Fig. 1 shows an internal alarm circuit of the IP8101-02(Non explosion protected construction). 11: 10mADC or more load current is needed to operate the main circuit of the internal switch, and it should be 40mADC or less to protect the internal resistance circuit. Therefore, use a power supply voltage and load resistance with a load current of 10 to 40mADC when the output is on.
P.1320 16 / 17 3. 3-1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3-2. 2040 50100 18 3-2-1. 02 50 3-2-2. 1 6 2 7 6. 7. 3 19 3-2-3. GR-S-010(10g )GR-S-020(20g ) (XC85,X446)P25 1 2 3 4 8 1 100 83(g) L100mm 1 2 1mm 8. 8. g 20 25 32 40 100st 2 3 3 34 50st 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 20 3-2-4. 1) 8, 9 2 ( 8,) 10 3( 8,) 1mm 9. 10. 3-3.
Milano), Italy LATVIA SMC Pneumatics Latvia SIA, Dzelzavas str. 120g, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia LITHUANIA UAB SMC Pneumatics, Oslo g. 1, LT-04123 Vilnius, Lithuania NETHERLANDS SMC Pneumatics B.V.De Ruyterkade 120, NL-1011 AB Amsterdam, the Netherlands NORWAY SMC Pneumatics Norway AS, Vollsveien 13 C, GranfosNringspark, N-1366 Lysaker, Norway POLAND SMC Industrial Automation, Polska Sp z o.o. 02
Option 1 () Undefine No. 11 Undefine No. 11 () Undefine No. 12 Undefine No. 12 () *1 -45- 10.3 () ORIG direction ORIG direction 12 1CW [CW] 2CCW [CCW] ORIG mode Return to origin mode 12 1[] 2[SW] ORIG limit ORIG limit *1 ORIG time ORIG time () ORIG speed ORIG speed *1 ORIG ACC/DEC ORIG ACC *1 Creep speed Creep speed () 0[] 1a [a ] 2b [b ] ORIG sensor ORIG sensor 02
[] 14096 X (1) ()1 ()1 11 800 1 (2) ()1 ()2 1600 1 (3) ()2 ()1 400 1 ()1 ()1 0 1 4097 4096 1 2 1 [] 1 LEY16C-300 2.5mm 1/1 2 LEY16B-300 5mm 25/50 3 LEY16A-300 10mm 25/100 14096 X 12 1 800 2.5mm 2 3 =1 /2 3 =2.5mm/5mm (2.5mm/10mm) =25/50 (25/100) 1) 50 No.SFOD-OMT0009CN-B 7.3 XX X 1CW X 1 2 2CCW 1 XX 1 2 2 1) XX 1) XX 1) XX 0 XX 02 1a 2b 21 1)
[SW] 1 1 1 ( ) ( ) 0. [] 02 1. a [a ] 2. b [b ] SW 21 21 1 33 - 8. 8.1 ( ) () M 8.2 0 () /() M 34 - 8.3 1 (1) INP ON (/) M (2) () INP OFF (3) INP OFF INP ON 35 - INP ON ( ) 8.4 PLC 15ms 30ms 8.5 2 EMG EMG OFF () RESET RESET () HOLD HOLD EMG RESET OUT OFF 36 - 9. () 9.1 )100mm/s 50mm (No.1 ) 50mm/s 50mm 10mm 5 100mm (No.2 ) No. 1 2 2 2 mm/s mm mm/s mm/s mm mm mm
[SW] 1 1 1 0. [] 02 1. a [a ] 2. b [b ] SW 21 21 1 33 - 8 81 ( 82 0 / 34 - 83 1 1 INP ON / 2 ( INP OFF 3 INP OFF INP ON 35 - INP ON ( ) 84 PLC 15ms30ms 85 2 EMG EMG OFF () RESET RESET () HOLD HOLD EMG RESET OUT OFF 36 - 9 91 )100mm/s 50mm (No.1 ) 50mm 50mm/s 10mm 5 100mm (No.2 ) No. 1 2 2 2 mm/s mm mm/s mm/s mm mm mm mm/s 0 1 ABS 100 50.00 1000 1000 0 0 0 100
IP config Next 5 Install IP config 6 IP config Installshield Wiazrd Completed Finish IP config 3 23 - 4)IP config 711IP config No. 7 (1)(3)IP config IP config GW Scan IP config GW (1) (2) 8 GW IP config MAC ) MAC =00-23-C6-02-F0 GW 9 IP addressSubnet maskIP Set ) IP = = 10 GW DHCP OFF() DHCP DHCP DHCP ON()Set *GW DHCP ON() 11 IP DHCP ON/OFF
Class Instance Attribute Description Value 01h (01) 01h (01) MAC ID (Node address) 0 to 63 03h 0: 125 kbps 1: 250 kbps 2: 500 kbps (DeviceNetTM) 01h (01) 02h (02) Baud_rate (Communication speed) : The address and communication speed set in SW mode will be kept even after the DeviceNetTM communication power supply to the SI unit is turned off.
