Cylinder (Tube) Inner Diameter(φ): 10, Stroke(mm): 125, Cylinder Operation Method: [Double Acting] Double Acting, Rod Operation Method: Single Rods, Main Body Shape: Standard, Additional Function: With rod detent function, Environment, Applications: Standard, Operating Temperature(°C): -10~70, End Locking: No, Valves: No, Operating Pressure(MPa): 0.06~0.7, Cushion: Rubber cushion, Auto Switches
Cylinder (Tube) Inner Diameter(φ): 10, Stroke(mm): 125, Cylinder Operation Method: [Double Acting] Double Acting, Rod Operation Method: Single Rods, Main Body Shape: Standard, Additional Function: With rod detent function, Environment, Applications: Standard, Operating Temperature(°C): -10~70, End Locking: No, Valves: No, Operating Pressure(MPa): 0.06~0.7, Cushion: Rubber cushion, Auto Switches
Cylinder (Tube) Inner Diameter(φ): 10, Stroke(mm): 125, Cylinder Operation Method: [Double Acting] Double Acting, Rod Operation Method: Single Rods, Main Body Shape: Standard, Additional Function: With rod detent function, Environment, Applications: Standard, Operating Temperature(°C): -10~70, End Locking: No, Valves: No, Operating Pressure(MPa): 0.06~0.7, Cushion: Rubber cushion, Auto Switches
Cylinder (Tube) Inner Diameter(φ): 16, Stroke(mm): 125, Cylinder Operation Method: [Double Acting] Double Acting, Rod Operation Method: Single Rods, Main Body Shape: Standard, Additional Function: Standard, Environment, Applications: Standard, Operating Temperature(°C): -10~70, End Locking: No, Valves: No, Operating Pressure(MPa): 0.06~0.7, Cushion: Rubber cushion, Auto Switches: A93, Lead
Cylinder (Tube) Inner Diameter(φ): 16, Stroke(mm): 125, Cylinder Operation Method: [Double Acting] Double Acting, Rod Operation Method: Single Rods, Main Body Shape: Standard, Additional Function: Standard, Environment, Applications: Low Speed, Operating Temperature(°C): -10~70, End Locking: No, Valves: No, Operating Pressure(MPa): 0.06~0.7, Specification: Built-in magnet, Auto Switches:
F u r t h e r t o t h e b o d y p o r t e d , s u b b a s e m o u n t e d a n d m o d u l a r stacking manifold types, the VQ series also offers two new a n d i n n o v a t i v e m u l t i p l e v a l v e v a r i a n t s , t h e f l i p a n d cassette types.
1 A I R C Y L I N D E R O P T I O N S A D J U S T A B L E S T R O K E R E T U R N X C 9 O P T I O N XC9 A NC A1 A U T O S W I T C H C A P A B L E B O R E S I Z E M O U N T I N G A D J U S TA B L E R A N G E A: 0~1 B: 0~2 S T R O K E T E C H N I C A L SPECIFICATIONS A D J U S T A B L E S T R O K E E X T E N D X C 8 O P T I O N Bore Size 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3.25 / 4 Fluid Air Max Operating Pressure
) (11.6) (7.4) (73.2) (Fitting for the type with P/E ports on the U and/or D sides) 58.5 5.3 PE X PE X LOCK FREE A B 3/5E A B A B A B A B 3/5E A 14 A 14 A 14 A 14 A 14 (127.8) 40.9 1P 1P B 12 B 12 B 12 B 12 B 12 11.6 6.9 1.7 17.3 27.6 35.2 (Fitting for the type with P/E ports on the U and/or D sides) 2(B) port 4(A) port 1(P) port 70.6 3/5(E) port One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable
When the above factors are present, or there is some doubt, use a metal bowl for safety. INDEX 194 Series AL10-A to AL60-A Construction AL10-A AL20-A w q t w q e OUT IN OUT IN y r u y u AL30-A/AL40-A AL50-A/AL60-A w q t w q t e e IN OUT IN OUT r y u r i y u Component Parts No.
A A 77 Manual override 15 77.5 SS5Y3-45-ADStations U-C4 C6 SS5Y3-45-AU .
