Setting range: MT.01 to MT.05 (Initial value: MT.01) Contact output signal 3 Select function 16. Press the [] key.
44[lq I lrars wurh:8 ,t ic I Appl|cable lube o D oP Applicable lube O.D oP " l " l ' l ' l E f F f e f n l e ^ | o L I r E t #l#ffiJ'xl,LI v ZPRlOB 1 0 1 6 25133.! 50 20 71 25 76 13.8 5.5 ZPRtSB 18 527 sB6.'52.!
44[lq I lrars wurh:8 ,t ic I Appl|cable lube o D oP Applicable lube O.D oP " l " l ' l ' l E f F f e f n l e ^ | o L I r E t #l#ffiJ'xl,LI v ZPRlOB 1 0 1 6 25133.! 50 20 71 25 76 13.8 5.5 ZPRtSB 18 527 sB6.'52.!
Even if there is any change in the shape of the moving object, the changes in the f value of the cylinders pressing force are kept low, resulting in a stable pressing force.
10-0-A10 (With buffer/One-touch fitting) ZPT F 10-01-A14 (With buffer/Female thread) Applicable tubing O.D.
IR-A How to Order IR VVEXB 5 01 1 IRV VEX VEX Body size Thread type Nil F N T Port size Rc G Note) SRH Pilot type Internal pilot Common external pilot Valve stations 01 8 1 1 2 NPT NPTF SRP 2 2 stations SRF 10 10 stations ITV VVEX2 5 02 1 IC Body size Thread type Rc G Note) ITVH Port size Nil F N T Pilot type 4 1 02 ITVX 1 2 NPT NPTF Internal pilot Common external pilot 2 stations Valve stations
Silao-Trejo K.M. 2.5 S/N, Predio San Jose del Duranzo C.P. 36100, Silao, Gto., Mexico TEL: 472-72-2-55-00 FAX: 472-72-2-59-44/2-59-46 FRANCE SMC Pneumatique S.A. 1 Boulevard de Strasbourg, Parc Gustave Eiffel, Bussy Saint Georges, F-77600 Marne La Vallee Cedex 3 France TEL: 01-64-76-10-00 FAX: 01-64-76-10-10 CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A. Av. La Montaa 1,115 km. 16,5 P.
F 3(R2) 1(P) 5(R1) 3(R2) 1(P) 5(R1) 3(R2) 1(P) 5(R1) 3(R2) 1(P) 5(R1) None Nil DIN rail mounting (For manifold) IN side port size OUT side port size D 01 02 C6 C8 N7 N9 01 02 C6 C8 N7 N9 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 6 One-touch fitting 8 One-touch fitting 1/4" One-touch fitting 5/16" One-touch fitting Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 6 One-touch fitting 8 One-touch fitting 1/4" One-touch fitting 5/16" One-touch fitting F
VQ1000 (VV5Q13)-Plug-in Unit, Flip Type (F, P, J, L, S kit) . VQ0 (VV5Q04)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) . VQ1000 (VV5Q14)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) . VQ2000 (VV5Q24)-Plug Lead Unit, Flip Type (F, P, T, S kit) .
) 2 2 3 3 4 READY 4 5 ALARM 5 6 6 7 7 0 0 8 8 9 9 A A () B B C C D D 1 E E 2 F F 0 1 F0 1 71 () F8 2 F0 2 F0 (1 )*2 (2 ) *1 3 F0 3 F0 ()*2 *1 RWw0,bit4F: 12 *2 RWw0,bit4F: 93 - (2)[IO] PLC PLC Rx Ry 00 OUT0 00 IN0 01 OUT1 01 IN1 02 OUT2 02 IN2 03 OUT3 03 IN3 04 OUT4 04 IN4 05 OUT5 05 IN5 06 06 07 07 08 BUSY 08 HOLD 09 SVRE 09 SVON 0A SETON 0A DRIVE 0B INP
Basic Axial foot Front flange Rear flange U T D Front trunnion Rear trunnion Clevis B L F G Mounting brackets are included, not mounted.
