Display value fine adjustment (function) E Switches the switch output to ON/OFF when an error is displayed. Refer to "List of output modes" on page 36 for operating conditions. Refer to "Error indication function" on page 77 for details of the errors. Error output The code number displayed, identifying the error detected by the self-diagnosis function of the product.
[February 2017] E: Contents revised in several places.[March 2018] F: Contents revised in several places.
E: Modified errors in text. F: Modified errors in text. G: Modified errors in text. [September 2017] H: Contents revised in several places.
E: Contents revised in several places. [September 2017] F: Contents revised in several places.
PF3W704 PF3W720 PF3W740 PF3W711 -98No.PF-OMW0010-D PF3W721 -99No.PF-OMW0010-D Flow characteristics of the flow rate adjustment valve PF3W704S PF3W720S PF3W740S -100No.PF-OMW0010-D Dimensions PF3W704/720/740/711 Basic type Symbol Piping port size A AA B D E F H J K L N P Model PF3W704 3/8 70 50 30 66 40.6 15.2 14 35 26 18 13.6 2.7 depth 14 PF3W720 3/8, 1/2 78 54 30 66 40.6 15.2 18 39 30 18
PF3W704 PF3W720 PF3W740 PF3W711 -100No.PF-OMV0006-B PF3W721 -101No.PF-OMV0006-B Flow characteristics of the flow rate adjustment valve PF3W704S PF3W720S PF3W740S -102No.PF-OMV0006-B Dimensions PF3W704/720/740/711 Basic type Symbol Piping port size A AA B D E F G H J K L N P Model PF3W704 3/8 70 50 30 66 40.6 15.2 24 14 35 26 18 13.6 2.7 depth 14 PF3W720 3/8, 1/2 78 54 30 66 40.6 15.2 27 18
E Electric conductivity This means "full span" or "full scale", and indicates maximum variation width at rated value. For example, when analogue output is 1 to 5 V, F.S.=5[V] 1[V]=4[V]. (Reference: 1%F.S. = 4[V] 1% = 0.04[V]) F F.S. (full span / full scale) Fluid contact part A part that comes into physical contact with the fluid.
. -7- Low Profile 2/3-Port Solenoid Valve SX90/090 Series How to Order SX9 1 5 G 2-port valve q SX090 5 G 3-port valve w e r q Type of actuation w Power-saving circuit e Rated voltage r Electrical entry 1 Normally closed 2 Universal Nil Without power-saving circuit Y1 With power-saving circuit 5 24 VDC 6 12 VDC G Grommet (Lead wire length: 300 mm) Specifications Model SX91 SX92 SX090 Valve
Calculation example Message for BCC [STX] 01RPV1 [ETX] Calculation ASCII HEX [STX] 02 0 30 1 31 R 52 P 50 V 56 1 31 [ETX] 03 e 65 Code for EXOR from STX to ETX is BCC. Sending message [STX] 01RPV1 [ETX] e 5.7 Command Table 5.7-1 shows the commands which are supported by the product. No response is returned for a request message of a command which is not in Table 5.7-1.
Calculation example Message for BCC [STX] 01RPV1 [ETX] Calculation ASCII HEX [STX] 02 0 30 1 31 R 52 P 50 V 56 1 31 [ETX] 03 e 65 Code for EXOR from STX to ETX is BCC. Sending message [STX] 01RPV1 [ETX] e 5.7 Command Table 5.7-1 shows the commands which are supported by the product. No response is returned for a request message of a command which is not in Table 5.7-1.
