When using the SMC system (Blow gun + S coupler + Coil tube), however, the yearly power is reduced to 10,375 kW/h for a total yearly saving of 2,573 kW/h, or 20% of the total.
U C S O H L 1 Series IRV Dimensions IRV1000 IRV2000 53 55 41 30 50 SMC 35 P K U C SMC S O H L P K U C S O H L 40 34 8 x 6.5 15.4 x 5.4 Approx. 106 Approx. 50.6 18 Approx. 79 Atmosphere Atmosphere 45.5 13 SET VAC SET G SET G 30 SET VAC 43 Pad side Vacuum pump side Pad side Vacuum pump side Approx. 43 35 2-Rc 1/8 Connection port 2-Rc 1/8 Vacuum gauge port 2-Rc 1/4 Connection port Approx. 60
Body mounting dimension AC AC Window for removal H AD Window for removal H AD Body mounting dimension Body mounting dimension Element Element FH FH (mm) adjustment range A B C D F G H I L M S U V r AC AD AG 1 2 3 4 5 Standard T dimension Port size (Nominal size) T dimension HOW 1/2B (04) 3/4B (06) 1B (08) 1 1/4B (10) 1 1/2B (12) 2B (16) 2 1/2B (20) 3B (24) 215 215 215 265 265 265 325 325
SET MODE SD SG RD RS-232C COM S.STOP OUT1OUT2OUT3OUT4OUT5 100 to 240 VAC Nil B RS-232C MK(2) RS-232C + BCD RS Q G RS H A RZQ Connection Method MI W S CEP1 Yellow Brown White Black Extension cable Blue Red CE1 F.G. CE2 High precision stroke reading cylinder A COM COM COM B 12 VDC GND F.G. R.S.
Operating humidity range[%RH] 90 or less (No condensation) Motor Size 28 42 56 Electric specifications Motor type Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) Encoder (Angular displacement sensor) Battery-less absolute (4096 pulse/rotation) Rated voltage [V] 24 VDC 10% Power consumption [W] *6 23 40 50 Standby power consumption when operating [W] *7 16 15 48 43 48 104 Max. instantaneous power consumption [
H: Contents revised in several places. [July 2018] I: Contents revised in several places.
A One-touch fittings KP series B Dimensions (mm) Model A B C SFE4G 6 68.5 16.5 SFE5H 8 79 20.5 SFE7J 10 89 24 Bracket SFE-BR3 14 5 3.4 (15.5) 12.5 5.4 5.4 14 24 (20) SFE-BR4/5/7 B C (J) H D (F) G A E E Dimensions (mm) Model A B C D E F G H J SFE-BR4 30 16 7 4.5 7.5 (24.5) 17 15.5 (19.5) SFE-BR5 30 10 8.2 4.5 8.1 (29) 20 18 (23) SFE-BR7 34 14 7.35 4.5 9.8 (35) 24 20 (27.3) ( ): Reference dimensions
With auto switch Basic/CS1BQ (mm) Bore (mm) 125 140 160 Stroke range (mm) S A H AL ZZ lB lC D E F G J K KA M MM N P 1/ 2 to 1000 98 50 110 47 235 145 115 36 90 43 16 M14 X 1.5 15 31 27 M30 X 1.5 35 1/ 2 to 1000 98 50 110 47 235 161 128 36 90 43 16 M14 X 1.5 15 31 27 M30 X 1.5 35 3/ 4 256.5 to 1200 106 56 120 53 182 144 40 90 43 18.5 M16 X 1.5 17 36 30.5 M36 X 1.5 39 CS1BQ125SCS1125, #1 CS1BQ140SCS1140
B T Y L Depth ED T 4-LD PA K 4-MM Counter bore depth C Thread depth M F QW PB N A E depth EK Q + Stroke G Z + Stroke Stroke adjustment screw (inner cover) LW A A HP H HL HA HA HI TA TA R 4-J Depth JK Thread depth PC (from counter bore surface) 2-P 2-Counter bore dia.
L plug connector M plug connector MO Without connector How to Order Pilot Valve Assembly 40 VF3 Light/Surge voltage suppressor Type of actuation None With light/surge voltage suppressor With surge voltage suppressor S Z Nil Single solenoid Double solenoid 2 1 Indicator light is not available for grommet type. W/ surge voltage suppressor is available for grommet type only.
(mm) 12 4 6 8 10 H I.D. (mm) 8.8 2.8 4.4 5.8 7.3 KK Black (B) White (W) Bend the tube into U-form at a temperature of 20C. Fix one end and close loop gradually. Measure 2R when the tube breaks or is crushed.
If it does not locked easily, turn the handle s l i g h t l y c l o c k w i s e o r counterclockwise; then, push it until the orange colored line is no longer visible.
Filtration rating has to be 5m or smaller. 3(R) Model VHS2500 VHS3500 VHS4500 VHS5500 A 60 78 85 136 B 20 29 32 56 C 12.8 12.8 12.6 32 D 40 53 70 90 E 44 53 64 80 F 33 42 49 65 G 28 29 36 54 H 7.5 7.5 10 10 3.6-18
Series NCJP Dimsaians Notei Includes Mounting Nut. 0.43 No.5-40 UNC 0.56 No.10 32 UNF /6 \1/4") 0 (3!
Left flange surface Rear flange surface Right flange surface Right flange surface Left flange surface With indicator E H V I G L H A V V M A U C U Without indicator Flange side e Temperature specifications/Heater r Auto switch type Applicable flange size 25 40 50 Symbol Nil Auto switch part no.
3 H Clean Series q 11 Vacuum type q Accuracy w Size e Motor type 16 25 32 40 Nil Basic type H High precision type Symbol Type Applicable size Compatible controller/ driver 11-LEFS16 11-LEFS25 11-LEFS32 11-LEFS40 LECP6 LECP1 LECPA LECPMJ Nil Step motor (Servo/24 VDC) V V V V r Lead [mm] A Servo motor (24 VDC) V V LECA6 Symbol 11-LEFS16 11-LEFS25 11-LEFS32 11-LEFS40 A 10 12 16 20 B 5 6 8
Step Motor (Servo/24 VDC) Servo Motor (24 VDC) Electric Actuator/Slider Type Ball Screw Drive Secondary Battery Compatible 25A-LEFS Series LEFS16, 25, 32, 40 Refer to page 38 for model selection. How to Order 25A-LEFS 25 H R B 200 S 1 6N 1 q r w e t u y i o !0 !1 !
Option/Semi-standard symbol: When more than one specification is required, indicate in alphanumeric order. q Symbol Description Body size 20 40 60 30 Nil K Note 1) Without backflow function With backflow function With backflow function w + Nil N Note 2) F Note 3) Thread type Rc NPT G e + 01 02 03 04 06 10 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 Port size r + Nil B Note 5) H Note 4) a Without mounting option
with SHP, SH, H materials. 4) Source pressure rating is limited to 300psig (2.1MPa) or less. 5) PTFE seats reduce seat abrasion for flow cycle application.
Unit Manifold Valve Compact Direct Operated 3 Port Solenoid Valve Series VV061 How to Order VV061 08 40 5 H Valve stations Bracket Symbol 04 08 Stations Nil: Without bracket (2 mounting screws M2 x 27 are included.) 4 stations F: With bracket 8 stations 1/2/3 port size Symbol Port size Barb fitting (Applicable tubing 4/2.5) 40 Connector cable Nil: Without connector cable 2 one-touch fitting