Bracket Nil F Without bracket With bracket Body model Symbol VFA5000 VFA1000 VFA3000 2 3 VFA1000, 3000 Single type (The bracket cannot be connected after delivered.) A, B port size Port size M5 x 0.8 1/8 1/4 3/8 Symbol M5 01 02 03 VFA1000 VFA3000 VFA5000 VFA1000 Double type only Thread type (Including pilot port) Nil F N T Rc G NPT NPTF M5 is available with Nil only.
11 (0.6) 2 position double 110 SYJA7220-01 Body ported Base mounted (With sub-plate) 8.5 (0.47) 9 (0.5) [6.5 (0.36)] 3 position closed center SYJA7320-01 1/8 M5 X 0.8 3 position exhaust center SYJA7420-01 120 PA, B: 13.5 (0.75) [7 (0.39)] A, BR1, R2: 7 (0.39) 3 position pressure center SYJA7520-01 Base mounted 01 02 01 02 01 02 01 02 12.6 (0.7) 170 (90) 2 position single SYJA714012.6 (0.7
AR-OMX0055-B PRODUCT NAME Regulator MODEL / Series / Product Number AR20(K)-(F,N)01(F,N)02(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,H,J,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D AR30(K)-(F,N)02(F,N)03(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,H,J,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D AR40(K)-(F,N)02(F,N)04(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,H,J,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D AR40(K)-(F,N)06(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,H,J,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D AR50(K)-(F,N)06(F,N)10(B,E,E1,E2,E3,E4,G,M)(-1,N,R,Y,Z,ZA)-D AR60(K)-(
How to Order Valves 5 L N SX 5 1 20 01 Thread type Series A, B port size Nil Applicable series Rc Symbol Port size M5 x 0.8 3 SX3000 5 SX5000 G F M5 One-touch fitting for 4 C4 N 7 SX7000 NPT SX3000 One-touch fitting for 6 C6 NPTF T Type of actuation 1 8 01 1 2 position single One-touch fitting for 4 C4 Rated voltage SX5000 2 2 position double One-touch fitting for 6 C6 5 24 VDC 6 12 VDC 3
Electrical entry F: Plug-in type Option Port size Nil 01 Without sub-plate Rc 1 8 50 01 F Z VZS2 1 2 Plug-in 5 G 50 VZS2 Non plug-in 2 01 2 Coil rated voltage Symbol Thread type 1 2 3 2 position single 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz 200 VAC, 50/60 Hz 110 VAC, 50/60 Hz 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz Option Nil N T F Standard Rc NPT 1 Nil Z None With light/surge voltage suppressor Option NPTF 4 G S With surge voltage
H2 L3 L2 L1 All Ports: Screw-in Model H1 H2 H3 L1 L2 L3 L4 Connection thread 1 Connection thread 2 Connection thread 3 ZH05DA-01-01-01 12 12 12 67 42.5 27 26 Rc1/8 Rc1/8 Rc1/8 ZH07DA-01-01-01 70.2 ZH10DA-01-01-01 76.4 ZH13DA-01-02-02 17 17 90.8 51 29.5 36.3 Rc1/4 Rc1/4 ZH15DA-02-03-03 17 19 19 108.2 63.3 34.3 37.1 Rc1/4 Rc3/8 Rc3/8 ZH18DA-03-03-03 19 131.1 73.6 41.1 39.1 Rc3/8 ZH20DA-03-04
With One-touch fitting Port size For low speed control M5 U10/32 01 02 M5 x 0.8 10-32 UNF 1/8 1/4 Thread type Nil Metric thread (M5) Unified thread (10-32 UNF) R NPT N Needle Valve/Flow Characteristics AS1201FM, AS1211FM AS1301FM, AS1311FM AS2201FM-01, AS2211FM-01 AS2301FM-01, AS2311FM-01 AS2201FM-02, AS2211FM-02 AS2301FM-02, AS2311FM-02 0.8 Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa Inlet pressure: 0.5 MPa
(2/4) Alarm operations Alarm threshold and others A.RUN P.RUN A.STP Code Alarm name OFF Display Default setting Settable range Display Set temperature 1.0oC (33.8 o F) (-)5 1.034.0 oC (33.893.2 o F) Monitoring method Circulating fluid drop 0 03 AL04 discharge temp.