Condition 1) 30mm position Step no.0 Step no.0 (Move Method: Relative) Condition 2) 30mm position Step no.1 Step no.1 (Move Method: Relative) mm/s mm mm/s2 mm/s2 % % mm/s % mm mm mm 0 Relative 100 10.00 3000 3000 0 0 0 100 10.00 20.00 1.00 1 100 3000 3000 0 0 0 100 Relative -10.00 10.00 20.00 1.00 Position:10(Relative) c Attainment point: 50[mm] 0 10 20 30 40 50 Stroke[mm] Position:-10
When the knob is not easily locked, turn it left and right a little and then push it (when the knob is locked, the "orange mark" i.e., the gap will disappear). 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 3000 4000 1000 2000 0 2000 0 0 1000 3000 Flow rate L/min (ANR) Flow rate L/min (ANR) Conditions: Inlet pressure: 0.7MPa Outlet pressure: 0.2MPa Flow rate: 20L/min (ANR) Pressure Characteristics (Representative values
Failure to follow this procedure can cause damage to the knob and the outlet pressure 0.1 0.1 0 3000 4000 1000 2000 Flow rate L/min (ANR) 0 2000 Flow rate L/min (ANR) 0 1000 3000 0 Conditions: Inlet pressure 0.7MPa may fluctuate. Outlet pressure 0.2MPa Pull the pressure regulator knob to unlock.
Manifold/Plug-in Type Type 01C Circular Connector Type 01F D-sub Connector Series VFR2000/3000/4000/5000 Series VFR2000/3000/4000/5000 When multi-connector is used, mass-termination between power supply side and solenoid valve can be done.
Tightening torque for terminal: 0.6 Nm 3-8-7 8 Series VFS1000/2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 Caution Lead Wire Connection Manifold/Plug-in Type 01F D-sub Connector Type 01C Circular Connector Series VFR2000/3000/4000/5000 Series VFR2000/3000/4000/5000 Wire connection specifications Lead wire for both solenoid A and B sides in manifold are connected to connector terminal as COM specifications.
Caution 9 No.JSY1000V-OMW0002-B JSY1000/3000/5000 series Specific Product Precautions 2 Be sure to read this before handling.
) L2 a = 2000 200 a = 3000 100 Mer m 3 0 1 2 Transfer load m (kg) a = 1000 a 2000 a = 2000 Mey L3 (mm) a = 3000 m 1000 L3 3 0 2 1 Transfer load m (kg) Refer to page 304 for deflection data. 210 5 Phase Stepper Motor/Without Motor Brake Series LXF Dimensions/LXFH5BC Scale: 35% (5) 2-M2.5 x 0.45 depth 2 5 Stroke + 113 10.5 2.5 2-M4 x 0.7 thread depth 9 31 G 28 58 5H9 +0.030 0 depth 5 (5.5)
High inlet pressure Changes from the standard type are: 30 0.21 AP1210 AP1215 Option Other Parameters Vacuum to 3000 psig (20.7 MPa) ) 4500 psig (31 MPa) 9000 psig (62 MPa) HR Source pressure 20 0.14 Proof pressure (Inlet) Burst pressure 10 0.07 ) 3/4 inch face seal fittings rated to 2400 psig (16.5 MPa) maximum.
CAT.ES40-39 B Soft Start-up Valve A V2000/3000/4000/5000 New New Series AV5000 introduced!
PFA703H--28 PFA703H--68 PFA706H--28 PFA706H--68 PFA703H--29 PFA703H--69 PFA706H--29 PFA706H--69 3000 3000 150 150 6000 6000 300 300 PFA712H--28 PFA712H--68 PFA712H--29 PFA712H--69 12000 12000 600 600 103 &RXUWHV\RI6WHYHQ(QJLQHHULQJ,QF5\DQ:D\6RXWK6DQ)UDQFLVFR&$ *HQHUDO For Water Digital Flow Switch Series PFW How to order PFW7 20 03 27 Integrated display type Flow rate range 0.5 to 4l/min
Note) Except SI Unit Manifold Solenoid Valves Manifold Solenoid Valves Series SY3000/5000/7000 Series SV1000/2000/3000 Series S0700 Series VQC1000/2000/4000/5000 IP67 IP40 IP67 IP67 Note) The SY3000/5000/7000, S0700, and VQC1000/2000/4000/5000 are not UL-compatible.
