Example Note) Consult P/A regarding intermediate strokes for sizes 40 through 100 with rubber bumpers.
P + 0.1013 0.1013 P + 0.1013 0.1013 QCR = 2V x x 10-3.
GC1 MM1 KA (manual unlocking unit) Dust cover NH1 M(D)LUB25,32 (Extension locking) K H2 P ZZ1 + Stroke GB GA Unlocks when pressurized BP unlocking port Front cylinder port GC D GW GY NH (manual unlocking unit) Dust cover P Rear cylinder port NS + Stroke NG NF NJ NJ NI Width across flats KA MM Width across flats B1 EY EY NY C H1 AL 4-ND through 4-ET B A NB NA K 2 x 4-NC counter bore Prepared
Contact P/A if the product will be used in an application with a high frequency of operation. 1. Do not subject the gauge to impacts, such as dropping, during transportation and mounting. This can cause loss of indication accuracy. 2. Do not use in locations with high temperature and humidity. This can cause malfunction. 3.
p ClAseies Air Cylinder Fine Lock Model High Intermediate Stopping Accuracy , 3 Types of Locking Mechanisms r Locks in Either Extended or Retracted ', 5 Bore Sizes Available Auto Switch CaPable Direction 4-5 I Product Features . .6 I Ho* To order lf, .7 I Standard Specifications 8-9 ! locf Specifications. ..'
hom aate ofiirc-55G iiEilfrej|ace, oiEE' adiustmeot at SMC's option, ol arry debctit/ cylinder p(oduct sold if the cylinde. p{oduct is retumed with SMC'S prior witten consent, t-ansporiation Fepaid by the original buyer, and recei'd by SMC at its place of business in Indianapolis, Indiana within the Yvarranty period.
Example: Nut for JS40 2 Series JS Dimensions JS10, 16 M M U D J U F B G H C E P A Use a 4mm precision watch wrench to attach the JS10 male threads.
Repeatability Direction of detecting axis, Perpendicular to detecting axis: 0.04mm or less 12 to 24VDC 10%, Ripple P-P 10% or less Power supply voltage 15mA 0.8mA or less (when output is OFF) Current consumption NPN Maximum load current: 100mA Maximum applied voltage: 30VDC Residual voltage: 1V or less 2 wire solid state DC Load current: 3 to 70mA Residual voltage: 3V or less Output 500Hz
Fixed side Operating temperature 20 to 60C (4 to 140F) Polyurethane Material 1in = 25.4 mm 1m = 0.3048 ft Note 1) Consult P/A regarding other fluids. Water cannot be used due to the occurrence of hydrolysis. Note 2) The maximum operating pressure is the value at 20C (68F). Refer to the burst pressure characteristic curve for other temperatures.
G SMC H F P . U S Can be locked with a padlock in the exhaust condition. E C Padlock mounting position C D D SUP SUP. A OUT IN A OUT IN 1 2 3 B B EXH. EXH.
High Purity Fluoropolymer Fittings Hyper Fitting / Flare Type LQ3 Series Fitting Procedure High Purity Fluoropolymer Fittings Hyper Fitting / Flare Type LQ3 Series Fitting Procedure Insertion Tool For 2 to 6 (P.1 to P.3) Fitting size For 1, 2 (P.4, P.5) Fitting size Parts case Contents: Insert pins Holders Preparation Caution: Tubing 1.Wipe the tubing with alcohol to prevent slippage. 2.
1-C6 ind supply spacer, VQ1000/VQ20/VQ30 VALVE*** $59.55 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC VVQ1000-P-1-N7 ind supply spacer, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT*** $56.55 +
1-C6 ind supply spacer, VQ1000/VQ20/VQ30 VALVE*** $59.55 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC VVQ1000-P-1-N7 ind supply spacer, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT*** $56.55 +
1-C6 ind supply spacer, VQ1000/VQ20/VQ30 VALVE*** $59.55 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC VVQ1000-P-1-N7 ind supply spacer, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT*** $56.55 +
1-C6 ind supply spacer, VQ1000/VQ20/VQ30 VALVE*** $59.55 + Add to Quote Add To Cart Add to Cart SMC VVQ1000-P-1-N7 ind supply spacer, VV5Q* MANIFOLD VQ 4/5 PORT*** $56.55 +
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Specifications Ionizer Ionizer model IZS40 IZS41-(NPN) IZS41-P(PNP) IZS42-(NPN) IZS42-P(PNP) Ion generation method Corona discharge type Method of applying voltage AC,DC AC, Sensing AC, DC Dual AC Applied voltage +/ 7,000 V +/ 6,000 V Offset voltage *1 Within +/ 30 V Fluid Air (Clean, dry air) Operating pressure 0.5 MPa or less Air purge Proof Pressure 0.7 MPa Connecting tube size Metric
ITV2-OM00112-C P R O D U C T N A M E E/P Regulator (10bit digital input type) MODEL/ Series/ Product Number ITV1000/2000/3000/2090-60* Series Install and operate the product only after reading the Operation Manual carefully and understanding its contents. Specifically, read the safety instructions carefully. Keep this operation manual available whenever necessary.
LX2007. 10 SYM BO L J K L M N o P Q R S T U Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 SYM BO L o P Q R S T U V W X y Z M ont h J an Feb M ar Apr M ay J un J ul Aug Sep O ct N ov D ec 4-