Port size port 3(R) port 1(P), 2(A) Body size Rated voltage (Only with solenoid) 04 06 10 10 12 14 20 1 2 3 4 1 2 100 VAC 50/60 Hz (Ex.)
Note) If it is pressurized by the port indicated with the arrow, the shaft rotates in the clockwise direction. o t a ti o R e n g o n r t a a a n ti r o g n n o e ti r a a t o n R g e Symbol: C40 Symbol: C41 Symbol: C42 The rotation range and the angle adjusting direction of the angle adjustable type are changed.
For the network connections, refer to LECSN-T Operation Manual Chapter 18,19,20. 8. Configure a circuit to turn off EM2 when the main circuit power is turned off to prevent an unexpected restart of the driver. 9. When not using the STO function, attach the short-circuit connector came with a driver. 10. Supply 24 V DC 10% for interfaces from outside.
: A12 Symbol: A13 Symbol: A14 Symbol: A15 R sphere C0.5 DA DA AL MM DA C C DA 30 30 30 H A A H H A H W1 T C Symbol: A16 Symbol: A17 Symbol: A18 Symbol: A19 MM AL DA MM 30 30 30 30 MM MM H A H A H A C H A 46 CP96N/C96N Series Symbol Change of Rod End Shape 1 -XA0 to XA30 Symbol: A20 Symbol: A21 Symbol: A22 Symbol: A23 RD 30 30 MM 30 DA MM 30 DA MM L DB DB C H A T H A T H A B W H A L K Symbol
M12 connector pin number X X VP544(R)/744(R)-X538 Internal pilot External pilot External pilot/With check valve 2(A) 2(A) 2(A) y t r y t r y t r w q e w q e w q e 3(R) 3(R) 3(R) y t r y t r y t r w q e w q e w q e 3(R) 3(R) 3(R) 1(P) 1(P) 1(P) X X VP544(R)/744(R)-X555 Internal pilot External pilot External pilot/With check valve 2(A) 2(A) 2(A) y t r y t r y t r 3(R) w q e 3(R) w q e w q e
(mm) M5 M5 4 4 Port size R Port size R 1 8 1 8 6 6 1 4 1 4 8 8 3 8 3 8 10 10 1 2 1 2 12 12 Flame Resistant Type (UL-94 Standard V-0 equivalent) 1(P): One-touch fitting 2(A): One-touch fitting 1(P): Male thread 2(A): Male thread 2(A) 2(A) Port size R Applicable tubing O.D. (mm) 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 2 1(P) 4 6 8 10 12 1(P) Applicable tubing O.D.
3 i A A t !4 !3 y e !2 q r o !6 @0 !4 !8 @2 !5 r u !1 q !6 i t y e @2 @6 @5 @4 @8 @7 @5 @6 @3 @4 Close-up of A Close-up of A Component Parts: CXSM Component Parts: CXSL Note Material No. Description Note Material No.
-A-20/40HRSH150-W-20/4025 25 Facility water temperature 32C Ambient temperature 32C 20 20 Cooling capacity [kW] Cooling capacity [kW] 15.7 15.7 15 15 Ambient temperature 43C 10 10 Facility water temperature 40C Ambient temperature 45C 5 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Circulating fluid temperature [C] Circulating fluid temperature [C] HRSH200-A-20/40HRSH200-W-20/4030 30 Ambient
CE2 + 0.048 0 Y-J010SUS 3.3 3.2 8 10 + 0.048 0 Y-J016SUS 5 6.5 12 10 ML2B Rod End Cap T-bracket C J G5-S Flat type/CJ-CF CV MM Double clevis style cylinder A 7 TH 4-TC MVGQ C0.5 + 0.2 0 TU D D 0.1 0.3 TN 12 C0.5 N CC W L TX TV TK RB Round type/CJ-CR MM TDH10 A J TY TT C0.5 DTW RR L N -X Material: Stainless steel 304 W Part no.
x 0.8 12.5 27.5 8 47 10 85 93 Clevis pin and snap ring are shipped together. 10-14-8 9 Stainless Steel Cylinder Series CJ5-S Accessory Dimensions Single Knuckle Joint Clevis Pin Knuckle Pin MM L ND hole H10 L l t t l t t m m R1 m m d Dd9 d Dd9 0.1 0.3 NX + 0.2 0 A1 U1 RE A B L1 7 12 REC Material: Stainless steel 304 Material: Pin and snap ring both stainless steel 304 Material: Pin and
Fitting type LVQ E T Union elbow Union tee Class t Applicable tubing size LQ Class Applicable tubing size (mm) 1/4" x 5/32" 3/16" x 1/8" 1/8" x 0.086" 3/8" x 1/4" 1/4" x 5/32" 1/2" x 3/8" 3/8" x 1/4" 3/4" x 5/8" 1/2" x 3/8" Applicable tubing size (mm) 6 x 4 4 x 3 10 x 8 8 x 6 6 x 4 12 x 10 10 x 8 19 x 16 12 x 10 No. 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 No. 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 A B C A B A B A
Orifice mm Differential pressure MPa Port A Pa Internal Fitting External XSA1-12 XSA1-22 XSA2-22 XSA2-32 XSA3-32 XSA3-43 2 3 0.8 VCR 0.3 3 6 Direct solenoid operation (N.C.) 10-11 1.0 1/4 10 -6 10 -9 10 -11 P.32 to P.34 2 0.3 SWJ 4.5 11 10 -10 0.8 0.3 6 3/8 19 Differential Pressure: Indicates the maximum operable pressure difference between port P and port A.
