Series: 250 [3 Port COM (Single Unit)], Voltage: 24VDC, Electrical Entry: Faston terminal / Molded, Orifice: 1 [250 (3 Port) ø1], Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Material: -, Option: -, CE Compliance: -
Series: 250 [3 Port COM (Single Unit)], Voltage: 24VDC, Electrical Entry: Grommet / Tape winding, Orifice: 1 [250 (3 Port) ø1], Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Material: -, Option: -, CE Compliance: -
Series: 250 [3 Port COM (Single Unit)], Voltage: 12VDC, Electrical Entry: Grommet / Tape winding, Orifice: 1 [250 (3 Port) ø1], Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Material: -, Option: -, CE Compliance: -
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 10 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 3 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 4 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 6 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 5 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 2 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 8 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 7 Stations, Thread: NPT
Pilot: Internal Pilot, Stations: 9 Stations, Thread: NPT
Shape: Standard, Operating Environment: Standard, Compatible Fluid: Air, Supply Side Connection Type: [NPT] NPT, Supply Side, Connection Diameter: 1/8, Control Side Connection Type: [NPT] NPT, Control Side, Connection Diameter: 1/8, Size of Body: B, Number Of Circuits: Double, Pilot Method: Internal pilot, Specification: For VY1B0$For VEX1B33
Body Class: 1 (Class 1, Orifice ø2), Valve Type: 0 (Normally Closed), Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT), Material: B (Body: PPS, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Model: LVH20 (Body Class 2, N.C.), Lever Operation: Non-locking, Self-reset, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Pilot Port Thread: N (NPT), Material: B (Body: PPS, Actuator Section: PP, Endplate: PPS, Diaphragm: PTFE)
Size: B (Base Mounted), Operation: 3 (Manual Handle Style), Sealant: Nitrile Rubber, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT), Option: B (Bracket)
Size: A (Body Ported), Operation: 3 (Manual Handle Style), Sealant: Nitrile Rubber, Port Size: 01 (1/8), Thread: N (NPT), Option: B (Bracket)
Size: No.1, Orifice: 1.5mm, Option: For Vacuum, Non-leak -- Seal: FKM, Body: Stainless Steel, Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Bracket: Bracket
Size: No.1, Orifice: 3mm, Option: For Air, Water up to 40°C, CO2 and N2 -- Seal: NBR, Body: Stainless Steel, Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Bracket: Bracket
Size: No.1, Orifice: 1.5mm, Option: For Water up to 60°C and Oil, Consult Catalog -- Seal: FKM, Body: Brass, Port Size: 01 [1/8 (6A)], Thread: NPT, Bracket: Bracket