125 + Stroke 20.5 17 7.5 RZQ 69 MI W S 54 CEP1 CE1 12 CE2 ML2B C J G5-S CV MVGQ CC RB J D-X 20Data 10-2-59 59 Series REAH Dimensions: 15, 20, 25 Single axis type: REAH PA L LL 4-M thread depth MM Guide central axis ZZ PB XB 2-P S + Stroke LW EA EB HC HP HA H HB NT HT NL HG PP W A N 8 Z + Stroke Square nut for body mounting J TW (mm) HP MM HT J LW LL L M HG HC HB HA H EB EA Model A REAH15
(Example) A93 3 m L (Example) Y59BL 5 m Z (Example) F9NWZ Solid state switches marked with are produced upon receipt of order.
: Fluid temperature (C) S : Effective area (mm2) Cv : Cv factor (/) 4.1-50 VX31/32/33 Dimensions (Orifice size 1.5mm, 2.2mm, 3mm, 4mm) Energized Open/VX31 0, Energized Closed/VX31 2, Common/VX31 4, 32 4, 33 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 Grommet: G Conduit: C DIN connector: D Conduit terminal: T VX VNl VQ B Measurement for connection H J K L M L M L M L M N N Grommet Conduit DIN connector
Connection threads R/NPT A A E E H L L M W N Min. port size W LVA M N LQ3H11-M 4 1/8" 29.5 28.5 10 9 11 33.5 32.5 14 10 4 2.5 LQ3H12-M 3 2 LQ3H21-M 6 1/8" 39.5 38.5 17 16 16 43.5 42.5 20 14 4 4 LQ3H22-M 1/4" 37.5 36.5 6 LQ3H31-M 10 1/8" 51 48 LVH (E, E) Port size R (NPT) LVD LVQ 4.4 4.4 LQ3H32-M 8 LQ3H33-M 10 1/4" 49 46 6.4 6.4 LQ3H34-M 8 LQ3H35-M 10 3/8" 48.5 45.5 10 7.5 LQ3H36-M 8 10 6.4
Connect the driver power output (U/V/W) to the servo motor power input (U/V/W) directly. Do not let a magnetic contactor, etc. intervene. Otherwise, it may cause a malfunction. CAUTION Driver Driver Servo amplifier Servo motor Servo amplifier Servo motor U U U U V V M V M V W W W W 3 2 3.
Standard Size Connecting port position 10 15 Nil E Side ports Axial ports 90 L 180 S CDRBU2 10 W With auto switch Sizes: 10, 15 Axial ports Side ports CDRBU2 20 W 180 S R73 L With auto switch Sizes: 20, 30, 40 Fittings are sold separately.
200 VAC specification] Terminal block K L H M N J 4-13 P [200 VAC specification] Power cord outlet (17) [100 VAC specification] Power cord (mm) A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q Port size Model IDF1E IDF2E IDF3E IDF4E IDF6E IDF8E IDF11E 69 101 270 32 21 330 413 38 150 3/8 226 410 240 15 51 232 138 24 327 125 67 304 33 73 31 36 154 21 330 473 1/2 13 453 283 275 498 455 15 270 31 80 230 32 15
:lei lilc~ I/) c:i ~w"ll/) fil~~~ L--_..L.L.."""'!"'I"'"",*7"""'""",=i!
plug connector (L) 3 position exhaust center VQD (A) 4 (B) 2 Non-locking push type (Tool required) VQZ3000 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) (Standard) 12 VDC 24 VDC Body Ported 3 position pressure center 2.4 3.2 L plug connector (L) (A) 4 (B) 2 1 (P) 3 (R2) 5 (R1) M plug connector (M) (Option) 100 VAC 200 VAC 110 VAC 220 VAC VQZ1000 M plug connector (M) 0.54 0.71 (A) 4 Locking type (Tool required) DIN
min, or l, m or m x 10).]
(Metal seal type only) (0.9 W) p K Note 1) p p R Note 1, 2) External pilot type Electrical entry High speed response/External pilot type BR Note 1, 2) (0.9 W) p G: Grommet (DC specification) L: L-type plug connector with lead wire LO: L-type plug connector without connector M: M-type plug connector with lead wire MO: M-type plug connector without connector High pressure/External pilot
(Default settings) Solenoid Specifications Grommet (G), (H), L plug connector (L) M plug connector (M), DIN terminal (D, Y) M8 connector (W) Electrical entry Base mounted G, H, L, M, W 24, 12, 6, 5, 3 D, Y 24, 12 Symbol DC AC 50/60 Hz Coil rated voltage (V) Body ported Base mounted (with sub-plate) 100, 110, 200, 220 10% of rated voltage 0.35 {With light: 0.4 (DIN terminal with light: 0.45
I f t he secondary si de out put i s rel eased t o t he at m osphere, ai r w i l l keep com i ng out . H andl e w i t h care. I f t he pressure suppl y i s cut w hi l e pow er i s suppl i ed, t he bui l t i n sol enoi d val ve w i l l keep operat i ng and m ay m ake a buzzi ng noi se. Thi s m ay af f ect t he l i f e of t he sol enoi d val ve.
series Series CKQ M/CLKQ M G P G P How to Order Built-in standard magnet With magnetic field resistant auto switch M C 50 177 R A L P4DWSC C KQG Built-in strong magnet With magnetic field resistant auto switch M C 50 198 R A L P79WSE C KQP With lock on the clamp side Number of auto switches L Nil Without lock With lock S Nil 2 pcs. 1 pc.
I f t he secondary si de out put i s rel eased t o t he at m osphere, ai r w i l l keep com i ng out . H andl e w i t h care. I f t he pressure suppl y i s cut w hi l e pow er i s suppl i ed, t he bui l t i n sol enoi d val ve w i l l keep operat i ng and m ay m ake a buzzi ng noi se. Thi s m ay af f ect t he l i f e of t he sol enoi d val ve.
Size End width L: 2.0 to 2.4 [mm] End thickness W: 0.5 to 0.6 [mm] W Magnified view of the end of the screwdriver L 584 a Programless Controller (With Stroke Study) LECP2 Series Dimensions Screw mounting (LECm2mm-m) 38 36.2 18.1 85 4.5 for body mounting 1.2 4.5 110 101 86 4.5 for body mounting DIN rail mounting (LECm2mmD-m) CN4 I/O connector 38 36.2 85 (11.5) SL CN3 encoder connector CN2
(L): SX5 40(R)-L 02 M plug connector (M): SX5 40(R)-M-02 Manual override (Press and turn for the locking type.)
Return port 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 Lifting height [m] Pressure [MPa] Pressure [MPa] Lifting height [m] Circulating fluid flow (l/min) Circulating fluid flow (l/min) HRG005-A, HRG005-W Facility Water Required Flow Rate 0.5 50 0.4 40 50 Outlet port [60 Hz] 0.3 30 Outlet port [50 Hz] 0.2 20 Return port HRG015-W 0.1 10 40 0 0.0 0 10 20 40 30 HRG010-W Pressure [MPa] Lifting height [m]