Applicable Connection Model T H1 H2 L1 L2 Mounting M Minimum Tube OD Thread UNF (Width (Width Hole Hole Applicable Connection Model T (M) H1 H2 L1 L2 Mounting M Effective Tube OD mm Thread (Width (Width Hole Orifice (mm 2) Inch Rc(PT) Across Flats) Across Flats) Diameter Rc(PT) Across Flats)Across Flats) Nylon/Ureth 1/8 1/4 KQE01-35 1/2-20 17.46 17.46 31.5 15 14 15.5 2.5 3.2 14 KQE23-02 M12x1
Prefix the part number of the air catch sensor with an asterisk (). 16-8-5 6 Series ISA2 Specifications ISA2-G1 ISA2-G5 ISA2-H1 ISA2-H5 Model Detection distance Fluid Operating pressure range Recommended detection nozzle 0.01 to 0.25 mm 0.03 to 0.50 mm Dry air (filtered to 5 m) 30 to 200 kPa 1.5 5 or less 8 or less 12 or less 50 to 200 kPa 2.0 10 or less 15 or less 22 or less 50 kPa 100 kPa
.-230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370-Main Office: (650) 588-9200-Outside Local Area: (800) W1 CX W2 W3 D-X 20H1 H2 Data MY1H-F (Left end) MY1H-W (Both ends) L1 Long hole for stroke adjustment (Adjustment range: To TL mm) (mm) H1 H2 L1 TL W1 W2 W3 Model MY1H16 39.2 33 0.5 5.6 18 16 10.4 MY1H20 45.7 39.5 3 6 18 16 10.4 MY1H25 53.5 46 3 11.5 29.3