) P_1(n_1) (Setting of OUT1 output set value) ZSE20C: 0x0BB8 (580 ~ 5200) 0x03F4 (1012) 0 R/W (3000) ZSE20C: 0x0258 ~ 0x1450 Y U16 ZSE20CF: 0x0FA0 (600 ~ 5200) (4000) ZSE20CF: 0x0384 ~ 0x13EC ISE20CH: 0x0BB8 (900 ~ 5100) (3000) ISE20CH: 0x0316 ~ 0x1450 (790 ~ 5200) Setting of OUT1 hysteresis Setting range ISE20C: 0x03E8 ~ 0x15F4 ISE20C: 0x04B0 (1200) H_1 (Setting of OUT1 hysteresis) ZSE20C
(The specifications of G / GS and D / DS are the same.) 9 VK300-OMH0002-C VK300/3000 Series Specific Product Precautions 3 Be sure to read this before handling the products. Manifold Specifications VK300 1. Mounting direction is fixed, do not mount on opposite side. 2. The VK300 series can be mounted on the manifold base VV5K3 of VK 3000 series. Refer to page 11 for details.
Consult SMC if you wish to use the SJ2000/3000 valve with a valve block switch, or an end block or SUP/EXH block assembly. Connector entries with the symbol Mm can not use the switch signal from the common wiring on the manifold.
Move M Speed Position Accel Decel Pushing F TriggLV Pushing Sp Moving F Area1 Area2 In pos mm/s mm mm/s2 mm/s2 % % mm/s % mm mm mm 0 Absolute 250 50.00 3000 3000 0 0 0 100 48.00 50.00 0.50 1 Absolute 250 0.00 3000 3000 0 0 0 100 0.00 2.00 0.50 [ ] Need to be set [] Need to be adjusted as required. [ ] Not used.
Position Speed Acceleration Deceleration pushing operation force mm mm/s mm/sP2 mm/sP2 mm % 1 Origin end 0.00 100 3000 3000 10.00 50 2 Opposite end 100.00 50 3000 3000 85.00 60 3 Intermediate 40.00 200 3000 3000 Setting not available Setting not point available *Pushing to the intermediate point is not available in the closed center mode.
Circuit with indicator light (Built in connector) 9 No.VF1000-OMN0002-A VF1000/3000/5000 Series Specific Product Precautions 3 Be sure to read before handling.
430F 530F 630F Manifold regulator 4-, 5-port solenoid valve VQ Directional control valves 0 1000 2000 4000 5000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 1000 3000 5000 7000 3000 5000 7000 3000 5000 7000 20, 30 100 100 200 300 100 300 500 300 500 700 1000 2000 2500 3000 4000 4000-06 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 4000-06 2550 3050 4050 4050-06 3050 4050 4050-06 2060 2560 3060 4060 4060-06 5060 6060 425 625
4000 3000 4000 Speed integral compensation 20 50 20 50 7 16 8.
(b) OFF ON OFF 63.4% CDT = 100 ms 100 50 100 4.00 10.00 4.00 120 84 120 3000 4000 3000 20 50 20 1 50 60 50 1 50 60 50 1 0.20 0.15 0.20 1 0.20 0.15 0.20 2 20 30 20 2 20 30 20 2 0.10 0.05 0.10 2 0.10 0.05 0.10 (2) (a) PB06 GD2 4.00 [] PB08 PG2 120 [rad/s] PB09 VG2 3000 [rad/s] PB10 VIC 20 [ms] PB29 GD2B 10.00 [] PB30 PG2B 84 [rad/s] PB31 VG2B