value 12 Wind mode upper side set value 13 Wind mode hysteresis OUT2 14 Accumulated output mode 15 Accumulated pluse output mode 16 Err mode 17 oFF mode 18 Flow bottom value 19 Flow peak value 20 Accumulated flow value 21 Switch output mode/communication mode display SIO mode/SDCI mode display -87No.PF-OMZ0002-A [Line name communication data] Value (16 hex number) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
. / [AC1] [] 09 L 3 (3 ) [P1AH][n1AH] [P1dH][n1dH] [] 1 () -34No.PF-OMS0001CN-A (6 ) [P1AL][n1AL] [P1dL][n1dL] [] 1 OUT1 [CoL] [] ON OFF ON OFF [F 1] OUT1 -35No.PF-OMS0001CN-A d.
value 12 Wind mode upper side set value 13 Wind mode hysteresis OUT2 14 Accumulated output mode 15 Accumulated pluse output mode 16 Err mode 17 oFF mode 18 Flow bottom value 19 Flow peak value 20 Accumulated flow value 21 Switch output mode/communication mode display SIO mode/SDCI mode display -83No.PF-OMY0002 [Line name communication data] Value (16 hex number) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
mode hysteresis OUT2 14 Accumulated output mode 15 Accumulated pluse output mode 16 Err mode 17 oFF mode 18 Flow bottom value 19 Flow peak value 20 Accumulated flow value 21 Switch output mode/communication mode display SIO mode/SDCI mode (Refer to page 13) 22 Option display Line name, not displayed -83No.PF-OMX0002-B [Line name communication data] Value (16 hex 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
mode hysteresis OUT2 14 Accumulated output mode 15 Accumulated pluse output mode 16 Err mode 17 oFF mode 18 Flow bottom value 19 Flow peak value 20 Accumulated flow value 21 Switch output mode/communication mode display SIO mode/SDCI mode (Refer to page 13) 22 Option display Line name, not displayed -48No.PF-OMX0007-A [Line name communication data] Value (16 hex 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Line name (left side 4 digits, right side 5 digits) 17 Display channel 18 CH1 measurement display value 19 CH2 measurement display value 20 CH3 measurement display value 21 CH4 measurement display value 22 Display OFF (No display) : Settable : Not settable (negative acknowledge) -87No.PF-OMA1011-A [Line name communication data] Value (16 Hex number) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
sensor failure AL28 Pump maintenance AL29 Fan maintenance10 AL30 Compressor maintenance AL31 Contact input 1 signal detection AL32 Contact input 2 signal detection Compressor AL37 discharge temp. sensor failure AL38 Compressor discharge temp. rise 9: Default value when AS11 is set to either A.STP or A.RUN. 10: Water-cooled type model does not generate this alarm. 11: AL.08 and AL.09
Data of UT and Check Sum Character data 09 ASCII 30H39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H UT and check sum 30H39H(ditto) 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH HEC 3-3 Details of Communication Format 4 Details of Communication Format 4-1 Temperature setting (without writing EEPROM) The host computer sets temperature of each Thermo-con. In this command, temperature setting data is not written in EEPROM.
Data of UT and Check Sum Character data 09 A B C D E F ASCII 30H39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H UT and check sum 30H39H(ditto) 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH HECR 3-4 Details of Communication Format 4 Details of Communication Format 4.1 Temperature setting (without writing FRAM) The host computer sets temperature of each Thermo-con. In this command, temperature setting data is not written in FRAM.
Data of UT and Check sum Character data 09 A B C D E F ASCII 30H39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H UT and Check sum 30H39H(ditto) 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH 7.3 Communication format 7-6 A_HEC-OM-K001-1.7 Chapter 7 Communication 7.4 Details of Communication Format 7.4.1 Setting of target temp. (without writing EEPROM) The host computer sets target temperature of each Chemical Thermo-con.