Refer to "LECSB2-T Operation Manual (Simplified Edition)", section 5.7 for how to set the Point table. 2700 for LEFB 15 - LECSC-T LEFS25 LEFS32 LEFS40 Lead symbol H A B H A B H A B Series Lead 20 12 6 24 16 8 30 20 10 Parameter *1,*2 Para. No.
The rotation range under the adjustment of an angle at 60 is indicated below. e g n R o t a a ti o r n r n a R n o o g ti t e a a ti o t n o r R a n Note) If it is pressurized by the port indicated with the arrow, the shaft rotates in the clockwise direcNote) If it is pressurized by the port indicated with the arrow, the shaft rotates in the clock-wise direction.
Gauge: G33-3-01 DIN rail: ISA-2-1 to 7 Gauge: G33-3-01 Bracket: ISA-1-A DIN rail: ISA-2-1 to 7 10 (Hexagonal) Material: SPC (Nickel plated) Material: Aluminum 100 110 q we r t L 90 4 x 4.5 10 25 5 7.5 30 R 1/8 34 42 28 4.5 35 27 9 16.5 13 5.6 L Applicable model ISA -1 ISA -2 ISA -1 ISA -3 ISA -2 ISA -4 ISA -3 ISA -5 ISA -4 ISA -6 ISA -5 ISA -6 Part no. 105 140 175 210 245 280 315
M12 connector pin number X X VP544(R)/744(R)-X538 Internal pilot External pilot External pilot/With check valve 2(A) 2(A) 2(A) y t r y t r y t r w q e w q e w q e 3(R) 3(R) 3(R) y t r y t r y t r w q e w q e w q e 3(R) 3(R) 3(R) 1(P) 1(P) 1(P) X X VP544(R)/744(R)-X555 Internal pilot External pilot External pilot/With check valve 2(A) 2(A) 2(A) y t r y t r y t r 3(R) w q e 3(R) w q e w q e
-64-1A 1NA SX5000-64-1A 1NA t-1 SX3000-64-26 2A 2NA SX5000-64-26 2A 2NA t-2 Note) 24 VDC -2A: +COM. -2NA: COM. 2A 2NA SX3000-64-20 2A 2NA SX5000-64-20 t-3 2A 2NA SX3000-64-10 2A 2NA SX5000-64-10 t-4 t-5 SX5000-64-3A SX3000-64-3A In common between +COM and COM.
a L1 (mm) L2 (mm) L3 (mm) 200 a = 2000 Pitching Rolling Yawing Mep m m : Transfer load (kg) a : Work piece acceleration (mm/s) Me: Dynamic moment L : Overhang to work piece center of gravity (mm) 100 L1 0 10 30 20 Transfer load m (kg) 300 L2 200 Mer m 100 L2 0 10 30 20 Mer Transfer load m (kg) m 300 a = 500 a = 1000 200 a = 2000 L3 100 m Mey a 0 10 30 20 Transfer load m (kg) Refer to page
199 36 46 41 136 153 156 15 21 16 174 196 199 32 42 37 132 149 152 52 62 57 152 169 172 9-11-26 26 Compact Guide Cylinder with Lock Series MLGP Dimensions: 80, 100 MLGPM/MLGPL 6 depth 10 H7 WA Z WB b a H7 6 c d 7 e T-slot dimensions CL 5 10 6 H7 X X 0.02 CL1 c d e Detailed figure of XX section b 20.3 23.3 Bore size (mm) a 13.3 15.3 80 100 12 13.5 8 10 22.5 30 MLGC 4-YY depth YL Bottom view
bolt 0.02 X 0.02 IG X DA IB RLQ VA VB R H T ID U X PW IG MLU DB ML1C 2-Rc 3/8 (Plug) IF Unlocking port 6 depth 10 H7 D2-Rc 3/8 PB GA GC Unlocked when pressurized 10 GB Q PA + Stroke G IE J JA JB K -X 6 depth 10 H7 S FA FB C + Stroke B + Stroke A + Stroke E 20Note 1) The intermediate strokes other than the standard strokes at left are manufactured by means of installing a spacer.