(Values at the initial period) Note 3) At rated voltage Flow Characteristics/Weight Flow characteristics 1 2 (P A) 2 3 (A R) 3 2 (R A) 2 1 (A P) Weight Valve model Grommet C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv C [dm 3/(sbar)] b Cv VT317 VT317V (Vacuum spec. type) VT317E (Continuous duty type) 0.29 kg 2.4 0.26 0.62 2.6 0.34 0.67 2.8 0.25 0.67 2.5 0.37 0.66
Mounting, Operation P.10 1) Operating air P.10 2) Precaution on design P.11 3) Mounting P.13 4) Operating environment P.13 5) Piping P.14 6) Cushion P.15 7) Speed control P.16 8) Direction control P.16 4. Maintenance P.17 1) Inspection P.17 2) Overhaul P.18 3) Disassembly P.18 4) Assembly P.19 5) Expendable supplies P.20 6) Replacement procedure of seal P.21 7) Inspection P.22 5.
Refer to "Flow Characteristics" (p.4.6-2) and figure of "Max. air flow" (p.4.6-3).
LVN Port P TI/ TIL Port P Port P PA Port A PAX Port A Port A PB Normally open (N. O.) Port P Port P Port P Model Manifold base model Individual port Rc VVXA211-stations Common port Rc Port A 1 8 1 4 3 8 1 8 1 4 VVXA212-stations VVXA221-stations VVXA222-stations Manifold Manifold Stations B mount 2 to 10 stations 17-3-97 2 The VX series will be revised shortly.
Recommended Parameter Values [LEF] LEFS25 LEFS32 LEFS40 Series Lead symbol H A B H A B H A B Lead 20 12 6 24 16 8 30 20 10 Parameter *1,*2 Para. Initial value Recommended value No.
Mounting, Operation P.12 1) Operating air P.12 2) Precaution on design P.12 3) Mounting P.14 4) Operating environment P.15 5) Piping P.16 6) Cushion P.17 7) Speed control P.18 8) Direction control P.19 4. Maintenance P.20 1) Inspection P.20 2) Overhaul P.21 3) Disassembly P.22 4) Assembly P.23 5) Expendable supplies P.24 6) Replacement procedure of seal P.25 7) Inspection P.26 5.
G Stainless steel Body material Applicable tubing O.D. 04 06 08 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 Body size 2 Elbow Type 2 3 4 5 6 M5 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 Control type Port size 0 1 Meter-out Meter-in M5 01 02 03 04 M5 x 0.8 R1/8 R1/4 R3/8 R1/2 With one-touch fitting 1
Note Bracket B and the bracket assembly make up one set. DOWN OUT1 U P SET ZS-31-A Bracket Note) Mounting screws are not included.
Pressure Control Equipment Air Preparation Equipment Industrial Filters Replacement Procedure P.460 FGD Vessel Series P.461 FGE Vessel Series P.463 FGET Vessel Series P.466 FGG Vessel Series P.468 FGA Vessel Series P.472 FGB Vessel Series P.476 FGC Vessel Series P.478 FGF Bag Filter P.480 FGH High Precision Filter for Liquids P.482 FQ1 Filter for Cleaning Fluid/Quick Change Filter P.483 FN1FN4
Pressure Control Equipment Air Preparation Equipment Industrial Filters Replacement Procedure P.460 FGD Vessel Series P.461 FGE Vessel Series P.463 FGET Vessel Series P.466 FGG Vessel Series P.468 FGA Vessel Series P.472 FGB Vessel Series P.476 FGC Vessel Series P.478 FGF Bag Filter P.480 FGH High Precision Filter for Liquids P.482 FQ1 Filter for Cleaning Fluid/Quick Change Filter P.483 FN1FN4
VFR VP450 VP470 VP4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com 82 (3 position: 98.5) 129 VZS 71(95.5) VFS 139.5 B A B A VS4 VQ7 (External pilot port) 1/8 (External pilot port) 1/8 EVS VFN A B B A B B B A EA P EB P EA EB ( ): Port size 3/4, 1 Dimensions: Port
P P P Lock position Z80 P P H R Rear lock Front lock Y59A Y69A P p P Manual release Y7PV Y7P P P p N L Non-locking type Locking type Y59B Y69B P p P Solid state switch Y7NW Y7NWV P P p Y7PW Y7PWV P P p Y7BW Y7BWV P P p Y7BA P p Lead wire symbols 0.5m . Nil (Example) Y69B 3m . L Y69BL 5m . Z Y69BZ Solid state switches marked with a "p" are produced upon receipt of order.
Note Bracket B and the bracket assembly make up one set. DOWN OUT1 U P SET ZS-31-A Bracket Note: Mounting screws are not included.
Applicable stroke table Manufacturable stroke range [mm] Stroke [mm] 400 450 500 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Model 30 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P LEY16 LEY25 LEY32 P P P P P P 10 to 300 15 to 400 20 to 500 Consult with SMC for the manufacture of intermediate strokes other than those specified on the above. w For the servo motor (24 VDC) specification, EMC compliance was
JIS B 8361: General rules for hydraulic equipment. JIS B 9960-1: Safety of machinery Electrical equipment for machines. (Part 1: General requirements) JIS B 8433-1993: Manipulating industrial robots Safety. etc. *2) Labor Safety and Sanitation Law, etc. Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
8 04 1 2 B 11 2B B 20 2B B Options Precautions Be sure to read before handling.
In center position the flo/v P-A, B is as sholn. X X { l ) Series NVFSOO How To Order NVFs lPort size (P,A,B) OXT Y.NPIF O3T %NPTF o4T. _ IbNPIF Typ of I *2 positiqr/singlo solanoid 2 -e position/double eolgnoid l-3 posilion, dGd c6oter/doubl6 solonoid 4 -3 gooidofl extEugt centr/double solenoid 5 -A pEsilion, p.6sure crte./double solenoid oyeride 'Subbas type only.
186 q Installation Distance and Discharge Time p. 182 Alarm p. 186 w Static Neutralization Range p. 183 Mode Switch Setting p. 187 e Pressure Flow Rate Characteristics p. 184 Wiring p. 187 Dimensions p. 188 How to Order p. 185 Accessories (for Individual Parts) p. 185 Related Products p. 189 Specifications p. 186 AC Adapter Specifications p. 186 Specific Product Precautions p. 190 Parts
) Model A B P PF2M701/702/705/710/725/750-01(-L) 66 14 2.8 depth 8.4 PF2M701/702/705/710/725/750-N1(-L) 68 14 2.8 depth 8.4 PF2M701/702/705/710/725/750-F1(-L) 70 14 2.8 depth 8.4 PF2M711/721-02(-L) 70 17 2.8 depth 6.2 PF2M711/721-N2(-L) 70 17 2.8 depth 6.2 PF2M711/721-F2(-L) 78 21 2.8 depth 6.2 -101No.PF-OMW0007-E PF2M7#L-#1/2(-L) (mm) Model A C B P PF2M701/702/705/710/725/750L-01(-L) 84.4
, A, B port) (EA, EB port) (P , A, B port) (EA, EB port) 03 04 03 04 03 04 3 position closed center: VFRA43113 position exhaust center: VFRA44113 position pressure center: VFRA4511(Pilot port) Main valve manual override (Direct manual) (Mounting hole) (Pilot port) (P , A, B port) (EA, EB port) 5-3-24