7.4.12 ASCII Code List Table 7-5 ASCII code ASCII code 02H 03H 06H 15H Code used STX ETX ACK NAK ASCII code 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36H 37H 38H 39H Number used 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ASCII code 2DH 20H Number used SP Space Minus ASCII code 41H 42H 43H 44H 45H 46H 47H 48H 49H 4AH Character used A B C D E F G H I J ASCII code 4BH 4CH 4DH 4EH 4FH 50H 51H 52H 53H 54H Character used K L M N O P Q
A CE 000 Q CE 100 IP8*00-0*0 Rc1/4 G1/2 IP8*00-0*1 M Rc1/4 M201.5 IP8*00-0* 0 N Rc1/4 1/2NPT IP8*00-0* 1 02MPa IP8*00-0*0 1 1/4NPT G1/2 IP8*00-0*1 2 03MPa 2 1/4NPT M201.5 IP8*00-0* 3 1.0MPa 3 1/4NPT 1/2NPT IP8*00-0* IP8*00-0*0 4 G14 G1/2 1 IP8*00-0*1 0 5 G14 M201.5 IP8*00-0* 6 G14 1/2NPT IP8*00-0* 1 (ExdBT5) 2 IP8000(1085mm) A 0.7mm IP8000IP8100 B 1.0mm 3 C M IP8100 D S E 35100mm
(IEC 60417-5032-1) How to see the serial number W Z 001 December 2018 W Z 001 Year Symbol Remarks Month Symbol Remarks Serial no. 2018 W Repeated from A to Z in alphabetic al order 1 o Repeated from O to Z in alphabetical order, with O for January and Z for December 2019 X 2 P 2020 y 3 Q Fig. 1-1 Position of the product label HRS Series 1.4 Product Label 1-3 HRX-OM-W032 Chapter 1 Safety Instructions
40 MY-A40L 40 MY-S32A MY-S32B 6-2 CEU2 NPN P PNP 24 6-3 CE1-R 05 5m 10 10m 15 15m 20 20m C A B CD E F G () 25 7-1 AA BB CC DD EE HA KA KB KK 9 45.5 5.5 M5x0.8 9.5 69 30.5 16 M6x1 11 54 6.5 M6x1 12 84 32 15 M8x1.25 14 64 8.5 M8x1.25 12 102 41.5 19 M10x1.5 R S T U V W X Y Z 22 63.5 23.5 22 41 16 9 30 34.5 26 77.5 32.5 27 56 19 10 37 42 37.5 95 50.5 35 68 23 23 45 51 I J K L M N O P Q
Year Month 2015 2016 2017 2025 2026 2027 T U V D E F Bore Size (mm) Torque 10% (N.m) Jan O TO UO VO DO EO FO Instruction Manual CG1*N25&100-*Z-X2992 Air Reservoir 32 2.9 Feb P TP UP VP DP EP FP 40 4.9 Mar Q TQ UQ VQ DQ EQ FQ 50 11.8 Apr R TR UR VR DR ER FR 63, 80 24.5 Do not service or attempt to remove product and May S TS US VS DS ES FS machinery/equipment until safety
(REFRIGERANT) IDFA60-23 W R 0001 (2018 4 ) W R 0001 o 1 Z 12 o P Q R A Z 1 2 3 4 W X y Z 2018 2019 2020 2021 IDFA60/70/80/90 Series 1-4 IDX-OM-W094 1.3 HFC 1-4 IDFA60/70/80/90 Series 1-5 IDX-OM-W094 1.4 / 1 1.5 () IDFA60/70/80/90 Series 1-6 IDX-OM-W094 2 2.1 IN OUT (ONOFF ) 6-4 6-4 L N PE 3-5 IDFA60/70/80/90 Series 2-1 IDX-OM-W094 () IDFA60/70/80/90 Series 2-2 IDX-OM-W094 3
Year Month T : 2015 o: January U : 2016 P: February V : 2017 Q: March W: 2018 R: April X : 2019 Z: December -7- 5. Precautions for handling Fluid Warning (1) The operating fluids must be compressed air.
Year Month T : 2015 o: January U : 2016 P: February V : 2017 Q: March W : 2018 R: April X : 2019 Z: December -7- 5. Precautions for handling Fluid Warning (1) The operating fluids must be compressed air.