U side (72) 144 179 91 20 70 [71.5] 60 60 11 2, 3 24 [23] 2n-Rc 1/2, 3/4 20 91 179 L1 L2 9 (Electrical entry) (A, B port) R5.5 Manual override (Non-locking) D side 21 B B B B Manual override (Non-locking) n A A A B B B A A A A 3 1 2 2 P = 51 (Pitch) 1 3 6 [2] n Stations R 1 1/2 250 105.5 Stations 176.5 D side 209 AMC810-14 Exhaust cleaner (Option) 250 135 D side mounting 125 U side External
Transmission System S (mm) VV5QC41 S Kit (Serial transmission kit: EX260) L2 (6.5) L1 39.5 (n1) x 25 Indicator light 65.5 25 Manual override 143 10 9 9 A B A A B A A B A B A B A A A A A A A 163 B B B B B SI unit n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stations D side 8 U side 2 x Rc3/4 3 (R) port [Communication connector D-sub] 2 x Rc1/2 1 (P) port SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC SMC 101 95.5 77.5 76.7 76.7 15.7 15.7
Form w 1 Material 12 N S U F GN GS 02 2 2.6 1.2 0.5 04 4 4.8 1.6 0.8 06 6 7 2.5 08 8 9 1 ZP U Y C 1 N: NBR, S: Silicone rubber, U: Urethane rubber, F: FKM, GN: Conductive NBR, GS: Conductive silicone rubber A B Construction p. 115 Mounting Bracket Assembly From p. 121 Single unit 10 to 50 w q ZP 10 U N D Model A B C D E Y q Pad dia.
-10m U D B Stations CM U side D side L1 (L5) A A A A Plug-in Common Dimensions B B B B 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A B 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 (Fitting for the type with P/E ports on the U and/or D sides) L2 (L4) (DIN rail mounting hole pitch: 12.5) (L3) One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] (Station n) (Station 1) One-touch fitting [4(A), 2(B) port] Applicable tubing O.D.: 6 (SMC) Applicable tubing O.D.
A A A A A Seal washer 31 40 31 34.5 7 38 32.5 10 5 35 32 23.3 6 Width across flats 6 44 40 29.4 6 54 50 37 6 Width across flats 6 Width across flats 6 A-A A-A A-A 22 22 22 19 19 19 34.6 61.1 86.1 25 9.5 9.5 9.5 Weights [g] Weights [g] Weights [g] Pad material Model N/U/CL S F Pad material Model N/U/CL S F Pad material Model N/U/CL S F ZP3E-Y32BMl-AL14 60.4 59.9 64.0 ZP3E-Y40BMl-AL14 64.4
B C F G C F G Flat Flat with ribs D E Model A ZPT10 U C ZPT13 U C ZPT16 U C U C U C 10 12 1.7 ZPT40 40 43 6.5 15 4.5 40.5 18.5 24.5 50.5 3.3 17 38 43 3 12 3.8 25 3 41.5 25 13 15 20 1.8 ZPT50 50 53 7.5 19.5 25.5 51.5 12.5 16 18 17.5 38.5 43.5 3.5 1.2 Deep Deep H: M6 x 1 H: M8 x 1 Y B C F G C F G D E Model A H: M5 x 0.8 H: M6 x 1 Y Model A B E F E F C D ZPT40D 40 43 29 35.5 3 25 61 4.5 15 51
S p e c i f i c a t i o n a n d e q u i p m e n t a r e s u b i e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t a n y o b l i s a t i o n o n t h e p a r t o f t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r .
(Except for 110VAC) C O I L V O LTA G E With indicator light and surge voltage suppressor. } 3 110VAC 5 24VDC 6 12VDC VVQ0-P-4-C4 I N D I V I D U A L SUP S P A C E R VVQ0-57A-4 DIN R A I L M O U N T E D B R A C K E T [-D] VVQ0-R-4-C4 I N D I V I D U A L EXH S P A C E R ACCESSORIES MANIFOLD OPTIONS 23 04 06 08 01 03 B U I LT I N S I L E N C E R, D I R E C T E X H A U S T [-S] 1 N A M E P L