D-P3DW BMB9-050S BMB9-050S BA9T-063S BA9T-080S BA9T-080S D-P4DW BAP2-040 BAP2-040 BAP2-063 BAP2-080 BAP2-080 BBA1: For D-A5/A6/F5/J5 types BBA3: For D-B5/B6/G5/K5 types Note 2) Refer to pages 1357 and 1365 in Best Pneumatics No. 2 for details on the BBA1 and BBA3. The above stainless steel screws are used when a cylinder is shipped with D-F5BA or G5BA auto switches.
D-A5/A6 Same side 10 110 110 115 125 135 145 1 pc. 10 Different sides 20 2 pcs. D-A59W Same side 20 115 115 125 130 140 150 1 pc. 15 Different sides 10 2 pcs. D-F5/J5 Same side 10 115 115 120 130 140 150 1 pc. 10 Different sides 10 2 pcs. D-F5W/J5W D-F5BAL Same side 10 120 120 120 135 140 150 1 pc. 10 Different sides 10 2 pcs.
Model Maximum allowable load mass Average speed Va (mm/s) A2 10 11 12 17 A3 6 10 10 11 A4 21 23 28 34 A5 21 23 28 34 A6 10 11 12 17 A1 6 10 10 11 MXF8 MXF12 MXF16 MXF20 0.6 1 2 4 Note) Note) MXF8 MXF12 MXF16 MXF20 1.0 Note) 16 mm for MXF8-10 only. 0.7 Table (4) Maximum Allowable Moment: Mmax (Nm) 0.5 0.4 Model Stroke (mm) 100 18.27 75 7.96 13.70 50 3.34 5.69 9.14 30 0.98 2.22 3.41 6.66
BBA1: D-A5/A6/F5/J5 types *"D-F5BAL" switch is set on the cylinder with the screws above when shipped. When a switch only is shipped, "BBA1" screws are attached.
LECA6 LECP6 LEC-G LECP1 LECPA Parallel I/O Connector: CN5 Wiring diagram LEC6N(NPN) LEC6P(PNP) Power supply 24 VDC for I/O signal CN5 Power supply 24 VDC for I/O signal CN5 A1 A1 COM+ COM+ COM COM A2 A2 A3 A3 IN0 IN0 A4 A4 IN1 IN1 A5 A5 IN2 IN2 A6 A6 IN3 IN3 A7 A7 IN4 IN4 A8 A8 IN5 IN5 A9 A9 SETUP SETUP A10 A10 HOLD HOLD A11 A11 DRIVE DRIVE A12 A12 RESET RESET A13 A13 SVON SVON Load Load
BBA1: For D-A5/A6/F5/J5 types BBA3: For D-B5/B6/G5/K5 types Note 2) Refer to pages 1357 and 1365 for the details about BBA1 and BBA3. The above stainless steel screws are used when a cylinder is shipped with D-F5BAL and D-G5BAL type auto switches. When only an auto switch is shipped independently, BBA1 or BBA3 is attached.
@6 NVlon tube o a a a U4 o4 Urethane tube a a a U6 a6 Urethane tub a a a a List O Pad Dia. * Pad Type A5 M 5 x 0 8 a o A6 t\,t6 x 1 a o a o A8 N48 x 1 a o r!
@6 NVlon tube o a a a U4 o4 Urethane tube a a a U6 a6 Urethane tub a a a a List O Pad Dia. * Pad Type A5 M 5 x 0 8 a o A6 t\,t6 x 1 a o a o A8 N48 x 1 a o r!
Mr = 0.5 x 9.8 (30 + 17)/1000 = 0.23 A6 = 17 Mar = 9.14 (Same as May) M = W (Ln + An)/1000 Moment center position distance compensation amount An: Table (3) Ma = KMmax Workpiece mounting coefficient K: Fig. (3) Allowable moment coefficient : Graph (2) Maximum allowable moment Mmax: Table (4) Find the static moment M (Nm).
BBA1: Stainless steel screw kit for D-A5/A6/F5/J5 The above stainless steel screws are used when a cylinder is shipped with D-F5BA type switches.
Parallel I/O Connector: CN5 Wiring diagram LECP6Nll-l (NPN) LECP6Pll-l (PNP) Power supply 24 VDC for I/O signal CN5 Power supply 24 VDC for I/O signal CN5 A1 COM+ COM+ A1 COM COM A2 A2 A3 A3 IN0 IN0 A4 A4 IN1 IN1 A5 A5 IN2 IN2 A6 A6 IN3 IN3 A7 A7 IN4 IN4 A8 A8 IN5 IN5 A9 A9 SETUP SETUP A10 A10 HOLD HOLD A11 A11 DRIVE DRIVE A12 A12 RESET RESET A13 A13 SVON SVON Load Load B1 B1 OUT0 OUT0 B2
BBA1: For D-A5/A6/F5/J5 types BBA3: For D-B5/B6/G5/K5 types The D-F5BAL/G5BAL auto switches are set on the cylinder with the stainless steel screws above when shipped. When an auto switch is shipped independently, the BBA1 or BBA3 is attached. Note 1) Refer to Best Pneumatics No. 3 for details about the BBA1 and BBA3.
