4@3 #5 t @7 $5!5@4 !8@0!7 !9i @2 q r y#0 $0 $2 w $3 #8 @9 A C B Section A !2 !2 #4 @6 #9 @8 $4 #2 #1 #6 #7 $6 !0 u @5 !6 @1 !1 $7 o $8 e $1 !2 Section B Section C 100 80 63 50 40 32 80, 100 80, 100 Description Material Note Parts list Description Material Note Parts list No. No.
l \ l l / v \ d l / t , . 1 , \ 1 b d t / . , , . , \ 1 6 -;i;-5*1-rTNVZ3420 NVZ3440 ^^n+irrr. umiint^ 4r&.q+\rh *"s* NVZs120-OM-M5 NVZ3540 Wry NVZ3140-OM-017 NVZ352O Model Body type )a of aqtuation ry:,:' sl:c i 2 position Single N\23120-OO-n5 o.2 0.17 Double Nvzlt220-OO-r5 o.2 0.26 (120) 3 position Closed center N\rz3it20-OO-[|5 0.18 0.43 (195) 10-32 Nom.
l \ l l / v \ d l / t , . 1 , \ 1 b d t / . , , . , \ 1 6 -;i;-5*1-rTNVZ3420 NVZ3440 ^^n+irrr. umiint^ 4r&.q+\rh *"s* NVZs120-OM-M5 NVZ3140-OM-017 NVZ3540 Wry NVZ352O Model Body type )a of aqtuation ry:,:' sl:c i 2 position Single N\23120-OO-n5 o.2 0.17 Double Nvzlt220-OO-r5 o.2 0.26 (120) 3 position Closed center N\rz3it20-OO-[|5 0.18 0.43 (195) 10-32 Nom.
M9PWV M9BWV M9NAV1 Solid state auto switch Reed auto switch 5 V, 12 V 12 V IC circuit Diagnostic indication (2-color indicator) Relay, PLC 5 V, 12 V 12 V IC circuit Yes Yes No Grommet 24 V Water resistant (2-color indicator) 5 V, 12 V IC circuit M9PAV1 M9PA1 M9BAV1 M9BA1 12 V A96V A96 5 V 12 V IC circuit Grommet 24 V A93V2 A93 A90 100 V Relay, PLC 2-wire A90V IC circuit 100 V or less 1 Water
Solenord side. .9 fi V f--'.--ry] f+r-q | r + r i | | t-?-!+-<-{ l r l tF)-)-+++--(lr{ I , _ ' I{ANIFOLD BLOCK PART NO. NO. PRESSURE CYLII{OEF " A & 8 " EXHAUST "EA & E8" SIDE aoTTor !OYTOT MSA 1010.02 Yes '/f t2) Yes MBA 10't r.02 11 Yes 't"et t ' l Z YE MAA 4210.02 t6 Y5 v." 11) v.' t2\ t " t2:l t ' l a STATX)flS 2 3 a 5 6 7 I t t0 -1 nm) 5 .
Solenord side. .9 fi V f--'.--ry] f+r-q | r + r i | | t-?-!+-<-{ l r l tF)-)-+++--(lr{ I , _ ' I{ANIFOLD BLOCK PART NO. NO. PRESSURE CYLII{OEF " A & 8 " EXHAUST "EA & E8" SIDE aoTTor !OYTOT MSA 1010.02 Yes '/f t2) Yes MBA 10't r.02 11 Yes 't"et t ' l Z YE MAA 4210.02 t6 Y5 v." 11) v.' t2\ t " t2:l t ' l a STATX)flS 2 3 a 5 6 7 I t t0 -1 nm) 5 .
Note 2) Please contact SMC for details. 1 (100 V) 2 (200 V) 3 (110 V) 4 (220 V) 7 (240 V) 8 (48 V) 5 (24 V) 6 (12 V) AC Operating Fluid and Ambient Temperature DC Operating fluid temperature (C) Ambient temperature (C ) Temperature conditions Power source Water (Standard) Air (Standard) Oil (Standard) (D.E.N.P) (D.N) (3) (3) High temperature water High temperature oil 99 100 60 40 40 60
Mounting dimension on side face Size Bolt Tap depth Size Bolt 05 M4X0.7 5 Body tap Body through hole 1 M5X0.8 6 05 M4X0.7 M3 1 M5X0.8 M4 Piping Fig. (4) and Table (8) show port position and size. A port A port B port B port Side port Front port Fig.4 Port position 24 - Table 8. Port size .
Alarm output connector 3 2 Hirose Electric co.,Ltd: CDE-9P(05) Fixed screw M2.6 Mating connector: CDE-9S(05) equivalent 1 4 5 Pin no.
Connector mounting position SYJ300 M1.7 0.12N.m SY3000-37-81A-2-N Single1 to 4stations SYJ500 M2.5 0.45N.m SY3000-37-81A-2-5 Double/3 position : 1 to 4 stations SS5YJ3-21,32SA SY3000-37-81A-1-N Single5 to 8 stations SYJ700 M3 0.8N.m SY3000-37-81A-1-4 Double/3 position : 5 to 8 stations SS5YJ5-20,40,42,43SA SY3000-37-81A-2-N Single1 to 8stations SY3000-37-81A-2-5 Double/3 position : 1 to 8
(inch) 1 8 1 2 3 8 5 32 3 16 5 16 1 4 One-touch Inch-size tubing/UNF, NPT thread connection Possible to use in vacuum to 100kPa UNF 10-32 Nylon 1 16 One-touch Mini Series KJ Soft nylon 1 8 Polyurethane Unions Applicable area U.S.A. etc.
3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) 3 (R2) 1 (P) 5 (R1) Note) Except VQZ1000 and metal seal type.
A C U U M E J E C T O R D I M E N S I O N S W I T H VA LV E A N D VA C U U M S W I T C H W I T H V A LV E S A N D S W I T C H (N)ZM HK5LZ V O LTA G E 5 24VDC 6 12VDC N O Z Z L E D I A M E T E R 05 0.5mm 07 0.7mm 10 1.0mm 13 1.3mm V A C U U M S W I T C H Nil Without E15L Solid State (NPN) E55L Solid State (PNP) M21L Reed M15L Non-Contact S Y S T E M C I R C U I T Supply Exhaust P O R T T H
Dimensions 10.5 10.5 103 16.7 28.3 RS45 4.1 OUT 49 5.1 (3.6) 50.5 4.5 5 5 Refer to page 50 in CAT.E02-20 for the junction cable part number.
2 @5 i e !7 @1 !0 o w !6 !5 !4 !3 y @0 !9 r t !8 @2 @4 !1 @3 A A Component Parts Enlarged view of A Description No.
(Refer to graph at right.) 4) Remove the cable gland (5) and plain washer (6) and rubber seal (7). 2. Wiring 1) Pass them through the cable (8) in the order of cable ground (5), washer (6), rubber seal (7), and then insert into the housing (4). 2) Dimensions of the cable (8) are the figure as below.