Q QuickConnectTM The function that reduces the time from the power being supplied to the equipment operating and communication starting. S Short circuit detection A diagnosis function to detect an over current due to the short circuit of the output and/or power supply positive line with respect to the GND line.
Q QuickConnectTM Function to shorten the time from initial operation of the equipment after supplying power to starting communication. R Remote A unit which establishes wireless communication of input or output data to the base.
GW unit Gateway distribution system 2 (128 points) Gateway distribution system (64 points) EX500-GEN2 EX500-GPN2 EX500-GDN1 EX500-GPR1A Gateway distribution system 2 (128 points) Usable Usable :Same specifications of gateway EX500-S103 EX500-DXP# distribution system (64 point) SI unit Input unit Gateway distribution system (64 points) Usable EX500-S001 EX500-Q#01 EEX500-IB1-# Usable :Same
Designation Description 1 L+ +24 V for SI unit 2 SV24 V +24 V for solenoid valve 3 L0 V for SI unit 4 C/Q IO-Link communication line 5 SV0 V 0 V for solenoid valve FE terminal Connect the FE terminal to ground.
Year Month T : 2015 o: January U : 2016 P: February V : 2017 Q: March W: 2018 R: April X : 2019 Z: December -7- 5. Precautions for handling Fluid Warning (1) The operating fluids must be compressed air.
How to Calculate Flow Rate IP67 Enclosure Conversion with sonic conductance C: S=0.5XC Q : Air flow rate [dm3/min(ANR)] S : Effective area [mm2] P1 : Upstream pressure [MPa] P2 : Downstream pressure [MPa] t : Temperature [] Wiring connection for models conforming to IP67 should also have enclosures equivalent to or of stricter than IP67. 11 No.VQC1000V-OMM0002-B VQC1000/2000 series Specific
Compressed air inlet Port size F G Inspection Grille [200V AC Inspection Grille specification] Terminal block C3 Ventilation direction Ventilation direction Ventilation air outlet J M K L2 N2 H Drain tube (O.D. 10,length approx.0.8m) 4 13 [100V AC specification] [200V AC specification] Power cable outlet( 17) Power cable(Length:approx.1.9m) measuremm Model Port size A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q
SYM BO L M N o Z SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t . Ref erence t abl e product i on no. show i ng product i on m ont h and year of a f i l t er. M o2008. 1 Fi rst , di scharge t he pressure i n t he body. ( M ake pressure 0 M Pa. ) Precaut i ons f or i nst al l at i on.
N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards I N El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L M N o Z SYM BO L o P Q Z I nst al l vert i cal l y. Fl ush i nsi de of pi pi ngs w i t h ai r. Ensure no l eakage. Keep si ght gl ass i n f ront . Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t .
Reverse Normal Fig.24 Scale plate Cross recessed hexagon bolt for scale plate mounting Needle adjusting screw Fig.25 Positioning of needle Back side Positioning on center Cross-recessed hexagon bolt slide line means 90 degree. for scale plate mounting Fig.26 Scale plate (Back side) Fig.27 Positioning for Scale plate 29 12.How to order D CE marking Type Nil 000 Lever type Q CE marked product
D . ) , 2. 8 m or l ess ( overal l l engt h) I N N o back f l ow Pl ace w here ai r f l ow s backw ards El em ent O ri ng G asket ( N ew ) ( N ew ) O ver rat ed f l ow Year 2008 2009 2010 2021 M ont h J an Feb M ar D ec SYM BO L o P Q Z Rem ove f our hexagon socket head bol t . Repl ace el em ent , gasket , ori ng. Ti ght en hexagon socket head bol t .
Outer dimensions and descriptions of each part 4Outer dimensions and descriptions of each part 1) Outer dimensions Model HAA15-10 HAA22-14 PORT SIZE 1B union 11/2B union A 460 588 B 394 484 C 33 52 D 70 70 E 59 60 F 485 580 G 428 505 H 320 333 J 150 150 K 150 150 L 320 400 M 70 94 N 58 65 P 200 200 Q 480 610 R 220 220 S 225 238 HAA Series 6 4 1) Outer dimensions ATX-OM-F004E Air-Cooled Aftercooler