Operating range (mm) Bore size Auto switch model Bore size (mm) Auto switch model 125 140 160 180 200 125 140 160 180 200 D-A9/A9V D-M9/M9V D-M9W/M9WV D-M9AL/M9A VL D-A9/A9V 12.5 11.5 12 12 12.5 D-M9/M9V D-M9W/M9WV D-M9AL/M9AVL BS5-125 BS5-125 BS5-160 BS5-180 BS5-200 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 7 D-A5/A6 D-A59W D-F5/J5 D-F5NTL D-F5W/J59W D-F5BAL/F59F CJ1 D-Z7/Z80 14 14.5 13 14 14.5 D-A3/A44 D-A5/A6 D-A59W
When used in stopper application mounting hole, diameter should be 2d or more = E b o I il Cro.z Compact Guide Cylinder:Series MGQ Permissible lateral load (Ordinary-use load) F + 12 t6 ' i 4 : : : 49 25 51 F t 108 A6 104 176 3 3 206 686 343 80. : . l ' s s i 1070 lN=OlO2kql r(N.m) Bore size Modd to 20 r 3 B ' .50 75 .t( P , 0.29 o.24 o.21 0.18 0.16 0.48 o.39 0.31 o.37 0.33 -^ I McoM 0.51
Width across flat 5 Width across flat 5 Width across flat 5 15 15 15 3 2 3 2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 2 1.5 3.5 2.5 2 4 Vacuum Inlet Dimensions ZP3-T015U;-A6-U4 ZP3-T02U;-A6-U4 ZP3-T035U;-A6-U4 ZP3-T015U;-A6-04 ZP3-T02U;-A6-04 ZP3-T035U;-A6-04 ZP3-T015U;-A6-U2 ZP3-T02U;-A6-U2 ZP3-T035U;-A6-U2 ZP3-T015U;-A6-02 ZP3-T02U;-A6-02 ZP3-T035U;-A6-02 Buffer Applicable Pad List 1.2 One-touch fitting
Bore size (mm) 40 50 63 80 100 Bore size (mm) 40 Auto switch model Foot 50 63 80 100 CA1-L04 CA1-L05 CA1-L06 CA1-L08 CA1-L10 D-A5/A6 D-A59W D-F5/J5 D-F5W/J59W D-F5NT D-F5BAL/F59F Flange CA1-F04 CA1-F05 CA1-F06 CA1-F08 CA1-F10 Single clevis CA1-C04 CA1-C05 CA1-C06 CA1-C08 CA1-C10 BT-04 BT-04 BT-06 BT-08 BT-08 Double clevis CA1-D04 CA1-D05 CA1-D06 CA1-D08 CA1-D10 When ordering foot bracket
Electrical entry/Function Bore size (mm) 40 Model No. of auto switch 50 63 80 100 D-B5/B6 Grommet Band mounting Tie rod mounting Band mounting Tie rod mounting D-B59W Grommet (2 color indication) D-A5/A6 D-A59W D-F5l/J5l D-F5lW/J59W D-F5NT D-F5BAL/F5lF D-A3l Terminal conduit Reed switch Solid state switch D-A44 DIN terminal BT-04 BT-04 BT-06 BT-08 BT-08 D-A5/A6 Grommet D-A59W Grommet (2 color
A6 Solid State Type D"F59. J51 . J59. FsP D.c39. K39 DG59.K59.G5P Two Color Signs Type O-G59W.K59W.GsPW G59F. GsBAL D-F59W. J59W. F59F FSBAL . F5PW Indicator light / Operation D-A59W D-859W D-F5-W, DGs',W, D-J59W, D-Fs'F, D-.J59W, D-K59W. DJsBAL ON operarios f-l-l t u s e l t l l o r r Caution 6 When handling, please avoid dropping, cylinder nicks, and excessive shock.
14 PBT 15 P.2425 2 16 (V) P.25 7 17 Ass'y P.25 9 O HNBR,NBR 21 - No.ZQ-OM01401-B 7.2 1 N.C., ZQ1-V114-5LUB-A (1) (2) (1) L L 0.3m LO L (2) B N.O. () ZQ1-V124-5MUB-A (1) (2) (1) M M (0.3m) MO M () (2) B () ZQ 1VQ110 L -5 L -A (1) (1) L L 0.3m LO L 22 - No.ZQ-OM01401-B Assy N.C.N.O.Assy 1) SY100-30-4A-6 300mm 6 600mm (1) (1) 10 1000mm 15 1500mm Assy 20 2000mm A X T6 61 -13 A6
D-A6 o D-A73 & D-A53 0or 24VDC) have a lighr emitting diode as an indicator light, and thsrefore, have poladty. lf using 24VDC, the black lead Wire is (-) side, and the red lead is (+) side. lf connection is revrsed, the light will not go on ahhough the switch wi operate.