 GSD CM1byte CM CM Table10-30, 10-31, 10-32 SM CM IO Table 10-30 COMNG_MODE I/O Byte 0 CN0-3 Zone M,Zone1-3 Byte 0 of COMNG_MODE Table 10-31 COMNG_MODE Bit 0 0 Zone M
Setting method . 27 7.1 Setting procedure . 28 (1) Supply of power . 28 (2) Changes to Manual mode . 28 (3) Stroke study . 28 (4) Test run . 30 (5) Setting of Speed and Acceleration . 30 (6) Completion of setting . 30 (7) Intermediate position setting . 31 7.2 Setting of the speed and the acceleration . 35 7.3 Setting parameters . 36 8.
25mm CCW CW 0 5 10 15 20 25 Stroke [mm] Origin 25mm CCW CW 10 15 20 25 30 35 Stroke [mm] Origin 25mm CCW CW -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Stroke [mm] Origin 25mm CCW CW -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Stroke [mm] Origin 25mm CCW CW -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Stroke [mm] 31 - Initial setting for the ORIG parameters Refer to the controllers (LEC series) operation manual for detail.
30 30 30 30 30 45 55 68 58 67 73 21 26 32 23.5 28 34.5 46 55 66 59 71 82 34.5 40 46.5 to 1000 to 1000 to 1000 Stroke range Bore size (mm) N NB P S XA XL Y WL WM ZZ M MA MB MC MM 40 50 63 44 50 56 74 83 89 1/4 1/4 1/4 168 183 204 12 16 16 6 6 6 9.5 12.5 15 42 42 52 16 16 16 4 5 5 12 15 15 M6 x 1.0 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 10 14 14 to 1000 to 1000 to 1000 208 228 254 39 42 52 9 Non-rotating Double
Withstand pressure 600 kPa Detection nozzle 1.5 *3 Consumption flow rate 5 L/min or less 12 L/min or less 22 L/min or less Power supply voltage 24 VDC 10%, Ripple (p-p) 10% or less (With power supply polarity protection) Current consumption 25 mA or less Switch output 1 output (NPN or PNP) Maximum load current 10 mA Maximum applied voltage 26.4 V Residual voltage 1 V or less (at 10 mA) Short
-06-06-08 ZH13DS-08-10-10 ZH13DL-08-10-10 ZH15DS-10-12-12 ZH15DL-10-12-12 12.8 6 24 21 7.8 6 17 24 12.8 6 24 21 6 17 24 12.8 6 24 22 6 17 24 12.8 6 24 22 6 17 24 13.7 6 26 24.5 8 20 28 13.7 6 26 24.5 8 20 28 15.3 10 28 27 10 22 30 15.3 10 28 27 10 22 30 Applicable tubing diameter J 7.8 7.8 7.8 9.6 9.6 10.7 10.7 ZH ZU ZL 15.8 12 31.5 32.8 12 27 35 12 ZY 15.8 12 31.5 32.8 12 27 35 12 One-touch
Note 7) The display unit is comformed to CE mark. 4 Series PF2A Flow Characteristics (Pressure Loss) PF2A710,510 PF2A750,550 PF2A711,511 3.0 1.0 10 Pressure loss (kPa) Pressure loss (kPa) Pressure loss (kPa) 2.5 0.8 8 2.0 6 0.6 1.5 0.4 4 1.0 0.2 2 0.5 Flow rate (l/min) 0 100 10 25 50 75 5 2.5 7.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 35 45 50 0 1 10 Flow rate (l/min) Flow rate (l/min) PF2A721,521 PF2A751,551
Model AS1ll1FSGl-M5 AS2ll1FSGl-01 AS2ll1FSGl-02 AS3ll1FSGl AS4ll1FSGl Metric size 2 3.2 4 6 3.2 4 6 8 10 3.2 4 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 10 12 16 Tubing O.D.
Without lead wire: (with connector and 2 of sockets only) SY100-30-A Rated voltage Lead wire length 5 6 V S R 1 2 Electrical entry 24 VDC 12 VDC 6 VDC 5 VDC 3 VDC 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 110 VAC 50/60 Hz [115 VAC 50/60 Hz] 300 mm 600 mm 1000 mm 1500 mm 2000 mm 2500 mm 3000 mm 5000 mm Nil 6 10 15 20 25 30 50 G H L LN LO M MN MO W0 Grommet, 300 mm lead wire Grommet, 600 mm lead wire
(Refer to Copy function on page 10.) 5 Series ZSE30A(F)/ISE30A Dimensions Z/ISE30A(F) Piping 01 N01 / 25 8 9.5 30 200.1 2 x M3 x 0.5 thread depth 4 Lead wire with connector M5 x 0.8 10 200.1 30 01: R1/8 N01: NPT1/8 1.5 Width across flats 12 C4H C6H N7H One-touch fitting 4 mm 5/32 inch straight One-touch fitting 6 mm straight One-touch fitting 1/4 inch straight 17.95 21.75 17.55 10.3 9.8 14
(C) 15 10 5 15 10 5 15 10 5 15 10 5 15 10 5 1.01 0.72 0.43 1.18 0.84 0.50 1.39 1.00 0.60 1.68 1.20 0.72 2.10 1.50 0.90 25 0.90 0.64 0.39 1.05 0.75 0.45 1.24 0.89 0.53 1.50 1.07 0.64 1.87 1.34 0.80 30 0.84 0.60 0.36 0.98 0.70 0.42 1.16 0.83 0.50 1.40 1.00 0.60 1.75 1.25 0.75 32 0.76 0.54 0.32 0.88 0.63 0.38 1.05 0.75 0.45 1.26 0.90 0.54 1.58 1.13 0.68 35 0.51 0.36 0.21 0.59 0.42 0.25 0.69
Dimensions (Orifice Size: 10 mm) Normally Closed: VXP2130 Grommet: G Conduit: C (67) (52) 20 23 (67) (52) 20 39 270 10 290 10 G 1/2 VC (5.5) (2.3) (2.3) (5.5) VDW 80 86 63 69 66.5 73.5 80 86 71 77 (33) 36 (33) 36 (27) 30 VQ (7.5) (27) 30 (7.5) Bracket 11 14 11 14 VX2 IN OUT IN OUT Bracket 24 26 50 2-Rc 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 (28) (28) 24 26 50 2-Rc 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 VX 22 28 40 22 28 Courtesy of Steven