SMC Corporation R&D Center Product Development Division-6 Address: 4-2-2, KINUNODAI,TSUKUBAMIRAI-CITY , IBARAKI-KEN 300-2493, JAPAN Phone:+81-297-52-6 Fax:+81-297-20-5007 E-mail:kaihatsu_6_g3@smcjpn.co.jp Notice: The content of this manual can be revised without a previous notice. ii HEF002-A6 Contents Contents 1 PREPARATION FOR COMMUNICATION -1-1 2 OPTIONS OF COMMUNICATION METHOD -2-1 2.1
SMC Corporation R&D Center Product Development Division-6 Address: 4-2-2, KINUNODAI,TSUKUBAMIRAI-CITY , IBARAKI-KEN 300-2493, JAPAN Phone:+81-297-52-6 Fax:+81-297-20-5007 E-mail:kaihatsu_6_g3@smcjpn.co.jp Notice: The content of this manual can be revised without a previous notice. ii INR-244-831 Contents Contents 1 PREPARATION FOR COMMUNICATION -1-1 2 OPTIONS OF COMMUNICATION METHOD -2-1
SMC Corporation R&D Center Product Development Division-6 Address: 4-2-2 Kinunodai, Tsukubamirai-shi Ibaraki, 300-2493, japan E-mail: kaihatsu_6_g3@.smcjpn.co.jp A_HEC-OM-J004-4 Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Safety Instructions . 1-1 1.1 Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions Used in This Manual . 1-1 1.1.1 Hazard Levels . 1-1 1.1.2 Definitions of Serious injury and Minor injury.
Construction and Outer dimensions Indicator Handle Ass'y(Maintenance part) (Including ,,,) 1 Bellows holder (Material: SUS304) 7 Heater(option) Exterior seal (Maintenance part) 3 Bellows (Material: SUS316L) Valve (Material: SUS304) 6 5 Valve seal (Maintenance part) 2 Body (Material: A6063) 4 D C E E F C H B G A A Unit: mm Model H XLH-16 40 100.5 38 1 30 17 35 XLH-25 50 114 48 1 12 40 26 41
Construction and Outer dimensions 1 Atm , vent port Bonnet assembly (maintenance part) (inc. each part excluding body, external seal and accessory) Bonnet (material A6063) 6 External seal (maintenance part) 3 Vacuum pump side Valve seal (maintenance part) 2 Valve (material SUS304) 5 Body (material A6063) 4 Chamber side E C A A B D Dimensions [mm] Model A B C D E XLJ-25 50 139 111 48 44 (54
L1 L2 XMD-25 50 123 48 1 40 26 41 16 7.5 XMD-40 65 170 66 2 55 70 41 63 20 15 P.C.D 58.7 6x6.6 XMD-50 70 183 79 2 75 52 68 20 17.5 XMD-63 88 217 100 3 87 95 114 70 72 20 19.5 P.C.D 92.1 8x 8.4 XMD-80 90 256 117 3 114 110 83 98 20 26.5 D G C C K J H B Fd (K Flange) 45 Fn (KF Flange) A E Unit: mm Model A B C D E Fn Fd G H J K XYD-25 100.2 86.7 48 1 23.5 40 26 66 16 7.5 XYD-40 130 114 66 2 38
When embedded O-ring Air Machining dimensions for mounting Sealed with O-ring Air Bore size (mm) Stroke A B C D E F G 5 12 8.5 6 4 3.5 M8X1.0 6.5 3 10 20 16.5 14 15 28 24.5 22 5 16 12.5 10 6 3.5 M10X1.0 8.5 3 10 23 19.5 17 15 30 26.5 24 5 17 13.5 10.5 10 3.5 M15X1.5 12 4 10 23.5 20 17 15 30.5 27 24 5 19 14.5 11.5 16 4.5 M22X1.5 19 5 10 25 20.5 17.5 15 31.5 27 24 Note) E and F should be machined
L 100mm, or stroke 1 2 1 7 5 4 6 2 6 5 7 3 L L Fig. 9 Position for application of grease Table 10 Amount of grease units: g Stroke 40 50 63 80 100 P o s i t i o n f o r Bore g r e a s e At 100st 3 to 4 3 to 5 4 to 5 6 to 8 8 to 10 50st added 1 1 1.5 2 3 20 3-2-4. Mounting of seals 1) Rod seal, Cushion seal (Fig.9, ) Pay attention to the mounting direction of the seal.
J-OMT0084 P r o d u c t N a m e Lightweight and Compact Type Floating Joint Model / Series / Product Number JT series Contents 1. Safety Instructions-P. 3-7 2. Specifications -P. 8 3. Construction -P. 8 4. How to Order -P. 9 5. Dimensions -P. 9 2 Floating Joint Safety Instructions These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.
In such cases, human injury may occur; e. g., by catching hands or feet in the machinery, or damage to the machinery itself may occur. 2. Provide a cover to minimize the risk of human injury. When a driven object or moving parts of a cylinder may cause the risk of human injury, Installation Selection Warning Warning 1. Do not give torque to the piston rod.