--20-T, HRS024--20-T 0.8 80 0.7 70 Circulating fluid pressure [MPa] Available area Outlet60Hz 0.6 60 Pump head [m] 0.5 50 0.4 40 0.3 30 Outlet50Hz 0.2 20 Return port Available area 0.1 10 0 0.0 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Circulating fluid flow [L/min] Fig 9.6-4 Pump capacity(HRS012--20-T, HRS018--20-T, HRS024--20-T) HRS Series 9.6 Pump capacity 9-13 HRX-OM-M090 Chapter 9 Documents 9.6.5 HRS012--20
2 u r e q w No. q w e r t y u i o !0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !
4 x 20 Dimensions (mm) Q A B C O D E F G K L M P R S T Model Port size IDF125F IDF125F-W IDF150F IDF150F-W JIS flange 65A 10K 700 1120 1276 267 655 1375 350 376 712 78 752 885 479 127 36 129 JIS flange 80A 10K 950 1290 1332 268 720 1432 990 217 1030 475 515 1056 479 127 50 165 6 Series IDF100F/125F/150F Options Refer to How to Order page 2 for optional models.
Grommet: G Conduit: C Approx. 300 Approx. 280 D D Q F Q F C C G (PF) 1/2 R R E E A H 2-P Port size 2-M B B A H 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T Cable 6.8 to 10 27.5 F F Q (Q) S 34 25 U R C R C (44) G (PF) 1/2 E B A H D 2-P Port size (S) E G (PF) 1/2 B A H D 2-M 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K N.C.
Grommet: G Conduit: C 2-M 2-M L L K Approx. 300 K Q F D Approx. 280 D Q F C R C G (PF) 1/2 R E B A H E 2-P Port size A H 2-P Port size B DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T 2-M 2-M L L K Cable 6.8 to 10 K 27.5 F F Q (Q) 34 S 25 U R C R C G (PF) 1/2 (44) E B A H D (S) E G (PF) 1/2 B A H D 2-P Port size 2-P Port size N.C.
Refer to table w if ordering bracket separately. Thread T F N Orifice size 2 3 4 5 6 Rc(PT) NPTF G(PF) NPT 3mm 4.5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm Refer to table q for configuration. Port size 01 02 03 04 1 8 1 4 Valve/Body 0 2 Normally closed (N.C.)/single unit Normally open (N.O)/single unit 3 8 1 2 Refer to table q for configuration.
1 t i With auto switch (Built-in magnet) 20, 25 12, 16 t y e !2 !0 q r !3 !1 w t !1 !2 !0 o q r !3 w y e Component Parts No.
1/2 VQC 4/5 VQZ SQ VFS VFR VQ7 537 Connector Type Manifold VQC1000/2000 Series IP67 enclosure compatible Dust-tight, Immersion-proof (Based on IEC60529) (S/T/L/M kit) Power saving Standard: 0.4 W (Reduced by 60% compared to current model) High-pressure (1 MPa, Metal seal): 0.95 W Accommodates gateway-type serial wiring.
] 0.7 40 50 [Outlet port: 50 Hz] 0.6 [Outlet port: 50 Hz] 40 30 0.5 0.4 30 20 0.3 20 0.2 10 [Return port] 10 [Return port] 0.1 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Lifting height (m) Pressure (MPa) 0 10 20 30 40 Lifting height (m) Pressure (MPa) Circulating fluid flow (l/min) Circulating fluid flow (l/min) HRZ001-H/002-H HRZ004-H/008-H HRZ002-W/008-W 0.8 0.9 50 0.8 0.7 [Outlet port: 60 Hz] 40 [Outlet port
When using seal tape, leave one thread exposed when wrapping fitting or pipe. 0.25 f-t-+-t---t-+--j--+--:--t--+-I Set point -~V '" Q. ::; O Mount vertically. c.> 0.2 :; :2 l' Q. Qi '5 0 ~ 5l :r 0. 31<.-t-~-+---="I--;;::'--t-t_1 Q. 0.15 f-t.,---+t--t-+---1--+-t--t-l 8Tightening torque of mounting screw (M3) for gauge is 3-Skgf . cm.
Grommet: G Conduit: C Approx. 300 Approx. 280 D D Q F Q F C C G (PF) 1/2 R R E E A H 2-P Port size 2-M B B A H 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T Cable 6.8 to 10 27.5 F F Q (Q) S 34 25 U R C R C (44) G (PF) 1/2 E B A H D 2-P Port size (S) E G (PF) 1/2 B A H D 2-M 2-P Port size 2-M L L K K N.C.
8 Documents 8.5.3 OPTION-T (HRSE012/018-A-10-T) 0.3 0.25 Circulating fluid pressure [MPa] 20 0.2 Pump head [m] Outlet : 60Hz 0.15 0.1 10 Outlet : 50Hz Return port 0.05 Available area 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Circulating fluid flow [L/min] Fig. 8.5-3 Pump capacity (HRSE012-A-10-T, HRSE018-A-10-T) 8.5.4 OPTION-T (HRSE012/018/024-A-20/23-T) 0.3 0.25 Circulating fluid pressure [MPa] 20 0.2 Pump
3 w e q !1 r y o e t !2 4 Built-in magnet Without magnet Single Acting, Spring Return u i r y o e w i e u !0 Built-in magnet Without magnet Rod end male threaded Replacement Parts: Seal Kit Double Acting Component Parts Contents No. Description Note Material Kit no.
W .TOea TT XIUS ' Z ZZ l ~/ t ~ ~ 20 27 Y. 42 11 20 45 153 8 15 !
C a n t h e s y s t e m b e D o n o t u s e i t s i n c e i t w i l l A r e t h e r e a n y o p e r a t e d b e l o w r e s u l t i n a m i s c o u n t . m a g n e t i c i n f l u e n c e 1 4 . 5 m T ?
-1A 4 Coolant Valve Series SGH Construction 2-port valve (N.C.) 3-port valve (Dual pressure type) 3-port valve 7 MPa 3 MPa 3 MPa i i o i o o PE port 12 port PE port 12 port PE port 12 port u y u u y t w e t t y w w e e q q q 1 port 2 port 1 port 2 port 1 port 2 port r r r !
N.O. q q w w e e r r t y u t y u Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) 258-9200-www.stevenengineering.com IN IN Component Parts Component parts Description Material Description Material No. No.
7 w e r !8 Lead wire color Dot marking Terminal no. @1 @6 @5 Black None q !9 Brown None w y t @0 u Red None e Orange None r Yellow None t Pink None y Circular Connector Cable Assembly Terminal No. Blue None u Purple White i Gray Black o Lead wire color Dot marking Terminal no. White Black !0 Black None q White Red !1 Brown None w Yellow Red !2 Red None e Orange Red !