D Fork lever-type fitting SShort type (M81.5) H External scale plate W With body cover window No.DIG-31900-OM002 73 Drawing No.DIG-31900-OM002 74 No.DIG-31900-OM002 75 No.DIG-31900-OM002 76 No.DIG-31900-OM002 77 No.DIG-31900-OM002 78 No.DIG-31900-OM002 79 No.DIG-31900-OM002 80 No.DIG-31900-OM002 81 No.DIG-31900-OM002 82 No.DIG-31900-OM002 83 Revision history A 26/09/2005 Address change B
discharge pressure sensor failure Compressor intake AL27 pressure sensor failure AL28 Pump maintenance AL29 Fan maintenance10 AL30 Compressor maintenance AL31 Contact input 1 signal detection AL32 Contact input 2 signal detection Compressor AL37 discharge temp. sensor failure AL38 Compressor discharge temp. rise 9: Default value when AS11 is set to either A.STP or A.RUN. 10: AL.08 and AL.09
OFF (OFF) 1. 2. 60 21 - 10. 22 - 23 - B 24 - A RS2H-OM0044PRS2H-OM0045P 12 B 17,24 9 C C +86-10-67885566 : 08:0017:00() SMC() URL 2 100176 +86-20-28396516 : 08:4517:30() SMC() URL 3 2 510660 +81-3-5207-8249 Fax: 81-3-5298-5362 : 09:0017:00() SMC URL /101-0021 4-14-1 2017 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved
CR ,, (EE ) 2ROM E 2ROM (100 ,E ), 2ROM E (3) : # : ASCII ,, 30H ) # 0 0 V R 23H 30H 30H 56H 52H 23H+30H+30H+56H+52H=12BH 2B ,30H 32H 3BH : # 0 0 V R 2 ; [CR] 23H 30H 30H 56H 52H 32H 3BH 0DH )ASCII ASCII 09 A B C D E F ASCII 30H39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H 30H39H 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH 27 - (4) 1bit () bit (ON 1) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 1 0 () ON () (5) VR # 0 0 V R [CR] No. #
Letter data 09 A B C D E F ASCII 30H39H 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H Check sum 30H39H 3AH 3BH 3CH 3DH 3EH 3FH (4) Status details Status is 1 byte data. Most upper 1 bit are unused (reserved).
Number of arranged elements 4 7 9 18 22 Symbol Number of arranged elements 29 34 37 53 83 04 07 09 18 22 29 34 37 53 83 Symbol Nominal filtration accuracy (m) Note) Nominal filtration accuracy (m) 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 40 Symbol Nominal filtration accuracy (m) 50 70 74 75 100 105 120 X50 001 002 005 010 020 040 050 070 074 075 100 105 120 Symbol Element length Element length L250 L500 (L250 x 2
Number of arranged elements 4 7 9 18 22 Symbol Number of arranged elements 29 34 37 53 83 04 07 09 18 22 29 34 37 53 83 Symbol Nominal filtration accuracy (m) Note) Nominal filtration accuracy (m) 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 40 Symbol Nominal filtration accuracy (m) 50 70 74 75 100 105 120 X50 001 002 005 010 020 040 050 070 074 075 100 105 120 Symbol Element length Element length L250 L500 (L250 x 2
12.4 RBQC32C 6.6 13.1 14.4 H O W T O O R D E R S H O C K A B S O R B E R S E R I E S RBQ O P T I O N S T O P P E R N U T RBQ M O D E L Parts No B C S MM RBQ16S 22 25.4 12 M16x1.5 RBQ20S 27 31.2 16 M20x1.5 RBQ25S 32 37 18 M25x1.5 RBQ30S 41 47.3 20 M30x1.5 RBQ32S 41 47.3 25 M32x1.5 Basic Type C With Damper OD T H R E A D 16 20 25 30 32 D I M E N S I O N S S E R I E S RBQ S T R O K E 04 07 08 09
Inch size Metric size Port size 4 04 03 5/32 M5 M5 x 0.8 Thread type 6 06 07 1/4 U10/32 10-32 UNF 8 08 09 5/16 Metric thread (M5) 01 1/8 Nil 10 10 11 3/8 Unified thread (10-32 UNF) 02 1/4 12 12 13 1/2 R 03 3/8 N NPT 04 1/2 Check valve free flow direction Applicable Tubing O.D./Port Size Combinations From male thread to One-touch fitting A Metric size Inch size Applicable tubing O.D.
Metric size Inch size 3 4 5 6 1/8 standard 1/4 standard 3/8 standard 1/2 standard 07 09 11 13 06 08 10 12 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 6 8 10 12 Type Port size 3 Universal Symbol 01 02 03 04 F02 F03 F04 N01 N02 N03 N04 Pilot port M5 x 0.8 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/8 Rc 1/4 G 1/8 G 1/8 G 1/4 10-32 UNF NPT 1/8 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 Cylinder side R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 NPT 1/8 NPT 1/4 NPT 3/8 NPT 1/2