Note 3) When removing a straight-type fitting from a valve, after removing the clip, attach tubing or a plug (KJP-02, KQ2P) to the One-touch fitting, and pull it out while holding the tubing or plug. If it is pulled out while holding the release button of the fitting (resin part), the release button may be damaged.
Colour on the feed holes Cable colour Signal Cable O.D. 4.0 to 8.0 mm Electric wire cross section (Twist line) AWG26 to 22 YE=Yellow or OGWH=Orange/ White 1 Orange/ White TD+ WH=White or GNWH=Green/ White 2 Green/ White RD+ 3 Orange OG=Orange TD4 Green BU=Blue or GN=Green RD-28No.EX-OMN0011-F (3) Cable with communication connector Part number: EX9-AC 01 0EN-PSRJ Cable length (L) 01 1000 [mm] 02
Colour on the feed holes Cable colour Signal Cable O.D. 4.0 to 8.0 mm Electric wire cross section (Twist line) AWG26 to 22 YE=Yellow or OGWH=Orange/ White 1 Orange/ White TD+ WH=White or GNWH=Green/ White 2 Green/ White RD+ 3 Orange OG=Orange TD4 Green BU=Blue or GN=Green RD-34No.EX-OMO0030-E (3) Cable with communication connector Part number: EX9-AC 01 0EN-PSRJ Cable length (L) 01 1000 [mm] 02
Option/Semi-standard symbol : When more than one specification is inqures, indicate in alphanumeric order. 3 4 5 6 2 1 Symbol Description 0 0.01 to 0.2MPa 1 0.01 to 0.4MPa Set pressure range 2 0.01 to 0.8MPa + 0 Bottom exhaust 1 Front exhaust Exhaust direction 2 Back exhaust + Nil Rc N NPT Thread type F G + 02 1/4 03 3/8 Port size 04 1/2 + Nil Without mounting accessories B With bracket
Slave1 Mapping (1600h RPDO Mapping Parameter) 1600h_sub0 = 2 1600h_sub1 = 6320 01 20 (Object 6320h Sub-Index 1, length 32-bit) 1600h_sub2 = 6320 02 20 (Object 6320h Sub-Index 2, length 32-bit) Slave2 Mapping (1600h RPDO Mapping Parameter) 1600h_sub0 = 2 1600h_sub1 = 0007 00 20(Object 0007h (Unsigned 32) Sub-Index 0, length 32-bit) 1600h_sub2 = 6320 01 20(Object 6320h Sub-Index 1, length 32
Component name and spare parts list Symbol Thread type Symbol Port size Nil Rc 02 1/4 F G 03 3/8 N NPT Replacement Parts Description Part no. Note Element set SFDA-EL200 With 3 O-rings Bracket SFD-BR200 -9- Doc. No. SF-OMZ0013-B 5. Replacement of the element 5-1. Stop Stop operation and reduce the filters internal pressure to atmosphere. 5-2.
Insertion force [N] (reference value) Working pressure [MPa] Insertion depth [mm] AKP-*-*01 AKP-*-*02 0.1 5.1 6.6 0.3 7.5 11.3 0.5 10.0 16.0 0.7 12.4 20.8 2.4 (12) After operating the residual pressure exhaust button, confirm that the button has returned to the normal position.
050A (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band and screw) and screw) and screw) and screw) and screw) BMA2-020AS BMA2-025AS BMA2-032AS BMA2-040AS BMA2-050AS D-H7BA (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band (A set of band and screw) and screw) and screw) and screw) and screw) D-B5/B64 D-B59W D-G5/K59 D-G5W/K59W D-G5BA/G59F D-G5NT BA-01 BA-02
Phone AUSTRIA / (43) 2262-62 280 ITALY / (39) 02-92711 BELGIUM / (32) 3-355 1464 NETHERLANDS / (31) 20-531 8 CZECH REP. / (420) 5-414 24611 NORWAY / (47) 67 12 90 20 DENMARK / (45) 70 25 29 00 POLAND / (48) 22-548 50 85 FINLAND / (358) 9-859 580 PORTUGAL / (351) 2 610 89 22 FRANCE / (33) 1-64 76 1000 SPAIN / (34) 945-18 4100 GERMANY / (49) 6103 4020 SWEDEN / (46) 8-603 0700 GREECE / (30)
For 3-position exhaust center valve or single acting cylinder, take appropriate measures to prevent malfunction by using it with an individual EXH spacer assembly(VVFS2000-R-01-1,2 or VVFS2000-R-02-1,2). 5.
. -11No.PS-OMR0002-K 2 About this product Centralized lead wire ISA-19Bracket for centralized lead wire ISA-20 Stations Model 2 ISA-19-2 3 ISA-19-3 4 ISA-19-4 5 ISA-19-5 6 ISA-19-6 Regulator AR20-02-1-B -12No.PS-OMR0002-K 2 About this product 2 port solenoid valve VX210X276 Bracket (when control unit fitted) (Nominal size:3 x 8, 2 screws) ISA-17 Spacer with bracket Y200T-A Modular adapter