5 t @0 @3 r !9 !8 @1 @2 w !4 !2 !5 t @0 @3 @4 @5 !9 !8 @1 @2 @6 !4 !2 !3 y !0 !1 e q @8!6 u !7 o i !3 y !0 !1 @7 r q @8 !6 u !7 o i CXSJM10 CXSJL10 @9 !7 o i !6 r !9 !8 @2 @9 !7 o i !6 @4 @5 !8 r !9 @2 Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Piston rod B-side piston Rod cover Parts List: Standard Piping No. Description Material No.
r _ S!~ i!I~} a: D-A59W -25 60 70 65 11 0 115 120 1 pC. 15 .. I ~ .pa. (':'!." 15 . I~ _OJ ~I~) -25 60 70 65 11 0 115 120 OF5J5 1 pC. 10 :!l. 2 pes , ~~~
Applicable bore (mm) A D L MM N R W B C H d Applicable bore (mm) Part no.
Applicable bore (mm) A D L MM N R W B C H d Applicable bore (mm) Part no.
Note 3) Bowl assembly for AL30 to AL60 comes with a bowl guard (steel band material). 52 AL10 to 60 Dimensions AL10 AL20 L D Bracket (option) G F Port size K M A Port size C B R C J H OUT OUT IN OUT OUT IN B R P Min. clearance for maintenance Min. clearance for maintenance A AL50, 60 AL30, 40 L D D L Port size Bracket (option) Bracket (option) G F G F Port size M K M K E J C B R C B R H
I ll lir r i I l l l + r EtacK ^^ DC Lamp, Surge Voltage Supffessor Circuit z *"o",.ioffiJl-l|= *-ilEll-l'" EZ, TZ, DZ EZ, rZ, DZ {1@V or more) (Less tban 24V) Electrical Connection Use As A 3 Port Valve a For the DIN connection and Terminal connection (with surge voltage protection circuit), inner connections are as follows.
This product cannot be used as a check regulator by installing it between solenoid valve and actuator. 3. Port with a pressure gauge or a plug can be used as an OUT port.
Options Element sealing method Flat gasket (D.O.E) 1 N/A Bracket Quick plug Nil B P Housing material A square plug set is normally used for the drain unit. Cover SUS304 Case SUS304 Symbol 0 3 Quick Change Filter Series FQ1 Construction AIR VENT y Plug u O-ring w Cover INLET OUTLET t Element r O-ring e V-band i Upper element holder q Case o Lower element holder !
bolt B at ot ot (For clockwise rotation end adjustment) 5 5 r r 9 se 9 e e is e wi g w g n n k k ra oc c a o t r cl cl en nt er er e tm e m nt nt is us u t u w C 0 us o 90 k o c lo o C l dj C C 19 dj se c Cl 1 A k A A wi e w oc ge dj k A is oc k ng dj u wi e Cl an st us se ro ra m r ta t ot m r d at ti n e n io on e n e on nt e nt tio nd r r a a ti n n g ta e 5 9 g ta e 9 ro 5 ro m m
Com pressed ai r can be dangerous i f an operat or i s unf am i l i ar w i t h i t . Assem bl y, handl i ng or repai r of pneum at i c syst em s shoul d be perf orm ed by t rai ned and experi enced operat ors. D o not servi ce m achi nery/equi pm ent or at t em pt t o rem ove t he product unt i l saf et y i s conf i rm ed. A.
I ll lir r i I l l l + r EtacK ^^ DC Lamp, Surge Voltage Supffessor Circuit z *"o",.ioffiJl-l|= *-ilEll-l'" EZ, TZ, DZ EZ, rZ, DZ {1@V or more) (Less tban 24V) Electrical Connection Use As A 3 Port Valve a For the DIN connection and Terminal connection (with surge voltage protection circuit), inner connections are as follows.
L R L R L R L R L R L R Glass q w e Stainless steel Stainless steel Cross recessed round head screw Brass Stainless steel r t Stub 3.8-2 ISA Specifications Fluid Dry air (Filtered through a 5m filter) Operating pressure range 0.05 to 0.2MPa Recommended pressure range 0.1 to 0.2MPa Detection zone 10 to 300 m Repeatability including temperature characteristics 10m (for 0 to 60C on the basis
3-Rc 1/4, 3/8 Flow type: VEF2131 Flow type: VEF2141, VEF3141 Pressure type: VEP3141 3-Rc 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 P(1) port P(1) port 2-Rc A(2) port 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 A(2) port Cabtire cable O.D. 6.8 to 11.5 R(3) port Cabtire cable O.D. 6.8 to 11.5 2 port: R port plug 4-9 Mounting hole 3-7 mounting holes 14-9-16
Fully open P A control P A control F.R.L. 2 port 3 port Flow rate AV Closed Current A R control Effective area (mm2) AU Effective area (mm2) AF Fully open AR IR VEX AMR ITV IC Current A Current A VBA F1 solenoid F2 spring VE Flow Characteristics: 2 Port VY1 Controlled opening G PPA Spool AL Effective area (mm2) Effective area (mm2) Sleeve Current A Current A 14-9-13 Series VEF/VEP Pressure
Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Warning 1.
If these items need to be supported, provide an additional support. r A Class 2 Pressure Vessel Pressure Resistance Certificate is provided with those below, which are considered to be Class 2 pressure vessels. Make sure to store the certificate in a safe location.
M E N S I O N S AD S E R I E S A U I T O D R A I N S S Y M B O L S H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S AD AD402-02 (1/4) PT AD402-03 (3/8) PT AD402-04 (1/2) PT AD600-06 (3/4) PT AD600-10 (1) PT H O W T O O R D E R A U T O D R A I N S E R I E S NAD NAD402-N02 (1/4) NPT NAD402-N03 (3/8) NPT NAD402-N04 (1/2) NPT NAD600-N06 (3/4) NPT NAD600-N10 (1) NPT FOR FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS
Options Element sealing method Flat gasket (D.O.E) 1 N/A Bracket Quick plug Nil B P Housing material A square plug set is normally used for the drain unit. Cover SUS304 Case SUS304 Symbol 0 3 Quick Change Filter Series FQ1 Construction AIR VENT y Plug u O-ring w Cover INLET OUTLET t Element r O-ring e V-band i Upper element holder q Case o Lower element holder !
Lock keys ( ref er t o P11) M i ni m um pressure ( F_1) adj ust i ng range M axi m um pressure ( F_2) adj ust i ng range 100% 100% 50% 0% 10% 0% 20m A 20m A 5V 10V 20m A 20m A 5V 10V 4 0 0 0 12 10 2. 5 5 4 0 0 0 12 10 2. 5 5 ( N ot e 1) : F_1 i s adj ust abl e i n a range f rom 0 t o 50% of t he rat ed val ue. ( N ot e 2) : F_2 i s adj ust abl e i n a range f rom 10 t o 100% of t he rat ed
Lock keys ( ref er t o P11) M i ni m um pressure ( F_1) adj ust i ng range M axi m um pressure ( F_2) adj ust i ng range 100% 100% 50% 0% 10% 0% 20m A 20m A 5V 10V 20m A 20m A 5V 10V 4 0 0 0 12 10 2. 5 5 4 0 0 0 12 10 2. 5 5 ( N ot e 1) : F_1 i s adj ust abl e i n a range f rom 0 t o 50% of t he rat ed val ue. ( N ot e 2) : F_2 i s adj ust abl e i n a range f rom 10 t o 100% of t he rat ed