setting status signal B EnabledOpen A Output the input signal as it is SW1 Pass through signal of the contact input signal 1 B Reverse output of the input signal A Output the input signal as it is SW2 Pass through signal of the contact input signal 2 B Reverse output of the input signal A Selected alarm occurrence : Close A.SEL Selected alarm status signal B Selected alarm occurrence : Open
Metric size ZFC7 ZFC5 Symbol Applicable tubing O.D. 4 6 8 10 12 3 4 5 6 7 Option Nil B None With bracket Inch size B D E F 5/32" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" Max.
U Values inside ( ) are for D-H7LF D-H7C B Approx.
Drain cock Oil bowl B' C C Drain cock Drain guide (A) (B) Rc , NPT, G Mounting bracket Port size Model C B A Drain piping F G H J K L B' D E 6 6 1/4 female thread M3 x 0.5 1 4 2.3 15 12 20 50 73 AMC220 40 56 88 100 22 Depth 8 Body size A B C M3 x 0.5 71 88 101 101 121 55 63 83 96 96 116 1 4 3 8 , 56 75 102 118 135 153 AMC320 75 120.5 140.5 2.3 15 20 30 50 123.5 24 55 2 3 5 6 8 9 Depth
With drain With drain With drain With drain With drain gauge guide cock guide cock guide B B B B B B B B B AFF20 159. 6 159. 4 146. 1 142. 1 148. 6 AFF30 219. 8 219. 8 219. 8 186. 6 184. 9 180. 6 185. 1 200. 6 205. 1 AFF40 263.3 265.1 265.1 232 230. 3 225. 9 230. 4 245. 9 250. 4 -31- Revision history Revision A: September 2020 Addition of the Series 20 and 40 Revision B: August 2021 Addition
With drain With drain With drain With drain With drain gauge guide cock guide cock guide B B B B B B B B B AMD20 159. 6 159. 4 146. 1 142. 1 148. 6 AMD30 219. 8 219. 8 219. 8 186. 6 184. 9 180. 6 185. 1 200. 6 205. 1 AMD40 263. 3 265. 1 265. 1 232 230. 3 225. 9 230. 4 245. 9 250. 4 -31- Revision history Revision A: September 2020 Addition of the Series 20 and 40 Revision B: August 2021 Addition
Conduit terminal: VP3145-T A B DIN terminal: VP3145-D A B [105] 76 Light (For TL, TZ) 30 31.3 Max.12 G1/2 Applicable cable 6 to 12 Light position (For DL, DZ) G1/2 [196] NO NO 190.6 194 181.5 166 PE PE 26 26 83 83 32 32 36 36 80 80 [ ]: With indicator light (TL, TZ) 1310 Large Size 3 Port Solenoid Valve VP3165 Series Dimensions: VP3165 Grommet: VP3165-G A B 113 87.4 54 30 71 101 G1/2 1
Consecutive 8 bits of the message are added, and the result without carry (overflow) is converted to 2's complement.
How to order B B XGT 3 1 2 50336 1 C Auto switch and connector (See below) Material of O-ring of gate 1 : FKM 2 : Kalrez4079 C Kalrez is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers.
With drain With drain With drain With drain With drain gauge guide cock guide cock guide B B B B B B B B B AM20 159. 6 159. 4 146. 1 142. 1 148. 6 AM30 219. 8 219. 8 219. 8 186. 6 184. 9 180. 6 185. 1 200. 6 205. 1 AM40 263. 3 265. 1 265. 1 232 230. 3 225. 9 230. 4 245. 9 250. 4 -31- Revision history Revision A: September 2020 Addition of the Series 20 and 40 Revision B: September 2020 Addition
B B B B B B AWM20-D 30 34 43.9 5.4 15.4 55 2.3 29.7 28.5 14 6 117.9 104.4 100.4 106.9 AWM30-D 41 40 46 6.5 8 53 2.3 31.3 38.5 19 7 157.1 123.9 122.2 117.8 122.3 137.8 142.3 AWM40-D 50 54 54 8.5 10.5 70 2.3 35.5 42.5 21 7 186.9 155.6 153.9 149.6 154.1 169.6 174.1 The dimension C is the length when the filter regulator knob is unlocked. -40- 13-2.
B B B B B B AWD20-D 30 34 43.9 5.4 15.4 55 2.3 29.7 28.5 14 6 117.9 104.4 100.4 106.9 AWD30-D 41 40 46 6.5 8 53 2.3 31.3 38.5 19 7 157.1 123.9 122.2 117.8 122.3 137.8 142.3 AWD40-D 50 54 54 8.5 10.5 70 2.3 35.5 42.5 21 7 186.9 155.6 153.9 149.6 154.1 169.6 174.1 The dimension C is the length when the filter regulator knob is unlocked. -40- 13-2.
Connector pin numbers 2 1 (43.5) 4 3 A B Pin no. 1 2 3 4 Output specification Pin description DC(+) NC/Analog output DC() OUT A Pulse output only 42 62 52 Pulse output + Analog output 72 Flow direction 18 Series PF2W Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Water PF2W511-(N)B 148 80 32 70 58 46 45 2-Port size 2 45 4-5.5 36 (43.5) A A B Output specification 63 Pulse output only 77 73 87 Pulse
JIS B 9960-1: 1 ) JIS B 8433: *2) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4
Diaphragm B moves to the right, and at the same time diaphragm A also moves to the right Air exhaust port (AIR EXH) Switching valve Air supply port (AIR SUP) Pilot valve B Pilot valve A Discharge port (FLUID OUT) Pump chamber A Pump chamber B Check valve Shaft Suction port (FLUID IN) Diaphragm A Diaphragm B Drive chamber A Drive chamber B Control unit pushing pilot valve A. 3.
material Grade B Fluororubber Weight 360 g 730 g 360 g 730 g Dimensions Dimensions other than below are the same as the standard type.
Connector pin numbers 2 1 (43.5) 4 3 A B Pin no. 1 2 3 4 Output specification Pin description DC(+) NC/Analog output DC() OUT A Pulse output only 42 62 52 Pulse output + Analog output 72 Flow direction 18 Series PF2W Dimensions: Remote Type Sensor Unit for Water PF2W511-(N)B 148 80 32 70 58 46 45 2-Port size 2 45 4-5.5 36 (43.5) A A B Output specification 63 Pulse output only 77 73 87 Pulse
Catch the hook of the DIN rail bracket on the (b) side on the DIN rail. 2. Push side (a) onto the DIN rail and tighten the clamp screw.
Before Use Fieldbus system EX500-S 03 Wiring Product Summary LED Display Select the specified branch cable below.